1. And when Trump is looked at without the cult clouding peoples view of his corruption and lawlessness, he would be seen as the traitor he is.

  1. CNN: “We need a purple multi-gendered cyborg to really connect with the voters. We know what the voters _really_ want!”

    1. @Dale Anderson not the arm of the DNC. But the corporate arm of the DNC and RNC. Who do you think Trump’s tax cuts went to?

    2. @Kalala Kapay The communist news network and MostlybSNBC were crying a river over the tax cuts. My paychecks were bigger after the tax cut. You’re just butt hurt because you were one of the free loading non producers that lost their EBT card.

    1. @EatThe Babies “jUsT a LeFty TaLkInG pOiNt” like “investigate biden” isn’t just the idiots talking point

    2. @EatThe Babies I love how you keep insisting they investigated hunter for a job he wouldn’t get for two more years, its really telling that this is what you beleive

    1. @Terry Tater yeah thats what democrats are good about baseless statements and conspiracy theories. but what can you expect from the people who listen to a fake news fro years who just caught lying and about to pay a kid millions.

    2. I hear you. I honestly, objectively, think that Bernie (maybe Warren… possibly Biden?) can go toe to toe with Trump. Trump literally has said Bernie is the only one who he doesn’t want to go up against. I think it’s because his spirit on the stage is indomitable. Trump is cowed in the presence of Bernie’s ability to command attention and stay laser-focused on his message. I don’t think Trump wants any part of that, and I don’t think Trump can fluster Bernie.

    3. Pete Buttphuche has 2 sets of balls… now that he is “married”. I ain’t voting for a phag. Guess that leaves Trump.

    1. I am black , big news flash for you white folks , we dont all vote the same and having the Democrat party sell out black American citizens in favor of illegal aliens isn’t going to get many black people on the Democrat side . Neither will using the word ” racist ” as a utility adjective

    2. Not just the Black vote but the youth vote. The Democrats have to resolve how far left they want to go. If they lose the center, they lose the election.

    3. @Mister Hat why do you liberals think that you should decide who people vote for based on the color of there skin?

  2. When tulsi gabbard and andrew yang have to go to fox news to get their message out, because neither CNN nor MSNBC will allow them on, and when bernie sanders is constantly bad mouthed, then how do you expect the good candidates to do well? It’s an honest question.

    1. @mrcooldeadly85 *”old ways is killing…”*
      Old way as in before the DemParty eliminated JFK, then tried to cover it up. This is when US politics came under another group’s ctrl. A group based in Europe who know The DemParty is the only way to get their ctrl back.

    2. @Trump’s Neck Vagina Bernie Must Win – Split The Demo RATs’s
      AOC for Sect. of Poverty Growth
      Omar for Sect. of Corrupt Immigrants
      Talib for Sect. of Terror Schools
      Pressley for Sect. of Street Housing Growth.
      Trump Train Non Stop MAGA to KAG

  3. Fareed Zakaria is wrong about everything (like most pundits who said Hillary would win in 2016).
    Corbin’s loss was heavily linked to Brexit, which Bernie doesn’t have (no Brexit in America).
    Fareed is CONCERN TROLLING here!

    1. @Spenser Thomas And Bernie will scare off the middle vote. That’s why trump wants Bernie to win the primary.

    2. Countries that Have Free (almost free) Health care make a compromise with service level- That’s Ok
      Hare is The Problem The US MUST FIX FIRST – COST!!!!
      US Health care is the Most Expensive in the World 18% of GDP(2018) Others 9-12% of GDP
      Why because of Lobbying and Anti competitive health laws through the Years.
      There is Major Pay scale difference US medical Profs. get 40-50% more and the Administrative cost is 25% Higher.
      The Drugs Patters take for ever to expire and Few Generics approved.
      Trump Has done his part alone But The Do Nothing Demo Rats are focused on “Peach”
      This cost can only be fixed By Republicans in all 3 levels of government WH Senate and The House.

  4. In the UK Bernie Sanders would be viewed as a centre left politician so comparing him to Jeremy Corbyn is ludicrous!

  5. I’m surprised at Fareed. He has always seemed to be the voice of reason. Now he’s slamming Bernie as a wacky liberal… just like Jake Tapper recently “TRIED” to do. Come on CNN…your shade is becoming really obvious now.

    1. g forcke the powers that be do not want the peoples choice . the attacks on sanders are going to get worse . why i even heard that when he was 6 mos. old he peed on his mother , now how socialistic is that .

  6. There is someone who everybody likes, even republicans, but the media does give him nearly as much attention as he and his ideas deserve. Yang or bust.

  7. Fareed, do you want us to pick someone like Macron or Trudeau?
    Two guys who are fake?
    This is “manufacturing consent”
    Thanks Noam Chomsky for the headlights…

  8. Fareed: “Americans need a transformative figure, someone who represents a new generation or a new way of thinking”. Also Fareed: “America is not ready for a new way of thinking”.

    1. “America needs a transformer..” is what I thought your message was going to read…and, consequently, I was thinking “yeah, that falls in line with the Democrat party” 🌝

    2. @monolith geometry I’m just talking about all the Reps who think that playing word soup with people they don’t like is clever

  9. CNN: “We need a purple multi-gendered cyborg to really connect with the voters. We know what the voters really want!”

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