CNN's Fareed Zakaria explains how previous pandemics affected big cities throughout history, and why coronavirus won't be any different.
#CNN #News
CNN's Fareed Zakaria explains how previous pandemics affected big cities throughout history, and why coronavirus won't be any different.
#CNN #News
There comes a time (now) when people need to take matters into their own hands and be responsible for themselves instead of looking for leadership that simply isn’t there. For a large part of us, well done.
@GunDrone If the U.S. turned socialist, the only people thrown under the bus are rich men and their bitches.
That’s what you are, huh? Yes man for the opulent minority?
@Dale Anderson You got sources for that nonsense boy?
How dumb are you, to take everything you hear by someone you agree with seriously?
Do yourself a favor and stay away from political theory. You’re terrible at it.
Well done what??????
CNN SUX what’s worse is screwing over a country by electing a reality tv show con artist.
Yes. The Governors and mayors are toast.
I live as far from any city as you can in the lower 48 and I’m glad about that!
(Enter Napoleon Dynamite voice here) “LUCKY!!!!”
Do you get to kill badgers with your 12 gauge???
a life well waisted
@not fooled lol how
@not fooled “waisted” I think it was your chance at an education you “wasted”.
How’s the weather under your bed?
The outbreak happening in July is not a pandemic. It is a disaster caused by humans.
@Patrick Bednark : They need to stop changing death certificats. If the virus was real they would not need to change death certificats.
@Dinesh Janapati : The only thing that spiked was Liberal BS, better buy some rubber hip boots because the bs is getting deep
@Jerry L. Junior IPhone Email : A Philosopher named Mencius once Remarked, “To Act without clear understanding, To Form habits without investigation, To travel A Path all one’s life without knowing where it really leads; such is the behavior of the multitude.” Most don’t ask questions and so, are easily Deceived.
Hospitals are incentivized to receive a$13,297 Medical Reimbursement for every registered COVID Patient; Additionally they receive$40,218 for putting a patient on a ventilator. Do you see a MONEY MOTIVE” Conflict of interest in this REWARDS PROGRAM?” Is it possible that hospitals would say a person has COVID when he doesn’t, thereby resulting in FRAUDULENT Total COVID-19 Cases & DEATHS? MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT for COVID-19 Test will be $36 for EVERY CDC Test and $51 for all those created in house or by other entities. Follow the money. Who benefits from all these tests being marketed by Corporate Media and sold? Koch’s postulates are four criteria designed to establish a causative relationship between a Microbe and a Disease. No top Medical Research Paper ( ZHOU, Kim, Poutanen, Drosten, Ksiazek, Peiris) Has met Koch’s criteria. NOT ONE! This alone places COVID-19 As the cause of a pandemic WITHOUT MEDICAL PROOF. Why do you think this is? These Major Research Papers indicate that CV-19 Has never been ISOLATED, PURIFIED, or VISUALIZED. How then, can anyone say who does or doesn’t have the virus? Because COVID-19 Has Not been ISOLATED, PURIFIED, OR VISUALIZED What’s the point of taking a RT-PCR, Test or an Antibody Test? The RT-PCR Test can’t look for a virus that’s never been ISOLATED. It can only look for something that is associated with what people consider VIRAL ACTIVITY”. Why isn’t Mainstream Media Reporting on this? Medical Professionals as well as Corporate Media admit that the PCR Test is HIGHLY INACCURATE, Even apart from the fact that the virus hasn’t been VISUALIZED. Does that sound like a Test you still want to take? Who benefits from the creation of all these tests? Could harm come to you if you take such a test? According to the CDC, Regular Seasonal Influenza, Afflicts, Hospitalizes and kills FAR MORE People than CV-19. Why, then, would we want shut everything down when we deal with MUCH WORSE Every year? Consider Chicago Health Official Dr. NGOZI EZIKE’S STATEMENT; If you were in hospice and had Already Been Given A few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID Death. It means technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, But you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID Death. So, everyone who’s listed as a COVID Death doesn’t mean that that was the cause of the Death, But they had COVID at the time of Death. Forced Closures Are Destroying Lives, Leading To Bankruptcy And Homelessness. The STIMULAS Will Devalue Our Dollar And Lead Us Into Hyper-Inflation And A Cashless Society. Highimpact Flix
@bill Amen!
