FDA commissioner’s advice on taking the vaccine if you have allergies

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn spoke to CNN's Jake Tapper about Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine as the first batch was shipped out across the US. Hahn advised Americans with allergies to read the vaccine's product labeling on the FDA's website to check for any components that might cause an allergic reaction.


  1. The amount of disinformation and dishonesty and the fact that McConnell basically demanding that no accountability for pharmaceutical companies if the vaccine turns out to be like another Cutter incident is troubling, imo. .

    1. Trump used emergency authorization order to take all liability off of bug Pharma to prevent them from being sued. Who’s dumb enough to get the vaccine?

    2. Plus no long term animal or human trials, that’s concerning. News updates for Dec. 13, 2020. 1) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews author and patent investigator David Martin (video interview)https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/truth-rfk-jr-david-martin-fauci-moderna-vaccine/
      2. a) List of China Communist Party members embedded within multinational corporations: (Written article)https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/12/13/list-of-ccp-members-embedded-within-multinational-organizations-is-released/

      2.b) Federal Register written declaration: Addressing the threat from Securities Investments that finance Communist Chinese military companies

      3) Bill Gates deleted documentary: Since investing in vaccines “there’s been more than a twenty to one return”:

      4. a) Globalists want to run the world with themselves in power. They sugar-coat it as ‘the Great RESET’:

      4. b) Twenty links regarding the Globalist ‘RESET’ which Trudeau and co. is enacting at this very moment:

      4.c) Alberta Premier Jason Kenny rejects “The Great RESET”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48CYo90gWU4&fbclid=IwAR3JcNkqlyRNlfqSWANWDlfgUmWuBtNhIX0I7gDAWgyQKdJ6eZJwFm_YImo

      5.a)Epoch Times: Sebastian Gorka at Washington rally: “If we don’t stop the theft of this election, then we will never ever have a free and transparent election again in America”: https://www.theepochtimes.com/sebastian-gorka-at-washington-rally-this-is-a-political-and-moral-battle_3615679.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-12-4

      5.b)Attorney Sidney Powell to Supreme Court: “Conversely, closing down any inquiry into the merits of the unconstitutional and illegal conduct in this election would be a slap in the face to many millions of Americans who believe it was a stolen election. Our common bonds require answers on the merits, not procedural evasion.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/powell-asks-supreme-court-to-immediately-order-states-to-decertify-election-results_3616170.html?utm_source=morningbrief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mb-2020-12-13

      5.c)Supreme courts weren’t interested in the eyewitness testimonies or the merits of the election balloting countring fraud cases:

      6) Take a peek at how the POTUS is received at the Army/Navy games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEoLwE8CnO0

    1. Trump got his way Trump preapproved the vaccine prior to the actual health departments guaranteeing it was safe

    1. Any allergy and the vaccine can kill ! 126 traitors to America who deserve a traitors punishment for trying to destroy our democracy and republic !Georgia republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided already , maybe vote for the winning president and winning team the democrats , or maybe don’t vote because the elections had already been decided republicans lost everything 😁🇺🇸 Black Lives Matter ✊🏾 Report: The White House Threatens to Fire FDA Chief If He Doesn’t Approve the Pfizer Vaccine Today. !!!!!! I’m not trusting the Trump approved GMO DNA editing vaccines, These GMO vaccines could make you sterile i.e. no more kids for males and females and other unknown side effects from editing human DNA, humans are not GMO and never should be

    2. Yes. Want to prevent getting Covid without getting a vaccine?
      Here’s how ➡https://instylepieces.com/wellness/25-smart-watch-epidemic-prevention-body-temperature-blood-pressure-measures-oxygen-levels-ecg-heart-rate

    3. Talk to your own doctor first!

      If that is impossible, you should eait for clearance from the CDC.
      He can’t say it but you and others can get the developement from the british NHS thru their wedsite.
      EU website is also in english, that one you can tell people with any europran languages about bc all languages are on it, with links to every countries CDC

  2. Yeah lol we can always trust them to keep their promises and offer valid data. Big pharma, Government, and the media never lied. Lol right

    1. But Joe Biden said vaccines are good.

      What? Are you an anti vaxxer that thinks Joseph Robinette Biden would LIE?!?!

