Fareed explores reasons why minority voters might have voted for Trump

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria discusses the immigrant experience in America and how groups of minorities differ from each other. #CNN #News


    1. @Anthony Browne did I say anything about the black voters dumbass?!?! She stated in her post that they won because of black women. BLACK WOMEN!!! NOT BLACK PEOPLE!!! I would not have disagreed or wrote a comment if she had stated black people.

    2. @Mr Funke yeah well pay attention a little more to what you are reading smartass. I wasn’t talking about the video, but as I stated I was commenting on her post not the video. It’s baffling that you have not been able to pick that up yet. I’ve only mentioned that probably three or four times 😂😂😂


    1. @India taina she decimated your little russia investigation so if she is insane then wtf are you loons😂😂

    2. @ignant hunter that’s easy. They are low informed sheep stuck in an echo chamber listening to propaganda spewed from their favorite talking heads. If they actually did look at all sides before forming their own opinions then the Democrat party would be so low in power they wouldn’t win any more elections.
      Btw I’m not a Republican nor a Democrat. I’m an Independent Moderate who is siding with the Trump on him in this election. Pennsylvania is either going to Trump or null because of the PA Senators lawsuit, just 2 more states, that had shady dealing done in this election, to go for 4 more years of Trump

  1. You said it all..great speech I hope Americans understand Africas in this country experiencing racism daily and not just from whites

    1. @Maria Davis it is your opinion, I totally disagree. If you want to blame racism feel free, but school systems are broken because of vandalism and have been cases when students are disrespectful towards teachers. It starts in the home, educating your child to take care of property that doesn’t belong to them, taking care of your community and your neighborhood. That has nothing to due with racism. Hate sadly exist in different races. Sadly to say your comment sounds racist how you pointed out “think that racist white people like them.” I believe your heart ❤ is in the right place. But when i read your comment for me it really makes no sense. If you want to apologize do it on your behalf not for all latinos because I am not racist and I have nothing to apologize for.

    2. White people in China arrested for nothing and followed around and spied on…..The Chinese will destroy the USA using corrupt media ..simple trick…

    1. @Christopher Colon omg. Did u just bring Sydney powel ( 😆 😄 😂 🤣 😔 ) and an edmited lier into the convo.
      Laughing so hard

    2. Trump knows that he has lost fairly, but does not want to concede, because each day that he does not concede and creates this doubt that he was cheated, he keeps requesting for more donations to fight Democrats.
      He is after that Donation money, the more he waits, the more he makes. It is all about Money.
      Imagine 73M people only donating $10.00 in average, that is $730M, which he might spend only few millions on lawyers for fake trials and the rest he is going to pocket, just as he did the inauguration in 2017. Also he is trying to damage Biden image as much as he can.
      He is a conman.. He is fooling his base.. So the biggest cheat is Trump
      .. It is all about money from this situation..
      and he should be proscutted to the fullest.

    1. Bill Walsh maybe we don’t disagree too much. Moral Americans have finally learned of the Evil growing in this country expanding in Power over a few decades. They, like myself do not normally resort to street violence, especially as a preemptive action. What the Elites (both on the Right and the Left) Don’t “get” is that their run of disastrous Trade Treaties, endless wars, and the joining of Supranational Institutions is Done.
      If it takes exercising 2A Rights to stop this Globalist MSM appointed so called Pres elect person, that will happen. But I’d stress that moral patriotic Americans will not Willy Nilly Riot Burn Loot and Kill.
      They will;however, stop this selling out of the US.
      I guess I’d separate my argument from Party. Even if both major Partys disappeared, so be it. In his Farewell address, G Washington warned us against factions. He was correct.

  2. Definition of Stupid: knowing the truth, seeing evidence of the truth, but still believing the LIE.

    1. Yup, I’ve a feeling that the percentage of Blacks and Muslims that voted for Trump were mostly the non-college educated group

    2. What lie. When trump won it was a a illegitimate president for 4 years. When Biden wins it can’t be challenged legitimately

      Why because on democrats are “pure”. Right

      Wake up. Only 32% of Americans are liberals 18% identify as democrats But are lean centre and 35% are conservative republicans with 15% identify as republicans but lean centre

      So in essence 33% liberals 33% middle of the road 33% republicans

      So there are 20% of democrats who say th e election was rigged

      And 54% of Americans say it was an unfair election

      So dont preach what is true and what is a lie

      As no one knows. But let the process play out

      So what if trump doesn’t concede

      Stacy Abrams never conceded yet Kemp is governor of Georgia
      36 %

    3. @Poogle Chen the blacks and Muslims that voted for Trump more smarter than the ones who voted for Joe Biden. This has nothing to do with college education or not. Many college-educated people are pencil pushers wood height degrees but no common sense or experience. And many of those without education run companies.

    1. @John Freedman Even in the case of Africans, the generalisation is unwarranted. Ethnically, Ethopians and people from the Horn of Africa are very different from West Africans, and even within the latter there are big differences: in Nigeria for instance, Hausa people look different from Ibo people. In the case of the Caribbean and Central America, Blacks look pretty much the same because their ancestors came all from modern-day Benin.

    2. No one “race”, which is a social construct anyways, is. We are all human though. HueMan, unfortunate that many are denied basic liberties.

    3. No but you are an idiot if you are Hispanic and voted for Trump. He vilified and entire race and caused massive increases in race related crimes towards Hispanics in general, Muslims also so the fact any of these groups voted for him is showing the self hate they have for themselves. I am Muslim and I did not vote for Trump so I could never understand why a Muslim would vote for this man but I assure you actions and deeds count and those Muslims showed there action and deeds clearly if they voted for the man who hates Muslims.

    1. Yep. And they’re seeing the democrats aren’t doing them any good, and in a sense they still believe in slavery. Because they think they own the black vote. Quote from Biden “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”.

    2. @Andrew Richardson Joe Biden comes from the Multicultural hubbub Scranton Pennsylvania.
      83% white and CNN would not show him repeating this over and over again.
      The guy is a professional actor

  3. In our woundedness, we can become vindictive, aggressive and dangerous. When we are mindful, we will seek out better choices and pass on wisdom instead of wounds.

  4. “I always wanted to be judged by the content of my character and not by the colour of my skin.” 👏👏👏

    1. I can say the same but with gender. I’ve ALWAYS been dismissed simply for being a woman and it REALLY burns me up. No matter how hard I study and KNOW WHATEVER topic is discussed, it ALL comes back to some patronizing, wanna be witty, condescending and misogynistic one liner, probably a meme they saw on FB. Cuz at the end of the day we are only good for our maid services and T&A! (to most men anyway)

    2. Your character’s dumb if you think that problem will be solved by being a demoKKKrat. Sure they preach about the systemic racism, nevermind the fact that they created it. The only happy African Americans I’ve ever met in this country were Republicans. That’s not a joke

    3. @Julian Hasslehoff The content of ones character is defined by their actions, guided by their morals and principles. It’s speaks volume that you sought it fit to passively attack anothers intellect for standing by their values and principles as opposed to selling themselves out just to assimilate. Here is a news flash for you, people of minority backgrounds; who venture down that route always ultimately regret joining with the racists. As in the end, the racists will always come for them too.

    4. @Starr Davis …it’s hard to take you seriously when you talk about sexism…when you go ahead and judge men as a whole in the same breath. Maybe that’s why they always come at you with a condescending one-liner….because you’re a hypocrite.

  5. Observation from time in South America: the more “European” one appears, the more advantaged—-education, employment, living situation, life style—-one seems to be.

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