A white man and his son accused of murdering an unarmed black man in Georgia ihave been arrested after video of the incident sparked widespread outrage. Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative joins to discuss. Aired on 5/7/2020.
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Father And Son Charged With Murder In Death Of Ahmaud Arbery | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
i think the guys in that white pickup truck sideswiped my car and ran, someone go citizens arrest em for me.
make sure you dont say a word about a citizens arrest till you are close enough to place the barrel of your gun against his skull.
so they remain calm and cooperate.
when your on a dark road at night and your black and a nice truck full of hooded citizens pulls up you must go with them or be shot dead. its the law apparently.
@justin baba so what!
@justin baba Is it normal to drive up on someone with shotguns while they’re jogging where your from?
@justin baba And that is why they are going to prison because he was shot and killed. And the video is State evidence against them.
@justin baba And what right did they have to do that? They were not cops from any sane persons point of view you are being tailed by a pickup which cuts you off, you turn around and jog away, the pick up precedes to tail you again and cut you off so you run round and are confronted by 2 men with guns any perosn would assume they were going to attack you. How anyone can defend these murderers is beyond me. By the way the initial part of the story I am referencing is from their own statements.
justin baba that may be the case. I don’t know enough about what happened.
Do you believe this was racially motivated, and part of a wider trend of injustice against black citizens?
Or are you more the “blue lives matter”/second amendment folks who insist that there’s always some nuance we’re not seeing that absolves these stories of their racial narrative? I’m genuinely asking.
Another day in the south. Let’s see how the white evangelicals spin this one.
Rebecca Swanson Absolutely RIGHT!!!!
Many American Evangelicals worship a National God. God of country. The true God loves and sacraficed his life for every nation on earth. Even those the racists consider unworthy. The racist, silent, cowardly, greedy in fact will be the ones not welcome in God’s Kingdom. Jesus is not a Bible Thumping, gun toting, constitutionalist who hates Democrats. In fact Jesus loves them and want’s a spiritual relationship with them. If people would actually read the New Testament they would find that the true Jesus has been hijacked by a political party. Christianity isn’t demanding for one’s rights. It lays down their plans for God and for the sake of others. Jesus was humble not proud.
@Good guy here Man on a mission Stop making excuses for your pro-abortion Democrat Death Cult
@Truth Matters Majority of Republicans support Roe v Wade. There’s really no “truth” in your comment.
They need to be charged with a hate crime.
@Derick Willis Whoever does a hate crime should pay…It doesn’t matter about race…evil is evil. These were white men who did a hate crime to a black man, and they should pay.
Mind Freshener
You’re right those white supremacists should also be charged with domestic terrorism…. I know you’re trying to troll but nonetheless they should be charged with street terrorism as well.
@william u mean they don;t have any hate laws with black on white but with this being white on black yep it was a hate crime and they will fry em mark my words
@Derick Willis nope
@A-D Daigrepont Looked up 5 states still don’t unless changed since I read article other day Georgia one of them.
Sad this took so long.
If this happened in Canada, those guys would have been arrested on the same day!
@Matthew Derohanessian If the race roles were reversed they would have been arrested by the very next breath they TOOK!
Those evil man have to be locked up the rest of their lives.
death sentence
A-D Daigrepont liar . He had one arrest about 10 years ago for shop lifting
I’d have them put down immediately
A-D Daigrepont no he did not I don’t care if he have a record as long as the Atlantic Ocean. The criminals chased him just to commit Murder. We found out he has a clean record, some of you people love this same excuse to be demonic
A-D Daigrepont did you learn to lie as a child?
Took them long enough FFS. And if no camera crickets and more caskets.
@Myrna Rose https://brrr.money/
@Erv Iving https://brrr.money/
@E Z Uhh…NOT! Nothing stolen, no burglary tools on him, no weapon on him. They confronted him with two pickups, and blocked him (he couldn’t escape), and drew firearms on him. No way he “confronted them first”. Your response to this incident shows a disregard for the facts, and a bias against the victim. Picture a young white jogger being accosted and killed this way; feels different, doesn’t it?
