Fareed: Cryptocurrency’s anonymity is helping criminal ransomware attacks

CNN's Fareed Zakaria says the anonymity of cryptocurrencies is helping criminals execute ransomware attacks and wonders why countries should continue to allow crypotcurrencies to operate in secret.
#FareedZakaria #Cryptocurrencies #CNNBusiness

Fareed: Cryptocurrency's anonymity is helping criminal ransomware attacks


    1. They always have been very low but the last 6-8 weeks almost inaudible without headphones…abrupt end..?

    2. @Joni M.L. agreed. It has always been a problem on his videos. There has been some slight improvement recently as you noted, but still not enough.

  1. Yes and at the same time its wresting back control, of peoples money from big financial monopolys

    1. You are right, but answering questions are not in their agenda . The top are scared that ” They are losing control and all these paid mainstream media are just doing there job. So they will do whatever to try create new control laws. Non of them can proof all their claims as well.

    2. The ransomware as a service people knew what they were doing, and properly secured their cut. The idiot customer that hired them probably put it on an exchange to sell it and the FBI told that exchange to freeze it. It’s not untraceable, it’s actually very public. If you have a wallet you have a ledger of every other wallets transactions and where they sent it.

  2. Cardano ada will help the world!!
    I’m officially done watching him, he’s just another puppet feeding us fud. (Fear uncertainty and doubt)
    This is horrible. I guess digital identities are a bad thing like the ones on cardano, and I guess he hopes el salvador goes bankrupt.

  3. get backups on your data… don’t click on unknown links in emails. don’t use simplistic passwords and default router credentials. basic stuff will keep most folks safe. Redundancies, my g.

  4. I’ve followed Fareed for a decade now and have just deep respect for his mapping of politics globally but I have to say I was appalled by the lack of research and understanding he has about anything on this subject. Fareed clearly does not understand cryptocurrency or decentralized finance or even the coming revolution. He needs to school himself, the exact reason that the ransom was recovered was because all Bitcoin transactions are on a public ledger where you can transparently see where funds flow. It’s not some shadowy part of the internet as he says but the exact opposite- it brings sunlight and transparency to transactions and no one can manipulate them. I would highly recommend he spends sometime learning about the ecosystem. He will be fascinated to know that it hold the solution to some of the world most complicated problems. His take and this section undermined my respect for his grasp of things and made me question what I learn from him on other matters I know little about. Huge disappointment!

    1. This is what the mainstream media does. They will always misrepresent the facts to benefit their billionaire owners. You’re only noticing it now because it’s a subject you’re very knowledgeable about, but they do it with literally everything.

  5. This is st8 Propaganda! LOL! “Quick! we gotta scare them! Too many people making money we dont know about!!!!”

  6. Fareed, the FBI cheerleader. Congrats bro, you figured out the expressed purpose of Bitcoin. (You can also reading the founding white paper for a more nuanced explanation). Try to use some critical thinking & connect the anonymity/decentralized aspect of it to the greater issue of its adoption

    1. (B:I:T:C:O:I:N): (A:N:D) (E:T:H:E:R:E:U:M )
      (I:N:V:E:S:T:M:E:N:T):(T:H:A:N:K:S) (F:O:R) (C:O:M:M:E:N:T:I:N:G):
      (C:O:N:T:A:C:T)-(W:H:A:T:S:A:P:P) (N:U:M:B:E:R)

  7. The amount of fraud and crime profits that are made in crypto are NOTHING compared to the crime paid for or with $.

    1. (B:I:T:C:O:I:N): (A:N:D) (E:T:H:E:R:E:U:M )
      (I:N:V:E:S:T:M:E:N:T):(T:H:A:N:K:S) (F:O:R) (C:O:M:M:E:N:T:I:N:G):
      (C:O:N:T:A:C:T)-(W:H:A:T:S:A:P:P) (N:U:M:B:E:R)

    1. The rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich

  8. So is paper money, when you go to a crack dealer, you hand him US Dollars. Maybe the Dollar is dangerous? Maybe we have a crisis with that.

    1. (B:I:T:C:O:I:N): (A:N:D) (E:T:H:E:R:E:U:M )
      (I:N:V:E:S:T:M:E:N:T):(T:H:A:N:K:S) (F:O:R) (C:O:M:M:E:N:T:I:N:G):
      (C:O:N:T:A:C:T)-(W:H:A:T:S:A:P:P) (N:U:M:B:E:R)

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