Former solicitor general under President Obama, Neal Katyal discusses Robert Mueller’s upcoming testimony and the DOJ’s attempt to keep him quiet. Katyal also notes how Trump’s growing number of legal losses are causing him to make emergency appeals to the Supreme Court at a historic rate.
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Fearing His Testimony, Trump AG Barr Tries To “Gag” Mueller | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
If said it once, I’ll say it again….

The only reason Barr got this job was because he told t’rump he would do exactly what he’s doing….
Protect a corrupt president over protecting the rule of law.
And anyone with a brain can see that. Looking at you, t’rump supporters!
Ro G The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
Ramon Nadales
“Anyone with a brain”, “I’m looking at you Trump supporters”.
There’s your problem right there
@Kevin Thompson I am sure there’s the making of at least one brain, if you combined all the brain cells of Trumps base.
If Mueller is the man of integrity that we all believe – then he can’t allow himself to adhere to the boundaries set by a corrupt AG.
He is no longer a DOJ employee, after all.
Unruly Simian: From your mouth to God’s ear!
Thats right.
Mueller is FBI to the core and by the rules. He will only talk only about facts in his report, nothing outside his report. Good thing he listed 10 examples of obstruction in his volume two. Gotta focus on stuff like that. The facts he found.
The Trump Mafia Administration’s Hijacking of America Continues……
JUST ME The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
@J walsh Nah, it’s going to be 8 years of liberal tears lol.
john smith
Check you’re math, you’re way off.
john smith
Stupid NAZI.
@JordanLeeDean that goes to show how ignorant some people are about history and different kinds of governments.
Trump has probably sent his two most loyal sycophants, Nunes and Jordan a list of questions to ask Mueller like: why don’t you like President Trump? Why are you so unfair and unfriendly to him?
@capatga loved what M. Cohen did to him ( Jordan) at the hearing.
@Shirley Brown He’s so easy .
Nunes and or Jordan are going to paint Mueller as unpatriotic, for not writing a single page report (so that trump can read it) saying : “No collusion, no obstruction, total with hunch”
(And if Mueller doesn’t like it, he can go back to where he came from)
David J The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
This is not a presidency. This is a pandemonium.
And edging toward dictatorship.
A group of parrots? A group of parrots is called a pandemonium.
Even Ripley’s wouldn’t believe this!
susub75 The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
Barr has to be punished for lying to the American People about the conclusions in the Mueller Report for those who have read it and for pandering to the whims of Individual #1-SDNY. What are the Dems waiting for?
Perhaps you haven’t heard. SDNY is over. Try again.
@L Howry They had an impeachment vote in the house last week. 92 for impeachment and 333 against. What does that tell you?
@Ronnell Littlejohn there is sufficient evidence but the Senate will do nothing and the ignorant base is growing .
@angela bluebird60 there is enough, they wont let people testify
Barr is Trump’s lapdog. He is supposed to be the US AG, but is actually Trump’s personal attorney. But Mueller is a by the book type of man.
He’ll stick to the report and that is enough. If there is no collusion or obstruction, what are Trump and Barr concerned about?? They’re confer because they know Barr lied about his review of the report. Now Mueller will expose the wrongdoings the the American public.
Also, be concerned about Barr unrecusing himself from the Epstein case. He will probably try to get a look-see at what evidence the prosecution has, insert his opinion on what to ask Epstein, etc. Barr’s family has known Epstein for years. For that reason alone, he should be recused from this case. But Trump found out he recused, and had him unrecuse. Trump is concerned about that evidence with possible pics of himself with girls.
With Mueller’s testimony as ammo, the Dem’s may be able to go for a twofer – impeach Barr as well as Trump.
Trumpocalypse I LIKE THAT IDEA
byroncjohnston1 please don’t do that – it’s hard to get anything done when this administration is CONSTANTLY STONEWALLING THEM !
byroncjohnston1 I think that’s what Nancy wants. A low turn out. And why you must ask.
