The FBI is vetting all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into D.C. for the inauguration due to fears of an insider attack. Meanwhile, New Yorker footage shows new images of the chaos during the Capitol siege. Aired on 01/18/2021.
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#FBI #CapitolSiege #MSNBC
FBI Vetting Guard Troops; New Footage Goes Inside Capitol Siege | Morning Joe | MSNBC
They’ll all have an online footprint. Trumpists are not subtle people
@Dregoth Dread Of course. What did they think would happen? Not to mention, all around DC and inside/outside the Capitol building itself, there are cameras that record the cameras that record the cameras recording every square foot of the premises. Just morons.
all should be arrested, so look below, let’s make some arrests.
Adam Schiff says he never took a bribe and owns zero Burisma Stock, but all you have to do is look at his public tax statement.
He owns millions in Ukraine Burisma stock. Franklin, Templeton, Ishares, run by Obama’s Buddy.
Timeline of Events showing the FBI help rig the election and Lie to America! (Updated 12/20)
Declassified – Head of FBI knowingly used the fake dossier to frame Trump and Lie to America! (Updated 12/20)
Criminal Evidence on Biden’s. Money Laundering, Theft, Bribes, (09/20) Start on page 68
Released by Homeland Security and the US Senate in late 2020.
@R. McBride ye exactly:)
So you drag the National Guard troops from their home to protect snobby politicians at a Zoom inauguration pay them $250 per month. Got them standing in areas no one is at and sleeping on the floor. Then accuse them of being radicalized with no evidence. SHAME SHAME SHAME if I were them I’m crying covid-19 symptoms send me home.
@Eric Thomas Good job they’re not you, Eric
Just because you try to rob a bank and fail doesn’t mean you’re not guilty of bank robbery.
@eccedentesiast They’re #1 supporter and the man who sent them, told everyone that what happened was wrong, violent and unlawful on TV. But we can’t get one of his supporters to call a spade, a spade (joker has been played…. Trump card). If they don’t agree with him about that, means they know he lied when he said it.
@ken g I was amusing myself with the humours I see expressed in the Donald Trump, brought to the level of satire.
That’s how I’ve seen him, making blatantly contradictory statements. It’s like getting wind that there are persons breaching the capitol, some of whom are moving down there as you told them to go down there, and your Lawyer concludes your rally shortly after hearing about this with the phrase “trial by combat.”
Then going on media and trying to blame ANTIFA. That’s what I was getting at by talking about cash getting it, having it transferred and (to take it further) denying the bank (account) even exists!
“How could I rob a bank that’s gone bankrupt. That doesn’t make sense folks, how can a business that’s gone out of business give me the business? Who knows what these lunatics are thinking. If they gave me the business it wouldn’t have been robbed every body knows that. Every body knows you don’t steal from us, espcially me! Let’s march down to the court house and cheer our jury on with a trial by combat. We don’t need to help the strong ones they know what to do!
What they’re doing is illegal the whole system is corrupt! Let’s go make sure justice is upheld and never back down!”
This is that very buzz I was aiming to get a laugh out of. Because it’s absurd, absolutely absurd and yet here we are. With a bank looted and nearly razed and the courts being attacked by the very persons who just lost so much in the treasurey that was just looted.
@Eli Henley Yay my satire piece was effective!
@Ralph Boyd There is conspiracy to commit bank extortion. The man who held a family hostage to force a man to help them rob a bank was charged with that along with 22 other charges.
@Valkjosandi Just imagine how packed those court rooms across the country will be.
All should be charge with atleast DOMESTIC TERRORISM.
@R. McBride Portland antifa shot a trump supporter… Chicago blm ambushed a woman who said all lives matter… More black people died from antifa police patrols in the chaz than the entire previous year of police brutality…
yes, dems are exactly 100% just like Nazi Germans, exactly the same! brainwashed dumb sheep.
Adam Schiff says he never took a bribe and owns zero Burisma Stock, but all you have to do is look at his public tax statement.
He owns millions in Ukraine Burisma stock. Franklin, Templeton, Ishares, run by Obama’s Buddy.
