FEC Commissioner Shares Best Advice For How To Make Your Vote Count: Vote Early | All In | MSNBC

“Get your absentee ballot at the soonest possible opportunity," says FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub. "If you decide to vote in person, do that early too. It will take strain off the system on Election Day.” Aired on 09/07/2020.
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FEC Commissioner Shares Best Advice For How To Make Your Vote Count: Vote Early | All In | MSNBC


    1. @CrossCynical the union leader supported Biden, and it certainly doesn’t help the argument that Biden is using Mail in votes, does it?

    2. What if I go vote in person and they tell me I can’t because I’m marked down as already voted by mail when I didn’t…..


  1. Go to your county recorders office. It is always a polling place. They are always ready. They can verify your registration. They often have several offices. They are always staffed. They never turn away a ballot. They never turn away a voter who gets there BEFORE polls close. I know because I worked at one for years.

    1. Ash Roskell Laughable. You do that. Your vote won’t be counted by the deadline. You’ll send the presidency decision to the house where Trump will be elected again.

    2. @DK x Mace
      I vote in a state that has an all mail in system. The balllot is tracked through the USPS system. We’re able to track it online like registered mail and confirmation is received when it enters the system and when it is delivered. We can also drop off our ballots.

    3. @Ms Linda
      I can drop mine off directly to the county office, which is close to where I live. I’m out of town now, so I get my ballot mailed to me here and can track it online.

    1. @jeck jeck really cause we see are clowns like yourself running around destroying it. Bunch of losers need to eat lead. You are a buffoon

    2. Forcing and violence is never okay.
      Given the chance, communities will always defended themselves.
      At the moment, nobody is interested to protect nothing because government takes the choice away.

    3. @Ms Linda No, that is not allowed in Florida. We can track it, however. I also plan to photograph it before I send it in. If it has not reached the elections office on election day, I can verify that through the tracking system, show up at the polls and fill out a provisional ballot, and if my mail-in is “lost” or does not arrive in time, my provisional ballot will count as my vote. I would prefer not to go a crowded space like a polling station, so I will opt for the mail-in plan as my first choice.

    1. @hidden4 time Its odd how they want to hurt themselves in terms of high taxes if Biden wins 😂 😂 😂. they will do anything regardless

    1. @Markus Rother First off, it’s the left who is blocking all the bills, that’s why we haven’t received another relief check. Secondly, it’s the left who is trying to steal this election with mail in voting. If you can’t see this you’re either too brainwashed or too dumb to understand what’s happening.

    2. @Ms Linda Funny, because in virtually all comments I’ve ever seen, rational people give thoughtful opinions and make decently supported claims, then anti-Trump people on the left respond by name calling and contributing nothing of substance.
      I do love watching you try to flip the script through, it’s something the left does really well, guess it’s easy when you have no interest in integrity.
      Some common name calling from the left includes “Trumpers”, “Trumpsters”, “Trumpanzees”, “Trumpets”. I’d love to hear examples of name calling from us, if you have any. And no, “leftist” isn’t name calling.
      Please try to keep your reply somewhat based in reality. I know, it’s really hard for you guys, but just try, ok?

    3. @mysteryman2024 How can the Democrats block a bill which they themselves has written and brought to the floor? The Reps control the Senate, the White House and the SC – 2 1/2 of the 3 branches of government! And still you are pretending that Democrats are the ones in charge! They are not.
      And still it’s true despite your spinning: There was enough money for the election in the house bill. And it was purposefully blocked by Moscow Mitch.
      And, btw, you want to see some namecalling and insulting by a republican? Have you ever seen the twitter feed of your republican president? Or listened to one of his speeches? Or when he’s talking to reporters who don’t praise him like the submissive underlings and bootlickers at fox?

    1. That’s disinformation. The easiest and safest way to vote is to use a drop box. Mail is equally good as long as you’re in a state that allows postmarks up to election day. If not, vote early if you can. Nothing wrong with voting in person either but it’s definitely not the only option! If you need to vote in person and have trouble, at least cast a provisional ballot. It’s your right as an American to do that, and if the count is close, provisional ballots can make the difference. Also the vast majority of mailed-in ballots will NOT be delayed.

    2. You mean Trump, it’s not the media, the things that come out of Trumps mouth are on live TV or his constant tweeting and can be proven

    1. Nuka Cola lollll omg, you’re triggered . I’m making a joke about the dudes account name. Look up David Taylor deposition. Not even talking about voting.

    1. I see this is the new tactic of the bots and trolls to scare people away from voting at all, since many states have made voting in person very difficult for some people.

      The easiest and safest way to vote is to use a drop box. Mail is equally good as long as you’re in a state that allows postmarks up to election day. If not, vote early if you can. Nothing wrong with voting in person either but it’s definitely not the only option! If you need to vote in person and have trouble, at least cast a provisional ballot. It’s your right as an American to do that, and if the count is close, provisional ballots can make the difference. Also the vast majority of mailed-in ballots will NOT be delayed.

