Farmers: Trump’s Trade War Leaves Industry ‘Worse, Not Better’ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Farmers slam Trump, claiming he is ‘burning bridges with all of our biggest trading partners,’ as he continues his trade war with China. Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union, argues farmers have been ‘dealing with a lot of pain’ as Trump’s trade war has resulted in a loss of ‘$20 billion worth of sales in China’ from ‘just agricultural sales.’
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Farmers: Trump's Trade War Leaves Industry 'Worse, Not Better' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Farmers: Trump's Trade War Leaves Industry 'Worse, Not Better' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC


  1. Trump is the enemy of the people and USA!. Trump is a criminal and a traitor and it is the DUTY of ALL Americans to ACT on this fact !

    1. @Toni Calhoun – And *only* ‘Russian press’ *were allowed* to film #45 and Putin last month…as Putin joked about “…getting rid…” of reporters.
      And #45 *laughed right along* with the former KGB agent.
      *No* other American President *would’ve allowed* such insults to *our* country.
      But #45 loves his -banker- -mentor- ‘like-minded leader’.
      *So* embarrassing for America… 😒

    2. @McKittrick Hyatt…😂 yeah I know, if only he could comprehend that his King DOES NOT like black people…I do, so being attacked by him only shows his ignorance.

    3. @Real Talk they absolutely have proven criminal conduct by Trump. That’s what obstruction is. That’s been proven beyond any doubt. Period. Not up for debate.

    1. And Trump calls them “great patriots”, as if that makes up for what he’s done to them… Trump only cares about himself, and he doesn’t care what happens to us, not EVEN his base. This is just one big game to him, like Monopoly: Real World.

    2. @I Own My Mind Yes, that may happen too. Some farmers can not get the workers they need to harvest crops. So they won’t bother planting, milk cows or raise chickens or pigs. Hence more bankruptcies. It will spiral down till we will all feel this with scarcity and high prices. Trump could end this tomorrow but, of course, he won’t. To add on the flooding in the mid-west is another factor. It all spells disaster. The Chinese are used to scarcity lots of them were alive during the Mao era. They are an ancient culture but Trump is too stupid to understand that.

  2. farmers got what they voted for. But don’t worry, there’s this great socialist handout for farmers, so trump can buy their vote again. But once trump croaks of obesity, the farmers will never get their markets back and the welfare for farmers will most likely be over once trump buys your vote; he only needs you rubes one more time in 2020, then he’ll forget all about you.

    1. McKittrick Hyatt you know your history. We are in the process of a coup, and the Communists who voted Trump into office will wonder what happened to. Health Care when it is their child who dies. What happened to Social Security and Medicare when their parents move in and they have to take care of their Mom and Dad instead of assisted living, when their parents die from GOP healthcare.. where is their plan

    1. @Earl el-amin And many farmers who are suffering have said they would vote for him again. Apparently Bankruptcy is the ‘In thing’ now.

    2. @Earl el-amin We are all human and we all make mistakes, IMO rather than condemn every Trump voter we should all come together against him at the next election!
      Sure there are those that are lost to Trump and will never vote against him, they are the less intelligent cult followers and IMO those are the ones who are lost to reallity and you will never teach these old dogs that they are wrong, best to leave them to there own delusional devices!

    1. @CynAnne1 I noticed that to….
      Or the factory workers forced to attend his long rambling incoherent boring speach….
      It’s surreal all this…

    1. Hillary *warned everyone* that #45 would treat America like one of his ‘businesses’…or casinos. 💸😏👋

  3. Sorry, not sorry. You wanted Trump, you voted for him and now you own him.
    Now take the pain and STFU. If you’re sad just dance the MAGArena.

  4. All bone spurs trum-pet cares for is that American tax dollars pay for his golfing and his commander and chief putin

  5. “Farmers are independent”? Really? Then who the heck is getting that $27B+ political-based welfare payment if not farmers?

    1. so far the rich corporate farms have taken the lion’s share of it …not the family owned mom and pops..

    2. these same klanbilly farmers finger pointed and lectured POC to ” stop living off welfare, collecting handouts and pick yourself up by the bootstraps” These Hypocrites need to DO JUST THAT and stop sucking off the gov WELFARE TEET to the tune of 215 MIL!!!!

  6. If Farmers were that savvy about trade they should have know that Anything near Trump sooner than later turns into Unavoidable, and Inescapable crap💩!

  7. They don’t want the government to tell them what to do, but they sure do want a lot of government subsidies.

    1. Farmers have been taking government subsidies for years and years! They are as socialist as it comes. And they have the gall to denounce Obama’s Affordable Care initiative…

    2. @Kwum aix I am not necessarily anti subsidy. I am against people who take them and then expect not stipulations attached. Almost everybody gets something in their lives subsidized by the government e.g. roads, schools, child tax credits, etc.

  8. Farming 101: You reap what you sow.
    Hopefully, in 2020, these farmers will ‘sow’ a better ‘crop’. 🤞
    They deserve better than Trump; we all do! 💜🇺🇸

    1. farmers: white is white man gud. white man 4 us.. we support rich white man .. right over the cliff..

  9. Trump is trying to line his own pockets!! He doesn’t give a hoot about about America and farmers etc. They’re suffering the consequences of his dispicable actions!!!

  10. Haha you’d think farmers would be more familiar with the whole, “reap what you sow,” concept lol than most. 😂

  11. Hey farmer. Your Great Pumpkin’s stupid trade war cost me money. How come I don’t hear you saying you need to pay for a bailout for me to make up for my loses?

    1. At least now we know the truth about the kind of people we used to entrust our food supply to. I read somewhere that American people are just learning that 1/3 of the people would stand by and watch as another 1/3 killed the last. They are NOT the bystanders, because they voted for him, they ARE NOT THE VICTIMS EITHER….
      I sincerely hope that these Maga farmers enjoy poverty and knowing the part they have played in the downfall of America.
      Lol @Farmers For Trump.
      Thanks so very much for your misplaced loyalty to hate which you called patriotism.
      We will never forget you…or forgive you.

    2. @Progressive Humanist That’s extremely good advice…. These farmers are victims of this abomination like many others.

    3. @tonykeo83 : I agree. Let’s not be like the Cult 45 followers who show, on a daily, with their comments, actions, racism and hatred. Trust and believe we don’t have wish any hardship upon them. Know for sure that they are suffering and the choice that some of them will make by blindly following someone who has shown them that he cares NOTHING about them will continue their suffering.

  12. This is the Con Man(Trump) who the Farmers wanted and voted for. I wish the Farmers all the best but they should’ve done some research on the Con Man

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