Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) after the senator accuses him of contributing to an economic lockdown due to Fauci's coronavirus mitigation recommendations.
#Fauci #CNN #News
Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) after the senator accuses him of contributing to an economic lockdown due to Fauci's coronavirus mitigation recommendations.
#Fauci #CNN #News
Fauci’s face is amazing after he gets done slapping Rand around.
The problem with stupid people, is they aren’t smart enough to know just how dumb they are.
True. Only this is not stupidity. This is sophistry feeding on stupidity of their followers.
/ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cts.12860 Effect of combination therapy of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on mortality in COVID‐19 patients.
@Martyn Howie What do you have to say then, Martyn? Fill us in with your wisdom. I agree quotes are no substitute for original thought, so what are you thinking? Give us something other than a convenient put-down.
Fat republicans who are too stupid to realize they could be taken quickly by Covid 19 or what donny says chinaaa virus.
@Vivian Stimpson No, Trump is not smart. Sociopaths always seem that way because they have no moral societal bounds. That is not being smart. It’s being cruel and uncivilized. Don’t make excuses for him. Think Ted Bundy.
Hey Rand, in Sweden I’ll guarantee you their leader was not tweeting out “LIBERATE” to three different states, holding political rallies, and calling the virus a hoax!
Political leaders in Sweden said “Follow the guidelines, take this seriously”. Little else. Guidelines were given by expert government agencies, and were reinforced at daily press briefings, where no politician was seen. Guidelines were designed to be sustainable, which is shown by their not having changed materially since April 1st. They have brought death numbers from 100+ to below 5 a day.
trump: the guidelines aren’t really guidelines, they are more like (crumple the paper, catch it on fire… It’s gone.)
You can add that they have universal health care
@snailure But Sweden has had a significantly higher Covid-19 death rate per million than its Scandinavian neighbors.
Covid-19 deaths per 1 Million
Sweden 581/1M
Denmark 111/1M
Finland 62/1M
Norway 49/1M
Guess Rand didn`t learn the lesson that his neighbor taught him .
/ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cts.12860 Effect of combination therapy of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on mortality in COVID‐19 patients.
He’s an eye doctor but can’t see past the end of his own nose.
Maybe he hast a mote, or perhaps a plank, in his eye
Yes an Eye Dr. not an expert emunity or infectious diseases Dr. please Mr. Paul stay in your lane
It looks like Trump is going to win again. Rip RBG
/ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cts.12860 Effect of combination therapy of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on mortality in COVID‐19 patients.
The problem with America is they did a half hearted shutdown and people disobeyed the rules. They got the worst of the economic consequences and didn’t actually do anything to break the chain of transmission. In NZ we literally couldn’t leave our house for 6 weeks other than going to the supermarket and we eliminated covid from our country. It has come back now from overseas but now we have the systems in place to keep it from getting out of control.
The problem with America is unbridled greed. We work like peasants and worship our feudal money lords.
Unfortunately, 38% of our population is too dumb to think and follow guidelines!
@Garrett Ludlow Trump win soon be having his autobiography written for him from his prison cell, whilst his children are forced to cooperate with corporate receivers and the IRS as Trump Corp is dissolved.
Garrett Ludlow
100% agree with you.
Raayaannd Paul. This guy calls himself a doctor? Oh yeah. A doctor in opthamology.
Rand is another idiot who forgot his science courses in college and got brainwashed by Dr Trumpid, who got a PhD in stupidity!
Paul Rand does know that there are westerners living in Asia right? I live in Hong Kong and we’ve just got through our 3rd wave of covid-19. Still our deaths are at just 104 since this all started. Why? Because we are following guidelines and wearing masks.
Well trump hates you then. Only HE has the keys to success. He is the craven one.
The mask issue is so ridiculous. Asian countries have been using masks for years because they know they work. Over those years I have seen many Asians wearing masks on planes and in airports and public places when visiting the US. It is just common sense to reduce your risk. Mask wearing being politicised is maddening.
It looks like Trump is going to win again. Rip RBG
But Fauci said not to wear masks at the beginning of the outbreak https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/4787209002
The man talking is a doctor, spreading LIES. Does be believe his own BS
Maree Graziano – which was 18 more than he actually needed to
he’s as bad (or worse) that that screeching harpie who stood on the white house lawn (at Trump’s invitation) and insisted that vaccines contain alien fetal tissue. THAT shitshow is what passes for a president today.
Senator Paul sees himself in the mirror even when no mirrors around.
Looks like Trump is going to win again. Rip Rbg
/ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cts.12860 Effect of combination therapy of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on mortality in COVID‐19 patients.
EVIL, vial, empty ones don’t have a reflection in any mirror.
Now I understand why Rand Paul does not practice medicine.
It looks like Trump is going to win again. Rip Rbg ..
@Garrett Ludlow It looks like Biden is going to win
Neither does fauci. He hasn’t in 30 years, he said 1 in 5 people have aids lol fauci is dumb
So we should be like Sweden? Aren’t they socialist?
no more than most civilized countries.
Yes they are
the dirty s word that often gets compared to the c word
@Nick Myers welp. That explains why USA isn’t socialist lmfao
I’ll take Sweden. Hell yes. America is full of right wing Gestapo dopes. It’s a no-brainer.
Senator Paul has all the makings of a mediocre white man that thinks he’s better than everyone else.
So true
Already there.
Africa has the least amount of COVID deaths, per capita, yet has the most impoverished, most congested demographics on the planet.
What is the common denominator in all of these countries making up the continent?
If you guessed Hydroxychloroquine- BINGO!
Uganda has 45,000,000 people. Number of COVID deaths to date- 44.
44 / 45,000,000 = 0.0000009778 OR .0000009
Now let’s compare just one state in America.
New York has 19,000,000 people. Number of COVID deaths to date- 32,000+!
32,000 / 19,000,000 = 0.0016842105 OR .001
.001 vs .0000009
FAUCI is a deep state FRAUD!
All Redfield’s integrity is gone — having allowed himself to be bullied by Trump.

Rand Paul’s neighbor didn’t punch him hard enough. Where is Paul’s neighbor when we need him? The man obviously didn’t learned his lesson when he’s still an arrogant bastard.
It looks like Trump is going to win again. Rip Rbg
Thanks for making me laugh. I need to laugh. I think we all do
America: we are in and have been for about 4yrs in some serious trouble.
It’s a tribute to others people’s tolerance that they even bother to talk to Rand Paul.
They didn’t just make mistakes. Their biggest mistake was to trust that this Administration would actually do it’s job and help them. It’s what we pay them for.
It looks like Trump is going to win again. Rip RBG
American conservatives shitcanned science long ago. That and education. Don’t look for common sense among Americans. We’re a lost society.
/ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cts.12860 Effect of combination therapy of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on mortality in COVID‐19 patients.
Orange man bad!
Don’t ever talk about sanctity of live again conservatives.