The FBI and ATF are investigating a "significant" explosion in downtown Nashville that police are calling an "intentional act." Aired on 12/25/2020.
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#FBI #DowntownNashville #MSNBC
FBI, ATF Investigating ‘Significant’ Explosion In Downtown Nashville | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
The rest of world celebrate Christmas while American celebrate misery
@brian b is a psycho!
@Layla Jaffe Let me guess. You’re a Christian? Might explain why you’re so angry and hateful on Christmas.
@Emeraldforest God is the typical absentee father joke, has a kid out of wedlock, leaves before the kid is born, then when he becomes famous wants to come back in his life. Sound familiar? Maybe god is black since all you racist republicans always make these jokes about black people
@Layla Jaffe better 3 elves than the 3 crackheads that had their way with you i guess
@Steve Parrish no, the 3 elf’s Are much worse, the gift wrapping isn’t what you think it is
Some of trumps “good Nazis”.
MAGAtard trash people.
@YouTube Moderator weird way to say trump voters
@Ralph Boyd Yep.
“Mail bomber Cesar Sayoc obsessed with Trump, Fox News, chilling new court filings show.”
in Washington d.c., two weekends ago the terrorist proud Boyz and Trump terror tourists burned property at 4 churches including 2 historic African American churches. We’ve already seen the maga terror tourists in d.c. These people will destroy America if they cannot have their dictator Trump.
The nazi term has been taken by you!
How much you wanna bet a manifesto will be found with the statement that Trump must remain president.
@Justin Bradburn
How about the MAGA Van Bomber.
@Ralph Boyd, dude was a registered demoKKKrat. Didn’t actually do anything either.
@Justin Bradburn Just sent 9 pipe bombs through the mail and had life size trump signs plaster on his van with all the makings for more bombs.
@Justin Bradburn He was solidly for Trump and mailed bombs. They were incompetently put together so they didn’t blow up.
@Ralph Boyd, so you admit you’re poorly informed
Time to start checking the city cameras and catch these wannabe OKC 1995 domestic terrorists.
@Gunt Perkins so you think your righteous because you hate yourself for something you have no control over.
Wow that’s more pathetic then anything.
@Beanie Green are you saying there is no food chain?
@David Hale I don’t hate myself I’m just tired of winning. It’s getting old. And after all, you have to love an underdog.
@Gunt Perkins you’re a coward.
@David HaleHi this is Sal Governale.yesterday I made a few comments that may have offended a few people. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to explain myself on how I was trying to represent myself. In my defense I was forced to work in a Pizza shop growing up and my father Tony Lotto wasted our family savings on lottery tickets. Hi this is Sal Governale.
It’s probably one of those white supremacist hate groups
Could be radical Christianists
@Marisa Ford, white supremacist are all demoKKKrats
@James Devine, post links were Republicans do.
@GiveMeMuhFreeSpeech YoutubeHitlers, yes, they are white supremacists.
@Juan Conrad, you’re lying.
This bomb was practice. . . I’m assuming Alt-Right trying to get it down before the inauguration.
antifa and blm was behind it all!
@Steven Scott Sounds like Santa didn’t stop by your house!
It’s funny to. See that moderator dude DD his posts.
@Jay G 1972?!??!??
1972 was the last time an extremist left wing bombing took place.
@Julie Giroux excluding the month long seige of a federal courthouse on Portland that included the routine use of explosives by left wing extremists. I never made a declaration of who was responsible for this, but we can’t finger point without all the facts. Relax.
Domestic Terrorism…
@Dave Mendoza go back to Mexico
@Rashad James go back to Africa!
After listening to the latest report, I believe they have those responsible on camera. We may know soon more about the suspects.
There was a taped voice recording in the vehicle…
@Bill Turner You must be confused domestic terrorist are BLM and antifa
People went to sleep and I was expecting to wake up to celebrate the holidays with their families and now they have to deal with a explosion
I hope everyone are staying safe and happy holidays!
Enjoying your paranoid delusions?
@Manly_ManRussian collusion delusional making Communist unconstitutional laws and rules the radical Marxist Nazi on the left screaming with the Chinese virus and thinking Americans are delusional with a Marxist bill for waste corruption fraud other countries and non Americans as giving 4% to the American citizens from trillions of tax dollars thats delusional bot
@Manly_Man nothing paranoid just like the majority is just prepared to stop tyranny and the radical Marxists Nazi’s on the left think getting rid of the constitution is going to work for AIC thugs and criminals joining the Gestapo SS will stop freedom and watch what’s about to happen as conservatism hasn’t even started yet just be prepared
@K Surf I tried crystal meth about 30 years ago and didn’t like the side effects so I never tried it again. But I can tell from your irrational rant that the side effects never stopped you.
@Manly_Man maybe AOC the moron and Catholic Nancy Pelosi wll give some needles for you meth bot
When can we call this terrorism?
Once they confirm the people responsible aren’t white.
@iinRez you got problems,man! This is why I advocate constant repleshment of Vitamins,Micronutrients and Macrnutients…Someone lacking repair and replacements of broken and dead cells. But, one should not cook up this in a Van, veryyyyy dangerous.