    1. He is afraid to lose his job . 126 traitors to America who deserve a traitors punishment for trying to destroy our democracy and republic !Georgia republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? The election 🗳 has been decided already , maybe vote for the winning president and winning team the democrats , or maybe don’t vote because the elections had already been decided republicans lost everything 😁🇺🇸 Black Lives Matter ✊🏾 Report: The White House Threatens to Fire FDA Chief If He Doesn’t Approve the Pfizer Vaccine Today. !!!!!! I’m not trusting the Trump approved GMO DNA editing vaccines, These GMO vaccines could make you sterile i.e. no more kids for males and females and other unknown side effects from editing human DNA, humans are not GMO and never should be

    2. How you antivaxxers sound to the rest of us.

      “I once almost choked to death while I was eating food. I did my own research and discovered that I am not alone. Thousands of people choke every year while eating, and hundreds of those people die. That’s why I don’t feed my kids. Its dangerous. Now plenty of people will point out that food supposedly “prevents starvation” and that might be true, but it’s not fair to completely ignore all the dangers of food posses, like choking, allergies, gingivitis and garlic breath. I’m just saying, do your own research and decide what you think is best for your kids. If you choose to give your kids potentially deadly food, that’s your problem, but as a parent, I don’t think the government has any right to tell me that I need to feed my kids.”

  3. I am SEVERELY allergic to penicillin, (all cillins), codeine, dilaudid, sulpha, and zomax. I am on ZERO meds and I’m not starting now.

    1. @William Collins China flu? Never heard of it. You sure that wasn’t The Mediterranean flu? That went around a few years ago but I thought the flu shot took care of that. You did get the flu shot right?

    2. @William Collins And there is no such thing as the China flu. No one cares what colour you are, that is not the issue. You did not have the “China flu”. However how do you know what kind of “flu” you had?

    3. @GTBreezzy Games Because it has been used in a derogatory fashion, to the point that American citizens have harassed and threatened other American citizens because they look Chinese and are seriously blaming them for the virus. That’s why words matter. Because some people don’t have enough brain cells not to act on their fantasies. And yes I’m talking about trump and his use of derogatory terms. It’s not so funny if it happens to you, your children or other members of your family. It is a virus from the Corona family of RNA viruses. It could’ve started anywhere in the world. Would you appreciate it more if it started in the US and it was the American flu? Could happen. This Corona virus has caused SARS, MERS and the latest Covid-19. It would not be offensive to call it China flu if it wasn’t backed by threats and harassment.

    1. He comes across as insincere. Also annoying that he begins every single answer with a pause followed by a LOUD tsk! (that sucking sound you make between your tongue and the roof of your mouth). To me, that’s similar to rolling one’s eyes or sighing audibly. It’s something teenage girls do to signal their dissatifaction nonverbally.

    1. Me too. My son got polio from a bad vaccine the government left out there for its citizens to be injected with because it was too expensive to recall. It took a team of lawyers and 10 years to get the government to release the files. Do I believe them and the pharm labs? No.

  4. He looks like he hasn’t gotten sleep in DAYS! I guess all that threatening and pressure is a bit too MUCH.😳 Approve or resign. When does the bullying end?!!!

    1. @santa fe, bantayan island life Obviously, you are well-read, for I had prepared to post something … well, … basically the same thing. So, where are YOU going with this extraordinary information? I believe that Trudeau has sold out his own people due to the same reason America has their own … they just don’t like him. Although some may give a significant reason at times, they never actually substantiate their claim(s). I’m all for a good argument, but it seems to ring true that to have a battle of wits, … yes indeed, it’s essential that both parties must be armed.

    2. @Cornfused Atbest just current usual events . Now canada pairing up with the world’s largest sadistic communist government ? Events that are news worthy but are ignored by fake news . Add our own politicians in both parties selling out americans to china’s interest . And the now not so secrete push for a one world government .
      The preferred political term ” new world order ” coupled with a world wide house arrest of every person on the planet over a flu with a recovery rate of 99.96 percent . And a desire to force everyone to take a vaccination they don’t need and bill gates on video stating he wants a chip to be included . To verify a person has it or no travel .
      None of this is normal or good .
      Where it’s going . I’m sure . When or how long before it takes place .
      IDK .

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