The FBI has seized the cellphone of Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., pursuant to a search warrant as part of an investigation of possible insider trading, a senior law enforcement official confirmed to NBC News. Aired on 05/14/2020.
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FBI Seizes Sen. Richard Burr's Cellphone In Probe Over Stock Sales | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The biggest criminals are walking around in politics. The biggest probably in the White House.
There are criminals on both sides of the aisle, but the biggest and baddest have an R behind their names. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. You.are as delusional as the mass murderer in chief.
@ESLworld you are stupid.
@james Givens This is what I find “Utopian” for a real Democracy:
President: One 6 year term; with eligibility to run for a subsequent 2 or 4 year term [8-10 max]. Length could be decided by an electoral college type of vote count of all the states & territories 18 months before the next election. No Campaigning, fundraising, party promoting allowed until 1 year within the next election. This way, a Pres would really have 4 full years of actual Working to be Effective [First year is learning the job]. And give We the People a much better idea of who they are, or are not.
Federal Executive Appointees of any type, including Ambassadors and Judges: 20 years max; Supreme Court Justices: 24.
For Congress Reps and Senators: Three 4 year terms, max. Elections of each House alternating every 2 years: i.e. Senators: 2020, 2024, etc. Reps. 2022, 2026, etc. Then we would have Freshmen, Junior and Senior experience, connections, ideas in place. Again, No campaigning, fund-raising, donations allowed to be accepted until within the 1 year prior to the next election date.
State Governors, down through municipalities and other Elected and appointed Officials, the Same term maxes and campaign restrictions as for Senate and House. Of course, Federal can’t dictate to states How/What/When; so they would have to “Lead by example”.
LOL, like I said, it’s an Utopian dream/ideal….
If you believe one party is worse than the other, you are part of the problem.
–That belief is how they sold you on lesser evil voting that, year after year, made war crimes official foreign policy no matter which party was in charge. You are complicit.
@BLAIR M Schirmer And, what do you suggest as solutions? I am asking seriously, not snidely.
I can’t wait to see Burr go down. He has poisoned NC long enough
He won’t be the last.
@Lana Kahl Nope ! ……….
He was quitting anyway
Tough titty P Diddy No he wasn’t!

@Above All, United
Doesn’t matter. Only politicians from other countries are held accountable by America.
Would love to finally be proven wrong – can’t see it happening while this clown is in charge.
Comey was the Prosecutor who charged Martha Stewart . I wonder if she will cook some popcorn when he has to testify in front of Congress . Maybe she should serve him some “crow” on a platter . Eat it all , Jimmy .
Only trumpers get to walk away…, scot free! There is no justice to be found in the republican nieghbourhood, only corruption and lies! All lawyers, politicians, and even the average joe (-though a bit less-) do lie but this administration takes it to a new level…, sadly!
Greetings bibia.
@bibia666 oooow. 666 badass lol
Yes take down Trump’s cohorts one by one. Great Job FBI!!!!
I don’t think that he was a tRump Republican. tRump won’t save him. He was just a regular corrupt Republican……
Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Democrat dictator Governor order
Wasnt trump calling the FBI scum two weeks ago? He says they are crooked but then uses them? Doesn’t make sense to me as he’s been ragging on FBI and CIA since he got into office.

They couldn’t falsify anything that would stick so they’ll try another tactic.
@Anne Parent If you are so smart, then you know that Burr is one of the few Republicans that actually thinks Russia interfered to get Trump elected. Trump doesn’t like that.
Always makes me smile when the GOP harks about helping the little men, is a lie, was always a lie, will continue to be lie. It is about greed and keeping the white protestant hegemony at the top. The electorate …duped every time. Do you think Trump wants any of you near Mar a Lago lol…fascist lite propaganda and attitude will fail in the end. No surprise the rest of the world mocks us for being fat, dumb, ill-read and lazy…we elected a grifter who wants us to inject disinfectant…think about that sentence. Hard to deny collective stupidity in believing this jerk and his Corrupt GOP enablers.
David Clawley insider trading happens on both sides. Look at feinstein too, she should be indicted for making the same judgement, but because she is liberal she won’t. Stop acting like there is rhyme or reason to this, because insider trading ha nothing to do with party it happens to people on both sides all the time
The problem is that the GOP have this kind of people who ae well…judge it for yourself…
@Patty Cakes well that’s all right then. I am of neither party and have no truck with ‘whataboutism’ to deflect from the obvious truth. We are as a country a laughing stock right now…due to…yep, spot on
I agree totally. Nothing going on with Trump, the Republican party and Trump supporters except egregious dickery!
Yea duh. Been that way for many many years. No matter who is in office. Wake up already.
Barr will drop the charges, if any.
@Borvo yes, it is a warning from barr to burr regarding the senate report of the russian meddling in 2016
No doubt
Do we know for sure?
Will the Barr attack the Burr?
Or do we know for sure?
Will the Barr absolve the Burr?
If you watch the entire video, Richard Burr has been critical of Trump several times. Barr may be targeting him to begin with. Government has became the Game of Thrones.
Here is what is really happening. Barr on behest of Trump is investigating. Burr is head of the Intelligence Committee investigating the Russian interference into the 2016 election of Trump. They are now preparing their final report. Trump will drop the charges only if Burr does Trump’s bidding and affirms his “No collusion” mantra.
How much longer will these criminals be above the law??
Well they have been for at least the last 50 years. So yea, probably forever.
November 3rd might bring the cure…, remember november.., remember: ¨It will magicaly disapear.¨
Hopefully the current administration will finaly be below the law., they have lowered the bar(r) to criminal levels!!!