@byroncjohnston1 The Democrats have passed over 200 legislations since January & Pelosi has blocked most of Trump’s major half-baked ideas ….They can walk & chew gum @ the same time. So things aren’t moving as fast as you expected, so what? It’s not their fault the Trump administration is ignoring the subpoenas & forcing a court battle…also called slow walking. Quit being a whiny snowflake. Just go ahead & stay home…you probably did the same in 2016 & 2018. The sole objective should be to make Trump a one terms president at all cost. Whiners like you are the creators of the circular firing squad or the ones who pouts because their candidate did not get the nomination. The Dems need to learn to fall in line, not in love & show some freaking discipline & support whomever is nominated. It’s ONLY about winning considering what’s at stake. Trump supporters won’t be staying home on election day because winning is all they care about. Like the Clown said: “I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave. & not lose any support”. Toughen-up, cupcake.
The ‘banana wing’ of the Republican Party. (spot-on in so many ways)
@wickednwyld lets hope theres a variety of fusarium that will deal with that sort of politician.
@Angry Bushnell

“WING”????? it’s the entire entity.
Gohmert and such…indeed.
GOD…Don’t you just love Neal Katyal ..! big game he has.
Marius M The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
I adore Neal Katyal !
Except for the fact that he is the one who wrote the special counsel rule that gave the President and his appointees (AG) complete control of the results – as opposed to Ken Starr as an independent counsel that was not beholden to Clinton admin – never understood that AT ALL.
If tRUMP has nothing to hide, then why is he so desperate to gag everyone who testifies?? That question is rhetorical, of course.
@Ramon Nadales Lincoln, Jackson, and Kennedy the only 3 presidents to be killed fighting international bankers. 1st. Lincoln was assasinated because John Wilkes Booth wanted the confederacy to continue. The Secretary of State Seward and VP Andrew Jackson were also supposed to be assassinated. Those attempts failed. Jackson died of heart failure at age 78. Seward died in 1872 at the age of 71 at his home in Auburn NY. I didn’t research Kennedy because I was alive and watched it all on tv.
The Federal Reserve was not established until December 1913 so if you are connecting Lincoln and Jackson to The Fed, its pretty moot. Andrew Jackson was the only President to completely pay off the national debt, and that was after all the expense of the civil war.
Don’t believe that I agree with what you’ve written; however, I do agree that greed makes the world go ’round
Joan Wood yes the federal reserve is after 1913 but the international bankers they be here many years before
We all knew they were going to try and stop Mueller from testifying. That they would try and obstruct justice.
kurushiiv Oh please- DEMONcrats stop your stupidity and get deliverance from your Narcissistic Personality Disorder- we are tired of your Projecting and Gaslighting rubbish

Most Stupid Nonsense Bias Clown news channel

@Adam Bender
Don’t forget to look at the Mueller testimony Wednesday. You might learn something.
why does the gop subvert democratic rule? because it works! vote the gop out.
@Robert Lavelle if u some help with the most basic of American society and government. Reading is always a good place start.
@B spearbach I do believe Mr. Robert Lavelle was being facetious.
B spearbach The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
@PrisonKilljoy oppps … I beg ur pardon and apologize to Mr Lavelle for my negative interpretation. Thank you …
I would love to see Nunes and Jordan really have to face-off with Mueller!!!!! Blood sport, anyone! Dumb and Dumber versus Superman.
I have yet to see Jordan ask a real question. He spends all his time yelling political conspiracies, blaming Dems for this and that and trying to impeach the witnesses. (Ad hominem, the argument of someone who knows he’s lost the fight.)
That would be great. Muller is the stable genius.
brenda mcdonall The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
Yes Nunes and Mueller VS Jim Jorden will be Dumb and Dumber versus Superman.
@Gunner DJ Get it right now don’t get it twisted. Thats (Muller) superman ( Nunes and Jordan) dumb and dumber.