@Greg Kramer Wisconsin bars opened 2 months ago, what’s your answer for that.
Things most likely will never go back to exactly as they were pre Corona. However if social distancing, hand washing, face coverings and a general awareness of how infections are spread and that leads to a lower spread of infectious diseases generally, well would that be a bad thing?
Honestly, some people will keep it mind, while most will just go on and forget it. We have had plagues before yet, we were caught up in our own arrogance to remeber the teachings from history and the advice of our own experts
An overlooked aspect of this whole thing is that this isn’t a super bug. At that nursing home in Kent Washington that got hit hard in March only 6% of the staff contracted it. Because they were already following common sense protocol before we even knew anything about this disease. Just follow the CDC guidelines and you have a good chance of not even catching this. And if you do, a 95% chance of surviving.
The panic is being manufactured for political reasons.
Oh yes the hell they will.
The introvert snowflakes will try to make masks and social distancing permanant forever.
@lkjhb1 You managed to tie in the insignificant snowflake mock with introverts. That’s a new one. I’m impressed at this level of pointless hyperbole.
“You know, I’m something of a scientist myself”
*stares uncomfortably*
he kind of looks like willem dafoe too…
Me too
@Princess Ofpettiness•5H Stan•
Did you know Ben Shapiro’s wife is a doctor?
Now how can you compare NYC’s numbers to the rest of the country tho? We were just in quarantine give it a few weeks lmao
toptenguy1 so why are we shitting on Texas and Florida? Lmao seems a lil biased to me cuz those aren’t liberal states? Like c’mon
@Durkio B yep while Cali is getting hit hard as well but no mention of that
@toptenguy1 NY also has one of the biggest population densities and is the U.S.’s global hub. That makes it impressive considering how other states that have 1/4 the population density and aren’t a global hub have high numbers. Texas has 1/4 the population and half the cases of NY. Arizona has 1/6 the population density and has 1/4 the cases of NY. These states are statistically worse in every category.
New York just said there numbers are slowly moving Back Up yesterday, how fake news can push Trash now lol
It’s all lies, the sheep are slurping up the BS …Look at what Psychopath AOC tweeted.
AOC tweeted this out.
It’s Vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few businesses Closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from this presidency. #KeepUsClosed.
The psychopath deleted this but was already seen by 20 thousand people. The business owners need to sue these Liberal commie Politicians for fraud
Lockdown farms and food processing NOW. Follow Canada’s example.
I wonder if the media and politicians would ever lie to us
The Facebook bots and brainlets never get old lol. If your main source of information is YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, and/or TWITTER, please take the time to review opposing ideas, diversify your intake of credible sources (NOT random articles from “news-sources”), and AVOID following echo chambers on all platforms. Be RATIONAL in your thinking, not what’s easiest or suits your desired narrative.
@Novus Nova This

New York just said there numbers are slowly moving Back Up yesterday, how fake news can push Trash now lol
Of course media and politicians lie as always , but we need to protect us from evil people!!
not fooled
FKN Brilliant, I’m certain that I’ll have to Plagiarize you as required!
Using “decimated” correctly is enough for a ‘like’ all by itself.
I mean, is it really all that difficult, in the current climate?
@Dina Pequeno – Sadly, yes…
@Dina Pequeno you have heard the “president” speak, right? and his equally stable genius cronies? uh yea, difficult as hell.
And he also used _literally_ correctly!
This guy want half of us to die to get some kind of Renaissance and rebirth of who know what? Hard PASS on that lol
A Philosopher named Mencius once Remarked, “To Act without clear understanding, To Form habits without investigation, To travel A Path all one’s life without knowing where it really leads; such is the behavior of the multitude.” Most don’t ask questions and so, are easily Deceived.