Timeline of Events showing the FBI help rig the election and Lie to America! (Updated 12/20)
Declassified – Head of FBI knowingly used the fake dossier to frame Trump and Lie to America! (Updated 12/20)
Criminal Evidence on Biden’s. Money Laundering, Theft, Bribes, (09/20) Start on page 68
Released by Homeland Security and the US Senate in late 2020.
Yeisen Achitel -yeah, if that was even true, they never stormed a Federal building and killed cops, with real proof and not some fake banned information on Twittwr
762-yeah if u can show me footage of their leader telling them to March down a specific street… that would almost be equal to what happened
@762 Give it up traitor
“While we’re here, we might as well set up a government.” That’s treason, Kleetus.
@Peter T, Are you blind? Here’s the “evidence” of treason committed by Traitor Trump. Everything he’s done benefits Russia and hurts the US.
Trump was installed as President by Russia to divide and conquer from within. And it worked. Still to this day, Trump won’t denounce Putin or criticize him in any way. Even after Russia hacked into our systems, Trump said, “It might be China..” He’s the ONLY one who denies it was Russia.
The Russians were sanctioning the killing of our troops and Trump said and did nothing. This isn’t rocket science. Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch money for decades. This is a well-known fact. And this is all the leverage Russia needed to keep Donny in line. Besides, his insatiable greed knows no loyalty to country. Trump will take money no matter where it comes from. The Russians had their mark.
And look how it turned out? The U.S. is now weaker than its ever been. Our reputation around the globe is destroyed. Putin is laughing. All too easy to destroy America as long as you install a traitor as President. By definition, Trump is a traitor. Aiding and abetting a foreign adversary to the detriment of your own country during a declared war. But when that was written, there were no computers. Cyber war is the war we are in right now and nobody “declares” war anymore. So the definition of treason has changed with the times and this makes Trump the biggest traitor our nation has ever been victimized by. My only question is, how is Trump still alive? That’s very suspicious.
Treason is how the country was founded.
Kleetus and his Ku Klux Koffee Klatch.
I don’t have cable tv so always fishing for info regarding the riot in Our Capitol. Has any one person been charged with domestic terrorism yet? Actual charges. No hand spanking, serious charges meant for serious acts. I keep waiting for this to take place, in hope…
@Idris Surana I remember when the Taliban took over in Afghanistan, it was likened to as if a bunch of Hillbillies from the Ozarks had come down and took over Washington. Of course, at the time, it seemed ludicrous. The US was, after all, a civilized modern country. Right?
Trump left the light on for far too long, the cockroaches became comfortable.
Fascists are just like racists, they never think they are what they are.
Because they only hang around folks that share their warped reality.
Both categories normally go hand-in-hand.
Hence the “F Antifa” chants outside while trying to establish a dictatorship
When America sends their people to the Capitol, they don’t send their best . . . . . .
“Set up a government” these fools couldn’t set up a Lemonade stand
Trump could possibly be the Jester
@Willis Ryan Word!
@The Black Marvel (Re: them not knowing what object means) At that point it looked like an elementary school field trip gone haywire.
But they sure got into the capital building though didn’t they
EVERY criminal MUST be prosecuted.
It’s as simple as that.
@David Drake Go ahead you’re the idiots that want communism.
@Sonny Blakkk49 Shut up racist.
@Granny2 Levi lol no it wasnt.
@Granny2 Levi that’s funny when democrats are following hitlers plan, you failed history right.
@Lifeis Good what exactly do you think Hitler’s plan was?
They’re like cartoon characters, I didn’t know people like this actually existed…
@Landon’s Channel They do now so the choices are condemn it or condone it.
@bigheadrhino Or maybe you meant it in the ‘I pity the fool’ type of way.
You know I’ve been saying that for 5 years now? It’s totally surreal that anybody, let alone 74 million people, can fall for this con. This is what we get when we sabotage public education.
you clearly don’t live in Idaho
@AgentX idiotic comment of the day
It’s clear now…..Ted Cruz is criminal….jail him now
He should be Indicted. Honestly his odd closeness with Trump in the last couple years even now is a complete reverse from his position prior to Trump. I don’t believe Cruz is innocent, and may possibly be working with Trump on something illegal. Cruz may just fear Trump turning on him in the end when he rats everyone out.
They named him as an accomplice.
