FBI REOPENS Hillary Clinton Email Case! Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement 10/29/16
Fox News – Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro – Opening Statement – October 29, 2016
FBI REOPENS Hillary Clinton Email Case! Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement 10/29/16
Fox News – Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro – Opening Statement – October 29, 2016
wow nice come in from a huge that’s huges wow
Mess? FBI did the smartest thing…. He knew Hillary would get sloppy, and
hang herself.
Judge Jeanine sounds a bit tipsy~!

A big bit…
Anthony Weiner did not know he was under investigation by the Southern
District of New York (SDNY) Special Crime Unit for sexting minors and child
porn. The SDNY did a no-knock no-notify search warrant and took all
electronic devices in Anthony and Huma’s home, no matter who they may have
belonged to.
So, the SDNY starts a recovery and search on the devices and WHAM, St Dept
classified emails forwarded from clintonemail to Huma’s yahoo account. SDNY
has logged everything that Huma sent herself from St Dept.
naaaaa,mmmmmm, na
Great thumbnail!
If she didn’t want this to happen she should have been forthcoming a lot
earlier… I disagree with you Judge
Oh poor Hillary. Having something dumped on her right before election?
Please !! And like Hillary is not guilty of doing the same thing herself.
Apparently she cannot take what she dishes out. And this was not brought by
Mr. Trump, it was brought by the FBI.
What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
Cameron Kerr Bôcher
But once we practice for a while…
How Vastly we improve our style!
let’s not forget, it was all done with our unconstitutional tax dollars.
Comey knows (wiki leaks) has the documents which may implicate him
I’d hate to Bill Clinton right now “so Hillary babe, does this mean I’m not
going to be able to hire new interns, um female interns?”
You get em Judge !! Let them have it !!…… having said that….how is it
a person possibly, that is a known liar, and criminal, can run for
PRESIDENT !!!!???? What !!?? the United States of America is allowing this
!!??? this is completely corrupt !! it doesn’t make any sense !!??
It’s been suggested that James Comey is doing damage control… and I have
to agree.
The first investigation was a cover up and everyone knows it… including
James Comey.
Just another Globalist rat fleeing the sinking New World Order ship. *Americanism
not Globalism* **Trump 2016 !!**
I’m with you on this isn’t it just rediculouse? and just 11 days before the
election, what a circus! what a mess! what is it bugs Bunny says, what a
maroon! I mean come ON, ENUFF IS ENUFF!
Never trust a Comey.
Opening statement : Right On!! Except the part about Comey making his
“reopen case” statement 11 days before election, I’m glad he did!!