Farmers say Ottawa’s $252M aid package doesn’t go far enough

Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau says the government is providing more help to farmers and better food distribution.

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Farmers say Ottawa's $252M aid package doesn't go far enough


    1. Planet Vegan or all the Cadillac SUV’s driving around with Farm plates and running purple fuel

  1. If it weren’t for the WHO and 850 million he could have given what was needed . The government will run out of borrowing power . The liberals are going to bankrupt Canada just wait it’s coming . Liberals doing anything for Canada ? Sick of liberals not answering straight questions . Liberals must go .

  2. Come on how the hell can one month to get that much money it’s just ludicrous. The food such as meat only stoped teo weeks.

  3. Why they don’t want to hire Canadians, they want to hire temporary workers because they get paid less, and apparently it’s too much trouble to train new workers

    1. They don’t get paid less…federal government pays for flights and half the wages.
      If they hire Canadians they lose this benefit.
      However they do have to supply accommodations.
      More often than not they charge workers rent.

  4. It’s a joke!! I’m a small farmer and not one dollar have we seen.. but come fall it will be to late.

  5. Trudeau is lying to Canadians with these controlled press releases. His end game is to delay Parliment till after summer break. No other Country has had their goverment go into hiding. Open Parliment!

    1. PopGoesTheGoomba because farmers are some of the most well off while students have little-to-no income. You must be a genius.

  6. “” You’re asking for more than we have to give … a quote to veterans from a P.O. S. named Trudeau , is applicable here

    1. Too bad, they got paid enough to go fight America’s for them. They should have got a real job instead.

  7. I get the feeling that trudeau figures that if he stomps on enough toes, that the anger from Canadians won’t be so focused.

  8. Farmers are always crying for money. To much rain to dry not enough snow to cold not old enough. Early year it’s something.

  9. To farmers who literally dumped their food in the garbage en masse and dumped their milk down the drain, just because they didn’t want to sell it a cheaper price.

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