And hopefully they will disapear behind bars!!!
A dishonest Republicans, I’m shocked!
@Anti- Murican A democrat will get punished twice, firstly by being kicked out, than by law.
All Franken and that Californian lady.., they took a picture wich was a bit weird and they both suffered!!!
Bill Clinton did testify in a civil case!!!
To put them on equal footing is not doing justice.
Perhaps when the Gross Old Pedophiles party will kick out Roy Moore and look at the crimes of the orange-utan I will morally equivalate both party’s, but since 2016 (and Iraq, sensible gun laws etc. did not help) I can not!
@William Bailey If you are going to make an equivalency between murder and lying please do not forget to include the over 80,000 (and growing) deaths that have resulted from the incompetence of Trump and his administration in their dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. – – – Yes, Trump wins again!
Borvo So what you say is if Trump and his kin promise not to lie anymore for the next 5000 years it will even out
@Jeroen Romijn No, that is not what I said or meant.
@drumpf is bad sure, Republicans are thieves.
Corruption at the highest level. Like a third world country
@Michael Brooks he said he loved educated people also. Hmmm
Who said the U.S. is a first world country? The American propaganda machine? The U.S. healthcare system is only a little better than India which is dirt poor. Greed and corruption has destroyed the USA .
-Bryan- lmao, the inbred got triggered.
Heart breaking and disgusting. Insider trading, Martha Stewart didn’t get away with her insider info and Burr shouldn’t either.
@William Bailey he doesn’t pander to educated people. He can’t they’re smarter than he is and see through his lies.
Many Trump’s supporters and enablers in the Senate are hypocrites and crooks. Vote them out!
ah well… elections only come around every four years.. BUT a .45 dum dum is at hand 24/7…. WITH results you can trust.
Its always a good idea to ponder the possibilities when dealing with a posse of MURDERING TRAITORS
Many on both sides. Wake up.
You know Bill Bar is in charge of the FBI? Will you finally give him credit for taking out the trash? And upholding the rule of law? Or will you continue to call him a partisan hack? Diane Feinstein seems to be immune so far considering she also did the same thing/is implicated too
J F A S H – Credit will be given to Barr only when he had earned it. So far he has failed.
Typical Republican criminal, insider trading is not illegal for republicans, they do as they please and no one does anything about it, this will all go away and they will just get richer.
@Robert Davidson that’s like saying the guy who murdered only 3 people is better than the guy who murdered 5.
@Robert Davidson
Yes, the massive corruption of no crimes.
Grow up.
@Robert Davidson please explain by giving an example as no one knows what you are referring to, which I’m sure neither do you. But give it a shot, which dem corruption are you referring to?
@Robert Davidson Please Robert, give us an example of this corruption, do you mean the No witnesses, No evidence one? Or the blocking from testifying, or or or, please tell us.
Robert Davidson elaborate on that please
Just like coaches and players aren’t allowed to bet on games, this should be a rule with Congress in the stock market.
Politicians aren’t trust worthy enough to do the right thing
This only recently became illegal.
Pipe Down trump has not divested his business interest, this is against the enuluments clause impeach then indite
Trump will pardon him and he will denied everything
Dont be surprise to se AG BARR stepping in and dismisse those charges if he ever get charge
@Arthur Schnapka If they don’t go after Loeffler, there’s a good chance it is retribution.
Of course, as understand Barr’s brother-in-law unloaded stock at or around the same time.
this presidency sees fit to pardon ALL crooks, cheats, and traitors because it normalizes him
Absolutely a big pardon is already in the making
They all thought they were God and above the law; now they realize there is no escape… all avenues are blocked.
No escape? Manifort is out. Flynn’s case has been dropped. Barr stepped in to favor Stone. The Republican Senate let Trumputin off the hook. See a pattern here?
Who wants to bet nothing happens to anyone on either side?
Cell phones being mysteriously lost as we speak.
Just like e mails.
This is exactly why we need to vote out as many Republicans as we can this November!
@William Bailey If you believe that, what is stopping the DOJ from charging them?
@lukeytron ever considar that they are all in bed together? Both sides?
@William Bailey perhaps the best course forward is to limit their time they can serve. Perhaps two terms max.
Some become too comfortable… Become self serving at the expense of the people.
@Darlene Hawkins I agree.
@William Bailey I don’t think they are in bed together. I think they share a common interest; their own personal interests. I don’t think there is a conspiracy, or coordination. I don’t really think term limits are the answer either, though it might help a bit. Lobby groups are the biggest issue. It is legalised bribery. Decent legislation preventing corporate/union influence in politics would be huge. No way it passes, because every elected official would be damaging their own bank accounts. I think there are people on both sides of the isle that really want to affect positive change. Romney, AOC, Burnie, that dude with the eye patch, can’t remember his name. I am not saying I agree with their politics but I think they all want to do what is best. We just need to remove the likes of Trump, Clintons, McConnel, etc, and get back to working together.
Trump and his administration is the most crooked administration in history.
@Professor Liberal Avenger dems do like the idea of OWNING people. Slaves come to mind.
@Professor Liberal Avenger actually hitler was a democratic socialist.
He has no real competition besides Germany in the 40’s
@William Bailey Professor Liberal Avenger sets you free to fend for yourself. You are no longer His slave.
@William Bailey it’s not in the constitution lmao you should read it
So a rich white Republican is accused of cooking the books and stealing money? You don’t say.
Just as shocking when it’s a dem.
William Bailey he’s a republican
@William Bailey you really are sucking Democrat chuck are you
And of course he’s part of the shady circus side show Republican party.