Fareed gives his take from Davos on how Trump's economic approach is becoming normalized around the world, threatening gains from globalization.
#CNN #News
Fareed gives his take from Davos on how Trump's economic approach is becoming normalized around the world, threatening gains from globalization.
#CNN #News
Trumpism = Low IQ reality TV .
IQ comments = self posturing virtue signalling leftists using label bullying. While the conservatives frustratingly will not bow to the typical elitist posturing. Because leftists are not better than us. At all.
@TricKix Pow you forgot overly stupid as well!
@Chadillac TDF is much worse! Trump Derangement Followers! LMFAO at Trump and his Trumptard stupidity! LMFAO
@Winston Dawe Yes 20 years for treason and 20 years for obstruction of Congress! LMFAO at your stupidity! LMFAO
Thank Fox “News” in its blind worshipping of Dingbongald.
H krnz
@Michael you like a guy who drools over his own daughter
Every man for himself. Quite a regression.
Maybe for the dems
@Norma Ragland yes doctor, we should take ur liberal prognosis, when the best doctors think otherwise. Look in the mirror, maybe the nut is you
Looks bad with some of these comments but maybe the liberals will grow up one day
@brian gardner who taught you to read and write, the “tyranny of the state”?
yea but Michael Moore was more precise with six words, “He will get us all killed”.
It will definitely get a few million dead Democrats used to fill our American roads POT HOLES.. We HOPE !! DEMOCRATS are Terrorist Sympathisers… !!
@Sword of ManticorE
CNN is now a Terrorist organization… !! Its hosts are either perverts or child molesters. But still terrorist sympithers.
Moore dreams about Fking Bimbo. Clinton.
@Slapdat Hugh Jass
Democrats are 100% the Terrorists in America.
I thought the downfall of the USA would be much more dramatic. This is just sad.
You should migrate.
Honestly this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the US is utterly exposed and friendless, just watch who attacks and see who comes to help. That will be the collapse.
@David Butler Oh…the omnipotent Russia…..how hysterical and brainwashed are you?
Sometime, we’re gonna have to reflect and take a good look at the way we’ve been operating as a nation and as a whole world. Can we question the system of capitalism and ask if it is beneficial to the end or does something else have to happen?
Capitalism and free markets tend to be a very good thing. And are infinitely preferable to many of the alternatives.
However capitalism and free markets as they are currently exercised in the United States serve to strangle innovation and competition rather than promote it.
Is a free market truly free if you have the ability to buy or rent politicians and regulators in order to set the rules to your own advantage?
@J B Can a market that needs regulations and rules to keep things fair really ever be free. Capitalism is a myth that only works on paper.
Capitalism will always win even if it has to change the world dramatically to do it and for us at the bottom that may not be a good thing this world is heading in a bad direction and the problem is way bigger than we realize because of all these distractions we are being provided all u can do is prey to what ever God you believe in
Keeping my t.v. off on Feb.4th no state of union for me if everyone did that they would see we don’t care what trump has to say
@jonathan beatty i already knew! Can i have your autograph Jonathan
Do you ever go by John.
Do you identify as male?
Do you have a certain bathroom you use freak
@Eric Hampshire so what you’re saying, is you know nothing about nazis, or Mussolini.
@Eric Hampshire awwwwww…. did I make the little sissy cry? Did you have to report my post and make you feel better about how obnoxiously stupid you are?
Well, duh! Fear and greed have been “normalized” for a very, very long time at Davos.
Well done Vladimir Putin. By simply paying a few internet trolls in the Balkans, you’ve done more harm and damage to America’s image, reputation, values and standing in the World than any other adversary. You have successfully avenged the downfall of your beloved Soviet Union.
In the words of Emperor Palpatine: “Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen *“*
Wow, another Russian collusion believing lib turd. Where’s shiff and his Russian evidence?
@cessna caravan please stay current. We all know Russia interfered in the 2016 election, just look at the people who still believe that Hillary had a secret server and smashed her phones.
This is modern day collapse of the Roman Empire. Too strong to be defeated by outside forces, the implosion is caused by rotting internal structures and morals. Americans are naturally ignorant of the world around them and incapable of learning from their own experiences; at this stage of decay, self correcting is beyond reach.
Not all Americans!!!
Donna Snyder 45% of Americans The rest of them are not motivated they only care for their own interests! So nothing will be done to correct the status quo, Sad really, let’s hope and pray they get off their couches and go vote trump out of office, Before it’s too late!

You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. If modern day America was anywhere near the late Roman Empire, it would be in economic disarray and in a state of massive civil unrest even worse than now.
Only normal to the cult, because they are just as lost as their orange god.
@Hildebeast Clinton https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/james-lankford-offers-worst-possible-example-of-where-trump-is-supposedly-fighting-corruption
TheTruthIsRacist remember hillary going on and on ,about how she just hope’s Trump will respect the results of the election. Lol
If you love China to grow more than America and you are American you MUST BE A MORON.
I just heard kobe bryant had died of helicopter crash
So sad.
Such a sad ending to the great experiment: complicit media, apathetic electorate, just wanton greed and destruction.
@Annnora C
It’s a scam .
@Annnora C yeah, we don’t have empathy for fake news believing lib turds.
@Annnora C yes, there are so many facts that demo rats have, that they can’t even name 1 crime
No frankly I believe did this is the horrid result of a bunch of idiots playing with human lives for 250 years andcalling it a great
@#$?(+/ experiment!
That’s California.
The sky is falling people never get tired of screaming
Not the sky! Our Constitution is being violated by puking bots and bribed and blackmailed GOP!!!
@Donna Snyder
Trump lacks the “testimonial capacity” to appear before the Senate Hearing and should resign
Plain talking and straight shooting have become normalized? Well it’s about time.
Can it, Low Ratings CNN.
corruption in plain sight is what’s being normalized comrade.
Rob Johnson
You’re talking about Quid pro quo Joe?
“… only takes the driver to steer the car”
Not normal to people who still have compassion and a heart.
What your saying is the same thing as feeding and helping a complete stranger while your wife and kids starve and live on the streets. America first, we have plenty of homeless, mentally ill, and poor people that we need to focus on. When we can help all Americans then we can look outward. I mean while you sit and hate your own people because they voted for trump or have different political influence but yet support a country that you have no knowledge about.
Joy Villa turned heads at the Grammy Awards on Sunday with yet another bold pro-Trump inspired gown.
The award-winning recording artist and political activist showed up to the red carpet decked out in a red, white and blue ensemble. The 28-year-old began posing for the cameras in a white form-fitting coverlet adorned with blue sequins and white stars
See the video. Wow. Beautiful
obstinate intolerance of others is bigotry.
If you have compassion for others than yourself you MUST BE A MORON.
Talk about your good intentions of leftist lies. Now lets talk the results of all that goodness. CA NY suck due to the lies you believe. Sucker suck on.
30’s Germany, we have arrived.
@Daniel Glencross You don’t really meant that.
Yeah but replace Jewish people with traitors that trump is about to deal with
Nothing like 30s Germany but ok.
Please do not display images of the occupant of the White House.