CTV News Ottawa provides special coverage as police reclaim the parliamentary precinct after being occupied by protesters for weeks.
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Lol who the f is assaulting who??????????????
Ignorance is powerful
Thank you for sharing information & video that the lady is alive & although injured doing well.
Just because she lived dose not mean it was ok to do. Attempting murder is a crime, even when police do it.
There will be reviews of use of illegal force from the police and government too.
Rubber bullets now used.
Assaulted bheaviour against officers ????
It’s night in Ottawa. When was this coverage actually live? Mid afternoon?
Extremely UNauthentic reporting of what happened!
you are so brave and courageous
“Give an authentic version of what’s happening”. Maybe if he followed his own words, he wouldn’t be spat at….
Right on! Spitting is always a great way to get your point across!
I’m not sure that using horses to charge at crowds is a “safe and methodical” approach…
Stop the mandates
Trudeau should have just talked to them. it would have cost a lot less, and nobody would have been body checked by a horse.
Talked to them about what exactly? PROVINCIAL mandates (ie. not federally decided) that are already being loosened here in Ontario? Or the science behind the mandate recommendations which come from virologists/epidemiologists who actually know what they’re talking about? There’s nothing for him to say to them.
@Leah Archambault well said. I don’t think there are many minds to be changed in the occupation
@Leah Archambault true, talk.about.what. They.insist.on.talking, but.talking.about.what!!!!
The crowd is fluid and motivated. They can gather anytime anywhere. Almost impossible to stop and spreading across Canada. The government continues to pour oil on a fire they have already lost control of. Time to try listening and negotiating if it’s not already too late
@Angela Siegfried so Canada has never negotiated with Al-Qaeda?
Please don’t grasp dumb reasoning.
@Angela Siegfried OMAR KADAR you twit!
@Angela Siegfried how is kadr doing 10million?
@Angela Siegfried k
We will remember that next time our party is in control
You have cameras it would be nice to see all those threat you got that forced you to move many times during the day.
If it was true you would be showing these images 24/7
100%. They have 0 proof! Instead there is lots of proof of their unnecessary and aggressive behavior
Please stop getting in the faces of protesters and report the peaceful protest accurately …
A leader that won’t listen to his own. Shameful.
Yeah, special coverage. That’s what Justin Castreau would call it.
The only ‘assaultive behaviour’ I saw was by the Police towards the peaceful demonstrators.
These protesters.sbould.be.harmed.
We shouldn’t and nor should our children be afraid to disagree with the norm. This government is walking a fine line with all Canadians per our charter of rights.
Hopefully we can all move forward now in peace and unity. Now that law and order is being restored. Let’s get our economy up and running again!!!