Multiple people are dead and others missing after a volcanic eruption on New Zealand's White Island. Video captured by a bystander shows the eruption as it happened. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern addresses the fatal event.
#CNN #News
Fatal volcanic eruption in New Zealand caught on camera

This is why I don’t walk in the crater of an active volcano…
Daniel I agree, nobody in America has ever accused New Zealanders of being smart.
There is sulfur in the air before an eruption. Why wasn’t it detected? It seems like geologists would have been aware and prepared.
@ danaolsongaming …This was no freak event, that volcano has been showing unprecedented heightened activity since June, this tragedy was entirely preventable.
They went into the Volcano? As if to pet it? Enough said.
If you’re gonna poke the bear….
My favorite comment is yours!
My cats looked at me funny when I laughed.
Demonrats to
launch probes,
and investigations into “ACTIVE” volcanos
s in every
Earth !! Eradicate Demon
making huge
Resume the sacrifices
@SeaChange Mix Nope. Practical.
didnt know adults needed to be told not to WALK INTO A SMOKING VOLCANO
David Walkenstein you know!!!
And then we are expected to commiserate ugh!!!!
Gina Kay yes they should be sued for being stupid enough to walk into an active volcano crater
@Skeets Mcdaddy Take your triggering cowboy attitude somewhere else.
If we need anything from you, we’ll be sure to let you know…..bye felica
Gotta admit though dying from a volcano is a pretty badass way to go. especially now a days cause it don’t happen alot
its surprisingly quick
@Carson Taylor well yeah the ash is like 1500 degrees
Well. May get you bragging right on the other side and hang out with souls from Pompeii…….
I don’t think volcanoes erupt less than they used too but, you’re right that I think we die from them less because we’ve learned not to build cities by them *cough* pompeii *cough*
Taking tours of an active minefield. Come one come all and bring the kiddies.
Man: “Come on Babe! Let’s go down into the crater!”
Woman: “I’m scared. What if it erupts?”
Man: “Oh don’t worry. What are the odds of that happening?”
I bet she didn’t make him any pancakes that morning
i mean whether they are in the crater or not. They still would have died just being on the volcano. So this doesn’t really matter
It must have been worth the risk, those epic selfies don’t take themselves.
Maybe there was a rare Pokemon all up in there and someone on Pokemon Go was like, I’m gonna catch that one.
@Lord LOC bad move to go chase Pokemon when Jesus is currently in a cage. Haha
Idiot, stop.
You don’t show a name because your a coward.
People: let’s go look at an active volcano and take pictures.
Volcano: I’ll give you something to look at!
Me: Well y’all wanted to see something
Me: Hell yea I’m getting my moneys worth.
That’s called freedom
Hmmmm who would’ve thought that was a bad idea
No one can predict when a volcano will blow. People visit them all over the world.
@ I don’t know ….Bullshit, that volcano has been showing unprecedented heightened activity since June, this tragedy was entirely preventable.
You’d think stayin away from an active volcano, would be a no brainer.
And people said money cannot buy everything
“You might as well be walkin’ on the Sun.”
“Some body once asked could I spare some change for gas I need to get myself away from this place”
@FmnstsRDumb MAGAMAN “I said yep, what a concept, I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change”
I guess peter griffin was smarter than we thought, he bought volcano insurance
@Koltred + well as much as I hate news & all their games, it’s true that a volcano erupted & all the other major news people’s have it as well.
Those who go to see what they call an “unpredictable” volcano… better say their prayers before getting anywhere near…& RIP to those missing or confirmed dead…
Wow good one
There’s more than 8 missing, there were 24 Aussies there and 11 still missing and there were 100 people there
I’m betting they low-ball the casualty figures.
There were 50 people there
There are 5 died, 8 missing,31 were hospitalised but since 3 have been discharged
Kara – the latest update is there is 11 Australians missing. I’m Australian, this has come from our PM just now. I’m not sure what the nationalities of the other missing are yet? There are 3 Australians also confirmed dead as well.
This is bound to happen when you run low on virgins.
My ancestors knew their business. Safety first, people.
Now that’s funny
AUSTRALIA : * _burns_ *
NEW ZEALAND: * _explodes_ *
AUSTRALIA : “Show offs…”
Got to love how even during near death experiences people continue to record for their next post.
Complete idiots live amongst us all.
Everybody wants to go viral for some reason. social media has created so many more narcissists
“If you dance to the music, you got to pay to the piper.”
Reminds me of when Comrade Bone-Spurs was warned not to look directly into the solar eclipse… and then he did anyway.