@Liberalwomyn R. Fatandugly pretty sure a bomb going off is enough to call it terrorism
@Wilson blm and antifa don’t blow up buildings. That’s white nationalist behavior. Or do you not consider what you people did in Oklahoma terrorism?
A loudspeaker on the vehicle was announcing that the vehicle would explode in fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes later it did.
It’s odd that some stations don’t mention this.
CNN did mention it.
It’s terrorism if it creates terror in people. Too early to pin it down beyond domestic terrorism which may change if it is found to be perpetrated by foreigners.
Trump supporters: “What about when Obama wore a tan suit?!”
@YouTube Moderator Iran only started to rebuild Nuclear weapons since donald tRomp took office.
stupid donald tRomp tried his best to start a WAR with IRAN with “Three Drome strikes which all failed.(donald was too dumb in his attempts) so IRAN felt they needed to start building up their nuclear weapons for protection bc donald was trying to start a war(the same thing this LIER accused Obama would do, tRomp actually did to stay in office. thank God he failed) So please try to keep up or just STOP posting LIES because the TRUTH is out There for anyone with a Brain to see and read.
And it will be Correctly recorded in the history books, NOT your LIES
@Alex Saltonstall Wow, you really do drink the whacky kool-aid juice they hand out at the Trump Temple
@Teri Williams Happy Holidays.
@surely you joke, mein failüre Moo Ham Head urinated into a bowl and gave it to his foster mother, Umm Ayman, to drink, telling her that it will bring her straight to Jannah. Allahu Phuqber
For real
GOP ISIS most likely.
josue nathan actually a lot of that mess was caused by right wing agent provocateurs trying to discredit blm and antifa
antifa and blm!
Tim Smith anything happens and the radical racist far right fascists immediately blame antifa and blm, reeeeeeee
Hoh wow
oh yes
Y’all Queda
This seems like a weak attempt at copying the Oklahoma City bombing 25 years ago. So he’ll be a young white male 25-45, former soldier and/or current militia member outraged at Blacks, Hispanics, voter fraud, Obama, or Hillary Clinton.
FOX never allows comments on the videos like this. They are terrified of what their own viewers will post. lol
The Alt Left did the Same thing before the Election. CNN,Bloomberg,ABC,MSNBC and the Lot. They all are Propaganda for the Deep State. Journalism is Dead when Reporters stand IN front of Burning Buildings claiming “Slightly Peaceful Protest” Journalism is dead when you lead a story with terms like “Without Evidence” Like the Clowns ever looked and 99% of the sht the Media told you Trump lied about came up True when 0% of CNNs story’s have came up true. It only takes a minuet to look. By the way. Steltzer,Como, Frequent flyers on Epstein’s Lolita Express. All you have to do is look.
So all these Alt left Frauds claimed Trump was a Russian Spy and even after the Mueller Flop. Remember Mueller Time? So they Lie to ya for 4 years straight, Every Night of the week and you still Believe every story.
@Martin Gary needs to put his faith in Christ.
Deep state is a phrase used by the fearful or jaded. Find peace brother.
oh wow
oh yes
FOX News still has viewers? I thought they all migrated to Newsmax after FOX called the election for Biden and thereby became “fake news”.
@The Dude Exactly. That’s why they always show up in the comment replies here even though they say this is “fake news” and can’t explain what they are doing here if they think it’s so fake.
I hope nobody died, stay safe people and don’t let them get you running scared.
Love from England.
Thank you. And Love to your great nation as well in her challenging time
We know what these Trump terrorists are capable of… in Washington d.c., two weekends ago the terrorist proud Boyz and Trump terror tourists burned property at 4 churches including 2 historic African American churches. We’ve already seen the maga terror tourists in d.c. These people will destroy America if they cannot have their dictator Trump.
Clive Milburn don’t watch fake news MSDNC.
@PJH199 1 so he shouldn’t watch FOX NO News and OAN that are both FAKE and RACIST
Toh wow
oh yes
Trumpy says “Go Wild” two days back.
Law enforcement should start arresting Russian operatives like Trumpy and his Henchmen to save the country.
This is what he wants
He also asked the right wing militias to stand by…I guess they are ready to make their move now.
@Ralph Boyd dude it’s scheduled for January 6th in d.c., we expect the trump terrorists in full force in d.c. on that day. It sucks because I live here.
Hes sure living in your head.
Whomever it was they obvious screwed-up which is a clear sign it is another low-educated, rural Reich-winger. Once they inspect the wreckage they most likely will find little pieces of the person behind this.
@surely you joke, mein failüre I concur.
@Juan Conrad and those letters and packages/bombs sent to congress also had spelling and grammar mistakes too! lol…from that crazy MAGA bomber
For sure. I doubt uncle bob knew what was going to happen to his RV when bubba borrowed it. One VIN number later we will have our MAGA terrorists.
@surely you joke, mein failüre exactly. Republicans are never going to have a president desecrate the Oval Office again
Yoh wow
oh yes
While Trump fiddles (golfs)
Because there’s not enough division and chaos going on…
Merry Christmas everyone.
Sad days indeed…
Only 26 days to go!
Toh wow
oh yes
Trump: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”
Those “stand back and stand by” orders must have expired.