@Malinda Allen brr.money
Soren Ingram The multiple cameras will be what exonerates them. Everything’s on tape. Him breaking into the house, running after he sees the initial 911 caller, being asked to stop for a 100% legal citizens arrest, him attacking the boy, trying for the boys gun and ultimately facing the consequences of that most unwise series of bad choices. They will walk and it will be because it was completely justified.
If private citizens chase down someone and instigate a confrontation they forfeit the right to claim self defense even if they fear for their lives at some point in the confrontation.
alvin theo Zimmerman doesn’t own the neighborhood . Anyone is fre to walk in any neighborhood
@alvin theo He was not tresspassing, he was visiting his father who had partial custody of him
@alvin theo Read the article. TRAYVON MARTIN was gunned down in his father’s front yard inside the gated community where George Zimmerman had appointed himself neighborhood watchman. Trayvon’s mother sent Trayvon to live with his father to keep him out of trouble. Read on wiki.
That is so true because if a person is running away from you and they didn’t do anything to you or your own property, than you are in the wrong. You don’t confront anyone, just call a uniform working Law Enforcer. What this father and son did from the start, you can’t make a citizen arrest by heresy, this video is State evidence against them. And they will pay for their freedom for being hot heads playing bounty hunters in a neighborhood who do not want that type of attention. The son should have stayed inside the truck. The truck door is wide open on the video, big mistake on his part, State evidence will look at that and say he was in the wrong because he confronted the jogger. You can’t claim self defense if you try to start a fight with someone. He wanted that jogger to hit him so he can shoot him.
Sorry David, this rule doesn’t apply if the victim is black. Trayvon Martin was followed, attacked and murdered by George Zimmerman. However, the jury gave Zimmerman all the rights that should have been provided to Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin didn’t have the right to stand his ground and Trayvon Martin didn’t have the right to defend himself.
They shot before he was even close to the other guy.
allan gardner who was he fighting with when he was being shot???
its not self defense when you do not witness the crime so what they did was illegal.
@L H These types of people wear their racism like a badge of honor anymore. It’s disgusting.
@Samael 75 <- this guy is an actual racist who posts egregious things like "if you don't like white america then move back to black africa". Report the hell out of anyone posting evil.
Now isn’t that the ultimate FIRST degree murder? So much so, that you even have someone to video what you KNOW you are about to do?
@Lori Everett sure! It was just in the news that he is waiting to see if he going to face charges! But I guess you are the authority in the subject.
@Lori Everett actually it just came out they were friends. Stupid you came here to say it was just a coincidence that all 3 were at that place at the same time? GTFOH
@An Lu just jogging to church
@CAUTIOUS1 but if you go home grabs, guns, jump on a pu truck and a tell a friend to record everything, what is that?
They should have played the 911 tape of those idiots, the operator asks what the guy did, and his response was, “He’s running!”, how can they claim self-defense, they pursued him, for no other reason than an assumption, they did not witness him commit a crime…they need to be culled.
Here’s video of him hitting the house on their street
Seems like he didn’t take up jogging until after he burglarized the house.
@Merk Kin A figure walks into the house and then out, eight seconds later. I don’t see any proof of buglary. Maybe he was wondering why the doors were open and checking to see if anyone was hurt inside.
@UptownSunni same street, same time of day, wearing the same clothes Arbery was wearing. Ran off in the same direction Arbery did.
Say, why did he walk to the house when he was out “jogging”, but took off like a rocket running from the house once the neighbors spotted him?
Their defense attorney will have no trouble establishing the guy was a burglar who was caught and bolted. He then resorted to assaulting the McMichaels for fear of being detained to deal to deal with the cops.
On the plantation …back in the day any runner was shootable…..
Sparky’s Space Lol no. The first 911 call happened while he was robbing a house. Which is also on tape. When he came out and saw the dude on the phone he bolted. Turns out half the neighborhood has this human trash on video robbing their houses. It had been going on for months. They knew exactly who he was. “Just out jogging”. On the 911 call the dude details that this guy was known, that he had robbed several houses in the neighborhood and that everyone knew who he was.
It was not recorded by a nearby citizen he was with the murderers
@AAD Really? What kind was it? A six shooter?
Tanika Trenice Hero’s not murderers. They took a dangerous known criminal off the streets he had been terrorizing. Homeboy should have stuck to robbing his own hood.