Hospitals are incentivized to receive a$13,297 Medical Reimbursement for every registered COVID Patient; Additionally they receive$40,218 for putting a patient on a ventilator. Do you see a MONEY MOTIVE” Conflict of interest in this REWARDS PROGRAM?” Is it possible that hospitals would say a person has COVID when he doesn’t, thereby resulting in FRAUDULENT Total COVID-19 Cases & DEATHS? MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT for COVID-19 Test will be $36 for EVERY CDC Test and $51 for all those created in house or by other entities. Follow the money. Who benefits from all these tests being marketed by Corporate Media and sold? Koch’s postulates are four criteria designed to establish a causative relationship between a Microbe and a Disease. No top Medical Research Paper ( ZHOU, Kim, Poutanen, Drosten, Ksiazek, Peiris) Has met Koch’s criteria. NOT ONE! This alone places COVID-19 As the cause of a pandemic WITHOUT MEDICAL PROOF. Why do you think this is? These Major Research Papers indicate that CV-19 Has never been ISOLATED, PURIFIED, or VISUALIZED. How then, can anyone say who does or doesn’t have the virus? Because COVID-19 Has Not been ISOLATED, PURIFIED, OR VISUALIZED What’s the point of taking a RT-PCR, Test or an Antibody Test? The RT-PCR Test can’t look for a virus that’s never been ISOLATED. It can only look for something that is associated with what people consider VIRAL ACTIVITY”. Why isn’t Mainstream Media Reporting on this? Medical Professionals as well as Corporate Media admit that the PCR Test is HIGHLY INACCURATE, Even apart from the fact that the virus hasn’t been VISUALIZED. Does that sound like a Test you still want to take? Who benefits from the creation of all these tests? Could harm come to you if you take such a test? According to the CDC, Regular Seasonal Influenza, Afflicts, Hospitalizes and kills FAR MORE People than CV-19. Why, then, would we want shut everything down when we deal with MUCH WORSE Every year? Consider Chicago Health Official Dr. NGOZI EZIKE’S STATEMENT; If you were in hospice and had Already Been Given A few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID Death. It means technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, But you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID Death. So, everyone who’s listed as a COVID Death doesn’t mean that that was the cause of the Death, But they had COVID at the time of Death. Forced Closures Are Destroying Lives, Leading To Bankruptcy And Homelessness. The STIMULAS Will Devalue Our Dollar And Lead Us Into Hyper-Inflation And A Cashless Society.
They need to stop changing death certificats if this virus was real they wouldn’t need to change the death certificats
Here’s is more proof it’s staged.
AOC tweeted this out.
It’s Vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few businesses Closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from this presidency. #KeepUsClosed.
The psychopath deleted this but was already seen by people, and business owners need to sue the Liberal Politicians for fraud
didnt u watch the video?when did he say that, i think u missed his point man.
Perhaps we should listen to Mitch McConnell and let the Republican states declare bankruptcy.
Penny Royal
you are 
New York just said there numbers are slowly moving Back Up yesterday, how fake news can push Trash now lol
Is the volume on this video extremely low or its just me?
It’s not just you.
Snake Zakaria always has volume problems.
If they lower the volume enough, no one will hear their propaganda.
There’s something you can figure out on your own, with out involving the entire world.
CNN volumn is always low.
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND.
Fareed! Could you please, please do something about the sound volume on YOUR videos. Its just on yours! Talk to the sound manager for CNN?! You have a soft voice to start but I’d think they could compensate for that … I know for sure I’m not alone on this

Thank you for your stories! Blessings
The outbreak happening in July is not a pandemic. It is a disaster caused by humans.
If New York keeps defunding the police, Coronavirus is the least of your worries.
I’ve thought that we may be on the cusp of a kind of renaissance in terms of business and industry. How we parent and teach. How we approach social situations. How we communicate. A lot of things are changing but it won’t slow us down but prompt a lean in to new opportunities. 2020 will be tough but 2021 will be a fascinating year of innovation.
Herd immunity (MPIE) mass population immunization by exposure is the key to stopping these types of epidemics. that is an empirical immunological fact.
we would be out of this by now if we did that, we also would not have had the stock market crash or the 10s of millions of people that lost their jobs.
You guy’s need an audio engineer and I lost my job….
I was literally just thinking that, haha. Get at it, dude!
this is a great perspective! thank you for this!!!