    2. @S R If you can’t see that Trump is a terrible person, an awful leader, and actually a really bad businessman as well than I think it’s you who’s being controlled. He lacks EVERYTHING he would need to be a competent president.

    1. @syd bohne My dad always said that’s why doctors call it a ”practice”, they’re still ”practicing” ON YOU, lol.

    1. Remember when the leftists told us if your skin is brown then you’re too stupid to acquire a valid ID to vote and that it’s racist. Talk about low expectations 🤡

    2. The easiest and safest way to vote is to use a drop box. Mail is equally good as long as you’re in a state that allows postmarks up to election day. If not, vote early if you can. Nothing wrong with voting in person either but it’s definitely not the only option! If you need to vote in person and have trouble, at least cast a provisional ballot. It’s your right as an American to do that, and if the count is close, provisional ballots can make the difference. Also the vast majority of mailed-in ballots will NOT be delayed.

    1. @GlennC777 lucky you as ive said ive lost 3 in about a year my point is mileage varies and lost packages aren’t anything new they literally have a page for it

    2. @Underground Frenchy
      You must be a communist then:/ *Only large scale organized voter fraud for past 30 years was done by GOP:)*

    3. IT DOESN’T MATTER !!! The Electoral College vote is what determines the presidential winner. Ask Al Gore or Hilary Clinton, because they won the popular vote by the people but the Electoral College voted for George Bush and Donald Trump so your vote really doesn’t count. The media doesn’t report on this sad truth.

    1. That’s disinformation. The easiest and safest way to vote is to use a drop box. Mail is equally good as long as you’re in a state that allows postmarks up to election day. If not, vote early if you can. Nothing wrong with voting in person either but it’s definitely not the only option! If you need to vote in person and have trouble, at least cast a provisional ballot. It’s your right as an American to do that, and if the count is close, provisional ballots can make the difference. Also the vast majority of mailed-in ballots will NOT be delayed.

    1. @mysteryman2024 Yes and there are 78 or 79 genders now, but who’s counting. I just want to be a cat, I hope Joe Biden can do that for me, after he takes all the rich people’s money and gives it to me for my ”species change” operation…

    2. Glad that you thought through all your comments, especially the person who thinks “cat” is a human gender. You people don’t even care anymore, do you? Sheesh.

    3. @Frank Herlinger It was called ”humor”, perhaps you should find a sense of humor, they’re nice to have.

  2. Dr. Fauchi said it’s safe to vote in person. Wear a mask, bring your own pen, and if you want to be extra protected wear gloves.

    1. @ApkTheCrazyOne Me too but now that problem is well known and can be dealt with, whereas the bots and trolls are now using it to imply that voting by mail won’t count, pushing people back to the problematic process of voting in person, which many states are making very hard, not to mention pandemic complications, with the intended result that some people just won’t bother. Just encourage everybody to vote, and encourage them to understand their state’s process and decide in advance what’s best, and don’t fall for propaganda, it’s everywhere.

    2. @GlennC777 I mean the same could be said that left wing media activists are saying that it’s simply not safe to vote in person ignoring all the experts they’ve been proping up throughout this pandemic. The concerns of domestic interference is a extremely valid concern given the state to state mail in voter fraud we’ve seen. Not saying that people shouldn’t vote but at the same time we need to hold these ballot harvesters accountable and make sure that every vote is safe and counted.

    3. @ApkTheCrazyOne Ballot harvesters? You just pegged my BS meter there I’m afraid. There are serious problems with voting in person, and it’s the media’s job to point that out. There are also problems with the mail, ditto. Each person should consider their options and just make sure they vote. If eligible voter votes, we will be rid of our failure of a president.

    1. The easiest and safest way to vote is to use a drop box. Mail is equally good as long as you’re in a state that allows postmarks up to election day. If not, vote early if you can. Nothing wrong with voting in person either but it’s definitely not the only option! If you need to vote in person and have trouble, at least cast a provisional ballot. It’s your right as an American to do that, and if the count is close, provisional ballots can make the difference. Also the vast majority of mailed-in ballots will NOT be delayed.

    2. @J N Yes. Whereas the bots don’t have to, they just say the same misleading thing from a hundred different accounts.

    1. Your dog can’t vote. If he tried, he wouldn’t be issued a ballot. If he attempted to use somebody else’s ballot, his signature wouldn’t match. If he somehow succeeded, he would be subject to imprisonment in dog jail. Fortunately, this sequence of logical difficulties means almost no “fake” votes are actually cast in American elections.

    2. As long as your dog votes democrat, they’ll definitely allow it. But if your dog refuses to parrot the mantra of the narrative and dares to think for himself, then definitely no. Also in that case your dog is a racist, and a white nationalist, and a Nazi. Nazi dog!
      This is literally a perfect description of the thinking of left.

    3. @mysteryman2024 No that’s the caricature of the thinking of the left that has deluded the right for decades now. The right has literally rejected every actual source of expertise, leaving blank minds easily filled with anything.

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