@RyRy they are in jail without bond on murder charges yeah that’s heroic
The dead guy was a criminal pos and got put down like all rabid animals should…
@William Heart I will pray for your soul.
Lynching modern style.
Dont let them get out of this.
Stay with this story.
@Myrna Rose that doesn’t surprise me,,, they should have Been charged with filing a false police report… WE DON’T EXPECT MUCH JUSTICE FROM GEORGIA! THERE’S STILL KKK IN GEORGIA
@J. Sams
He loved to run.He was in great shape.
@J. Sams
You’re not bright.
In the face of death,you fight to survive.
He tried getting away,they didn’t let him.
The mental midget pops up in another post of this story.
@Red Pill Mafia
“They had no intention of killing him” ?
Stop lying,loaded guns were brought along for a reason.
The 911 call was made to justify what they were about to do.
Citizens arrests are crimes such as shoplifting,not chasing someone you suspect of doing wrong.
You’re typical.
Go babble to the dummies,you may impress them.
Makes you curious how many other videos are possibly hidden from the public. Corrupt pigs at its best
@874822 yes clearly absolves by showing that they waited for Ahmaud to round the truck then faced him with guns. Oh sorry no I got it wrong it absolutely nails the fact that the 2 white men slaughtered a man who they suspected of being a burglar who was casually jogging with no gear.
The local cops should be charged too because they tried to protect these two murderers.
@874822 sound about whte
Always remember, they didn’t make arrests because they saw the tape; They made arrests because we saw the tape.
Especially the racist pigs who got away with it before video cameras were ever around.
This was basically lynching by ex- law enforcement, just imagine what they got away with when they were on the police force!
Shut up when you don’t know the reality! He was a career criminal. He attacked the son of the police officer first.
Who jogs in boots 12 miles away from home?
@Red Pill Mafia sorry man I didn’t know your world and laws were still in red dead redemption era I’ll check 100 years later hope for some improvements
@Jatin Varma whatever that is supposed to mean… and they are not MY laws, they are Americas laws…
if I was a lawyer I’d look into all his past case’s involving this killer ex cop
@Red Pill Mafia He was fighting for his life against an armed man with a shotgun.
Took social media to even get an arrest… I could say more but what’s the point
The system still don’t agree that black lives matter. such a very sad and disturbing situation.
Land of the free and home of the bigots .
@T cnBrooklyn the point is, it shouldnt have taken the video
Under Georgia law, citizens arrest is legal, but they VIOLATED that law once they showed the threat of violence. They are not protected under citizens arrest according to their state laws based on that which should have legally forced and intial arrest. Again we arent debating, but people are missing some key points
There need to be more arrests made. In addition, the initial police report given to the mother of the victim, stated “he was caught breaking and entering and shot on the property of the homeowner”.
So my original point is, had social media not gotten involved, these 2 would still NOT be investigated, in addition to the others that still need to be.
@singingchef23 True but our system is flawed from the ground up. If that was your point, then I wholeheartedly agree with you. I hope one day impartial justice is served more consistently in our country. Stories like this have me shaking my head more often than not.
The dude driving the truck following the victim, adjusted his camera away from the initial confrontation momentarily, attempting to hide what was actually going down. This is Georgia…
You are a piece of human excrement… you actually think that if you were driving AND were trying to point a cell camera in the right direction, you would be 100% flawless? And you think it was done to hide something? did you not SEE the video.. the video totally exonerates them and proves it was self defense… that is why is was leaked to the public and that is why there were no arrests or convictions for two months. Are you just BELIEVING what someone else told you the video showed… don’t be a blind sheep!
@Red Pill Mafia You are worthless trash, he even tried to go the other side of the truck. They could have just let him go, if he did commit a crime, the police would have easily identified him and arrested him. Why take matters into your own hands.