Yes Cruz need to be held accountable too.
What more proof they need
Cruz had a responsibility to lead people in the right direction but instead he helped trump inspire these people into a blind rage. He should be held accountable for that.
“Basket of deplorables” showed up, they traitors and need to be punished accordingly.
@Brian McNevin or given a fair trial and appropriate sentences. Neither is likely to happen, but you should avoid sounding like your ideological adversary in calling for vigilante justice. Reform and improve the judicial system, so profascists face stiffer penalties than black teenagers who smoke the wrong plant. Violence only foments more violence
@Saffy Chagall I’m sorry to say, but this violence is now the new norm. Both sides refuse to back down and refuse to try to understand each other. It’s not a one side problem, it is an everyone problem. Think back to the BLM and Antifa riots this past summer. As long as nobody chooses to listen to each other, this sort of thing will only escalate. People will continue to blame each other and belittle each other. The news channels are only fanning the flames by focusing solely on this stuff and crying only for the losses of their tribes. My personal advice is to either change everyone’s mind somehow, or get ready for the worst. A pot of boiling water will boil over unless someone turns off the heat.
Yep, Hillary had it right the first time.
@Vincent Baumgarten “Both sides refuse to back down and refuse to try to understand each other.” Don’t tell me that those people who are trying to deny the right of elected president to be sword as a POTUS are a group who needs to be understood. Both sides are no equals. I don’t condone violence as a way to protest. But those whoever goes around supporting a racist con man, and are bold enough to bring a F. confederate flag inside a federal building, won’t get no even one inch of sympathy from me
@Uncle Gold Thank you for quoting me to prove my point. Each side (assuming there are only two sides which there is most certainly not) is determined that they are the correct and superior side; ergo, the other side must be wrong and inferior. Forgive me if this idea is too big for the tribal mind, but what if there are good and bad ideas on both sides? That would make us all equal human beings! I guess that can’t be the case since Mr./Ms. News-Anchor says differently [Sarcasm]. I am quite tired of trying to request civility from people who are determined to either defend their tribal chief or to declare war on the chief they do not like. We do not need to perfectly agree. We just need to agree to disagree. My final word on this is that, for whomever reads this afterwards, to pay attention to what was said in this thread and discern for yourselves what aspects I may have right or wrong.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
All this for trump

@Lisa Bowden CORRECT

Yes! Thank you!

so quit calling dems, dems, they are communist nazi’s!
Adam Schiff says he never took a bribe and owns zero Burisma Stock, but all you have to do is look at his public tax statement.
He owns millions in Ukraine Burisma stock. Franklin, Templeton, Ishares, run by Obama’s Buddy.
Timeline of Events showing the FBI help rig the election and Lie to America! (Updated 12/20)
Declassified – Head of FBI knowingly used the fake dossier to frame Trump and Lie to America! (Updated 12/20)
Criminal Evidence on Biden’s. Money Laundering, Theft, Bribes, (09/20) Start on page 68
Released by Homeland Security and the US Senate in late 2020.
Consider it said, Fred.
If they hadn’t been laughably stupid, it would’ve been a massacre.
It would have been a massacre if the cops treated them like black people. They being stupid do not prevent a massacre.
@Andra Book the most dangerous kinds are not armed lions ruled by a sheep but armed sheeps ruled by a lion…. although trump is a pig who think he is a lion.
@Julian Sanchez Harris so what you’re saying is…pigs bad, but bacon good?
Ttis that
oh yes
“He was gonna sell us out all along!!” Pft, idiots.
Why do they talk like children who are apart of a secret club? You can tell by their intonation that they’re caught up in the thrill of the moment, and all higher brain functions and rationality has left the building.
Let’s not ignore “Ted Cruz is with us”….
were these criminal acts with a political agenda? then it is terrorism. MAGA is a terrorist organization.
Just because someone enlisted in the National Guard doesn’t mean they AREN’T a right-wing nutjob.
It’s almost as bad as a school shooting but more children die in school shootings. It’s these people that bust into our schools and take our babies.
Do these people think America is a Fascist Country? Is that the gripe?
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves from within.” ― Abraham Lincoln
Just a lawless mob, the professionals will have them for breakfast.