The Department of Justice has become a toilet smeared with a huge, steaming Barr….
Well said
Rock Nouveau The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
@Ramon Nadales Poor grammar is difficult to follow.
@Ramon Nadales your tin foil hat is skew, please straighten it?
America this is NOT normal!!!! The AG telling Special Counselor what he can and can not say Mueller knows the law and he doesn’t need reminders from Barr!!!!
@the bub i believe that u are right.
@the bub yet it was Mueller himself who stressed to Barr in person that DOJ policy had nothing to do with not indicting Trump. Barr already testified to this in front of Congress without being challenged by house members. Mueller contradicts his own report which stands out for it’s duality in written form as well as the verbal explanations and assurances given by the author to his superior at the time.
@ako tairi not anymore
@ako tairi Mueller’s contract is up. The AG is no longer his boss.
America please don’t stay home VOTE Blue in 2020!!!!!!
@Larry Smith jr
True he’s a racist. But he’ll win again. Maybe the Democrats will learn how to play the game much better in 2024.
Gwen30 The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
Joe Biden held a surprise rally in a take out last week. Everybody there thought it was Bob Barker.
“I’m a convicted felon
Robert Mueller needs to ignore the DOJ order. Why not. Trump and Barr have ignored all of Congresses orders!
Barr & Mueller are very good friends. So I’m not so sure I trust him.
@Niccole A they are very good friends. Barr is stupid and Muller is not.
Arthur Radtke The Congress doesn’t want you to know this. They stay silent for fear of the international bankers Rothschild, partners and colleagues from Europe’s crown (global epicenter of robbery) . The assault to USA since 1913.
Trump (puppet) at the service of internacional bankers owners of the federal reserve ( private bank that doesnot belong to the nation). The word federal is to make citizens believe that it belongs to the government. But the Federal Reserve is a parasite stuck to the government.
No one else will manipulate the us goverment, Trump said. But the Federal Reserve continues to make billion s of dollars for their benefit , to make the money of the nation with interests (US debt) and they collect the IRS incomes for that. See us debt.
Lincoln, Jackson and Kennedy(3) the only presidents who have faced the international bankers where killed.
Kennedy took away from FED the power to make the money but killed him, The treasure of the nation(amendment 11110) made only 4 millians dollars. Because the Federal Reserve took control of the money one day after Kennedy’s death. The Kennedy’s mistake was to underestimate how dangerous the international bankers are.
Trump appointed a Rothschild employee for 20 years, as Secretary of Commerce.
The trump economic cabinet is made up of men from goldman sachs,and Rothschild . Trump was saved from bankruptcy by Rothschilds (look atlanta casinos ).
an unselected group of bankers is in complete control of all meaningful economic outcomes, trump promised an audit to fed but did nothing ( only hidden audits) ,they never pay tax . (IRS) foreign private corp, army of the fed reserve it’s main goal is to make sure the american people pay their tax and be a good slaves.
the real menace of owr country is the invisible gov which like a giant octopus sprawls its legs over our cities states and nation(john f hylan)
. Obama ( another puppet) 2013 signed for the Federal reserve to make the nation’s money another hundred years.
trump the psychopat and sickbrain selected by the owners from usa ,he is non in jail because the protection of Rothschild and thugs
Well that might be because Congress doesnt have the authority to order the executive branch to do anything.
Mueller is FBI to the core. He will only talk about the facts in his report, nothing outside his report. Good things he listed 10 examples of obstruction in two volume. Gotta focus on that. Facts that mueller found and Barr can’t argue against
It’s hero time, Bob. Are you going to speak openly or follow the rules that are being imposed to shut you up? How will history remember you on your D. Day?
‘Banana wing of the Republican party’ – priceless.
When I hear Neal Katyal speak, I feel very comforted!…He is the voice when it comes to legalities!…Thank You, Sir!..