@Merida O’hara when was the law taken into their own hands? At what point did that happen? You don’t know do you? When they were open carrying legally? When they were attempting to perform a perfectly lawful citizens arrest after calling the cops? So.. they SHOULDN’T have defended themselves when Arbery grabbed the son’s rifle while attacking him… because… HE WAS BLACK? That is your reason? All white people should just learn this now that they are not allowed to defend themselves against a black person because if they do they will be called a racist for all of time.. huh? With no evidence or anything. Do you realize how dumb that sounds? Why would you bring a camera to video tape you commuting premeditated murder? Why would you call the cops before you do it? Why did it take two stops before the confrontation and the shooting? Are you even asking yourself these questions? If they wanted to shoot him, they could have done that the first time they caught up with him. But they didn’t… why get out of the truck? You don’t have to get out of the truck to shoot someone.. These are all questions trained investigators would have already asked.. they asked these questions two months ago while watching the cellphone video that was eventually leaked by the person who took it AND the surveillance tape of the robberies… why was Arbery “jogging” with boots on, 12 miles away from his house? What you have to realize is that the social justice lynch mob are not trained investigators.. but it also does not help that these same people DO NOT TRUST the trained investigators because they are trained to hate law enforcement. Here is the conundrum.. the SJW lynch mob wants white blood, and they won’t accept any other explanation than white supremacy… no matter what any video shows or any law says. Why is everyone quick to blame the McMichaels for the “crime” of bringing a legal firearm to defend themselves, but NOT Arbery for the act of attacking the son and grabbing his gun!? Should cops leave their guns in the squad car if they don’t know for a fact if they will need them? First of all… open carry is fully legal in GA.. and if they were intending on pursuing someone who they suspect has been robbing homes in the area (and had no idea if Arbery had a weapon on him) to perform a citizens arrest.. they should leave their guns behind.. FOR THE SUSPECT’S SAFETY!!!? NO… I bring a gun for MY safely… what kind of common sense to you have? My goal is to maintain MY safety with my gun… and hopefully NOT have to use it.. but if my life is threatened, I’m glad I have it! performing a citizen arrest is not being a vigilante… a vigilante is when you have the intentions of executing judgement without due process… this does not qualify because the only violence that happened was when Arbery attacked the son… and then the son acted in self defense. The moment Ahmaud Arbery grabbed the son’s gun and attacked him… any innocence he might have had went out the window. And by the way.. I am just stating the facts of the case and a few assumptions based on common sense and human nature. I am not basing my reasoning on the McMichaels being white or Arbery being black… only liberal leftist do that.
@Red Pill Mafia I don’t care if someone calls me a racist. Those who do, send them over to newnation.org
Racism is self preservation.
They only got arrested because he was retired. If he was active duty they would’ve gotten away with it.
Well,let’s see what the punishment will be.
The arrest is just the first step towards punishment,not punishment itself.
The police had the video the day it happened – officials who suppressed the arrest should go to jail for aiding and abetting.
This guy went out like a hero. Takes a lot of guts to start swinging on someone pulling a gun on you. I hope he rung that old coward’s bell a couple times. RIP brother.
I love what you’ve said. To be able to see his heart and his bravery, to be able to make me see it. I love the positivity of ‘that old coward’s bell..’ Look after yourself, my friend. There are too few of you.
You’re nutz. The criminal had broken into their hone and then attached the man with the gun. Awesome to see him get put down like the criminal dog he WAS…
Danny Thompson he went out like a burglar.
I guess this is what a “well regulated militia” looks like.
Merk Kin
All that’s irrelevant. You have no evidence he was committing a burglary, and a judge has already opined pulling guns on him was illegal.
You keep saying he committed a burglary and you got zero to back it up.
@nick260682 Just the video evidence that the GBI states is relevant to the case.
Here it is again, buddy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xvD7C20mzM&feature=youtu.be
Merk Kin
Are you drunk or something? This is the 3rd time you’ve sent grainy CCTV of something that doesn’t show us anything.
Ill take that as you admitting you got nothing. You just desperately want to follow your narrative.
@nick260682 Hey, have you seen the video of Ahmaud Arbery burlarizing that house that he ran from? Here it is again, buddy.
Merk Kin
Relevant to the case does not mean it was Arbery though does it bright spark?
It means that this was the thing the vigilantes were annoyed about.
It doesn’t, however mean that it was Arbery (literally no way of telling in this video you insist on re sending) And as discussed, even if it is Arbery, they have no right to attack him with guns.
So all your CCTV is irrelevant. Your Georgia state legislature is irrelevant, and your CCTV is irrelevant.
Here is what is relevant.
Or potentially this