Dr. Antony Fauci says that he was not invited to President Donald Trump's coronavirus briefing and said he talked last to the president four days ago. #Fauci #CNN #News
Fauci: I was not invited to Trump’s coronavirus briefing

Dr. Antony Fauci says that he was not invited to President Donald Trump's coronavirus briefing and said he talked last to the president four days ago. #Fauci #CNN #News
“ I’m a realist “. Dr.
…as opposed to an alarmist. 7:06 Thank goodness for Dr. Fauci.
JACQUELINE OTTO he should added honest
Hard to believe this is happening. There were outbreaks before Ebola, SARS, swine flu, and Zika when Obama was in office. Somehow Obama and his crew (led by Dr. Fauci) managed to keep it all under control. That’s why I blame Trump. The Chinese are at fault but so was Trump.
@Deborah Righter you must do research not word of mouth before you speak because clearly you are uneducated.
@Evan Florance “What did Obama and Biden do / they never shut down the economy or made everyone wear masks.” Here’s some breaking news for you that literally everyone with half a brain knows: Ebola wasn’t an airborne disease, not was it as contagious as COVID. Masks aren’t as effective at stopping Ebola as they are at stopping a respiratory virus like COVID.
“What did Trump do so wrong?” Here’s a list:
– Called the virus a democratic hoax in Jan / Feb.
– Did absolutely nothing in all of Feb, which was when we started getting the warning signs.
– Made fun of people wearing masks for 4 months.
– Claimed “the virus would disappear one day like a miracle”
– Suggested reducing testing so that the number of cases go down.
– Contradicted health experts like Fauci multiple times.
At least you’re transparent about being an even bigger clown. Let us know if you need a hand, you seem stuck really far up someone’s rear.
Evan Florance They didn’t have to shut down the economy because they handled the problem before it became to large… something Trump is incapable of doing
TBH, Ebola, SARS, etc weren’t as big an issue as this virus. Even so, would hope that Obama would have been better at handling covid. He certainly could not have been much worse.
@Evan Florance SARS, Ebola, H1N1, MERS, …those, and other diseases, did not spread through the U.S. in the way COVID-19 has spread. When H1N1 was hitting Mexico hard, they did shut down schools, churches, restaurants, theaters, etc., and the citizens wore face masks. They did not have the same greedy, ignorant, selfish attitude that many people here in the U.S. have, so the virus did not spread in a drastic way, like Coronavirus is doing now. There was not the same need to shut down the U.S. economy during those outbreaks. For example, two people/patients in the United States, were tested positive for MERS…yes, two. COVID-19 is a pandemic, and it was ignored until it reached to the level of uncontrollable.
Trump has not shown any compassion, or consistent leadership in what the country should do with handling COVID. Honestly, it’s pretty obvious what he did that was, “so wrong and blame-worthy”, as you put it.
He is a narcissist, and a conspiracy theorist…both qualities make for a poor leader, an awful president.
The only people to share the stage with trump during his “urgent briefings” are either stupid or subservient (or both).
..but I think u r the latter lol
Wait until Putin is up there

TaraTownsend the true minority is becoming obvious by the day…
Dr. Fauci seems so sad. He’s not sad for himself either. He’s sad for us.
The truth will never be welcome in Bonespur’s world of lies….
Fauci at this point, forget being invited just don’t go At All!
Inject drumpf with lysol
@Major Minor You’re a fool!! Fauci is one of the best!
@Major Minor If Biden was unconscious he wouldn’t be worse than Trump.
@Major Minor Russian bot go back home to Putin! Lock Trump up, Lock Trump up, Lock Trump up!!!
The subtext of Fauci’s comments: An absolute void of federal leadership and oversight has resulted in our current predicament. For nearly 6 months, the once authoritative voices of our most preeminent institutions in science and medicine have been silenced by an illegitimate president who champions anti-intellectualism, is contemptuous of objective truth, and disavows his oaths of office. Absent that leadership, the local and state governments that have refused to kowtow to trump’s reelection agenda have been left abandoned, uninformed, and devoid of vital resources being fought over for the sake of survival. In that absence, there has been _no one_ to facilitate coordinated responses between states or the allocation of limited resources to the areas that are in greatest need. _THAT_ is what’s responsible for this disconnected, “patchy”, unmitigated disaster that has left 141,896 Americans dead, 83% of them needlessly so.
@Thomas Rogers Hillary isn’t president. In the midst of a pandemic that is an existential threat to humankind, the need to smear, smudge, besmirch Hillary is caused by what and contributes what–in your mind?
Dr. Z

Thank you. I absolutely agree. Well said.
Thomas Rogers, I truly believe that Putin-Russia has SOMETHING on Trump–which explains his uncanny subservience to the Russian leader.
JB it is difficult keeping track of tRumps criminality, rantings , and false narratives. The mere sound of his voice gives people who are capable of independent thought a migraine. It’s literally painful
Even wearing a mask is considered “controversial”. Good luck, America.
@hana kim this might be the downfall of this country. Already exceeding the casualties of several wars….
Benson Alvin trump won’t go to war with China . About his and his daughter businesses? It’s all trumpian illogical, irrational, non existing foreign policy, just like the fiasco with North Korea.
@Josh B only city states in China wear masks because of air pollution. please go to school
@Jane Knight they can gasp for air while shouting ” I feel so free”
@XING HUA Free speech without education is a disaster.
You can tell he is from the northeast when he says “denominator.”
Got to love the United States’ leading Infectious Disease expert saying, “It’s not rocket science”.
The dumster-in-chief is listening, rocket science is too hard a term for him.
@Blip Machine To Trump rockets are small rocks.
@queenbeethatme100 To Trump, rockets are a line of woman high kicking at the same time!
Yeah, you’ve got to love him.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S2NJozQYF5g
It’s ok Dr. Fauci, you’ll save yourself from vomiting listening to his BS.
Trump didn’t invite experts because they tell the truth and then people have even more evidence of how ignorant Trump is and the fact he is a pathological liar. He is as poor at lying as he is in every other area of his life.
Bullcrap doesn’t hold up against facts. Of course Trump wouldn’t want anyone with expertise around.
Bee Whistler The same “expert” that said that New York handled the virus so well. LOOK AT HOW MANY PEOPLE DIED IN NEW YORK AND GOT SICK.
Fauci has a financial stake in the Moderna Vaccine he can’t be trusted to provide sound advice; that is a conflict of interest. And WOW!! the Moderna vaccine is in the top 4, who would a thunk it. What’s scary is his position puts him in position to persuade governors to make the vaccine mandatory.
I’ve been trying to tell people for months:
1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Revelation 13:17-18 (KJV) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The number 0 has no numerical value.
Trump 2016 = 216
6x6x6= 216
Give every single person $2,000 and tell them to stay at home for one month – as should have been done at the beginning!
The money that was put aside for this type of situation he stole the money
Did something similar in South Africa. Not the $2000 though. It just delayed the inevitable spread. I will say that I just heard of 3 old dames (>85) who recovered and have had many friends who have had it with barely any symptoms. Hell, you may have already had it!
The only thing Donnie liberated is coronavirus.
@kirisutegomen12, Careful. Never let fear of helping “undeserving” others result in your being willing to risk harm to all. It’s not a matter of being lazy. Most people do the best they know how to do. Do the same.
That’s what Canada did. Been kinda hard for us landscapers (and other professions where social distancing comes naturally) to find workers, because that $2000/mo paycheck is more than most entry positions.

@LG Roots Russian bot go back home to Putin! Lock Trump up, Lock Trump up, Lock Trump up!!!
@Zissou Moonshot like all the GOP serpents that believe in king Donnie little hands!
@Truth 4tufftimes Russian bot go back home to Putin! Lock Trump up, Lock Trump up, Lock Trump up!!!
@Ken Price

@Truth 4tufftimes So you understand why they were not advocating and mandating masks early on, then? If not… you need to do some reading. Check out search engines, they are great for answering basic questions:
In a nutshell, there was a lack of PPE available to health care professional and mandating masks would have meant all the surgical and N95 masks that needed to go to health care workers would have been snapped up by the general public in a panic mode, and outbreaks in hospitals would have caused many more people to die. They were recommending distancing, coughing or sneezing into sleeve, hankerchiefs, etc. There’s really no big conspiracy here, it’s quite simple actually.
Dr. Fauci, not being invited to that “show” is a good thing.
Yes! I agree with you.
Nobody serves meal for a pig in a clean plate.
Trump is afraid of hearing the truth.
Let’s be honest, it is NOT a good thing…But i know what you mean…
Marci Robins, you are probably right, he’d have him stand there like a
and not let him talk!
At least he can now talk freely without having to worry about upsetting the man-child president.
Our hospital was taking 2 weeks for results. But we are the best at testing? Biggest failure
The best in testing a Goya beans.
“it’s not rocket science” and yet the country whom first put a man on the moon can’t achieve what most of the rest of the world has done, and that is control the spread of a virus
Blame Fox News and the rightwing media for their anti-government and race-baiting every step of the way since the 1990s.
They and the leadership of the Republican party have completely paralyzed the federal government’s ability to act, while at the same time coming up with NO ALTERNATIVES to solve the growing problems of inequality and inadequate funding for basic services. And all the while, the globalization of capitalism and the advancement of technology have put half the nation’s wealth into a handful of giant corporate monopolies.
Listen to Bill Maher for the best explanations of all of this, or Robert Reich!
Trump: “141000 Americans Dead, 3.8M Infected, Time to Open the Schools and sacrifice your kids for me, I mean, The Economy!!”
So true. So many stupid people to blind to see his games.
“It’s extremely important that he stays protected.” Naw…not really. Not this one.
At the Frankfurt airport in Germany, anyone can get a test and have the results within 3 or 7 hours, depending on the fee.