Famed Republican lawyer pens scathing op-ed about Trump

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent Republican election lawyer, tells CNN's Brianna Keilar why President Trump's claims on voter fraud and mail-in-voting are misleading. #CNN #News


    1. Sparky Sparky all you have to do is read the same article YOU posted. Not me. You obviously didn’t read the whole thing. I didn’t say it. You did. So if you don’t bother to read your own post of course you’ll continue to believe only the part you want to believe.

    2. @Joe Holland BLM has nothing to do with racial equity. Haven’t you figured it out yet now? Where are the black people? Why do they want nothing to do with your movement if this is about helping them? If this is about helping black people why are all your protests in black communities? Why are hundreds of millions of dollars of damage happening to poor black communities? If this is about black people why don’t you take your protest to rich white neighborhoods or upper class white Suburbia? The reason you don’t is that because that’s where all the white protesters live. Don’t tell me this is about racial Equity. This is about a bunch of young white rich people on a joyride to blow up poor black communities.

    3. @Leslie Aflatooni you didn’t read the article. I did. The article says that there is no proof of the link between Joe Biden and antifa. It didn’t say that there is no link oh, just that they couldn’t prove it. There’s a distinction between those two meanings. I think there is a relationship. Just because we couldn’t prove it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

  1. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” — Martin Luther King.

    1. ​@Low IQ Leftist Its typical of the drivel you get from these subnormal leftie bedwetters, they are not capable of anything resembling logic and reason.

    2. Antonio saxon As you sat there typing that lie just know that Joe Biden didn’t condemn the violent rioters and looters (which are hurting minority communities and small businesses) until his polls went down

    3. Joe Biden called Obama the “first African American who is articulate and bright and clean” and said “poor kids can be just as bright as white kids” and called the African American community monolithic and that if they didn’t vote for him then they weren’t black. He also said that if the Republicans won then they’d “put them back in chains” to a group of African American supporters. We can also talk about how he opposed school integration many years ago, voted for the Iraq war, sent all of our jobs to China, how he assaulted a woman (just ask Kamala), only talked about violent riots when his polls went down (riots that are hurting small businesses and especially minority groups such as Hispanic Americans and African Americans), and to top it off has to read from a teleprompter because of his dementia…..

    4. yep I honestly believe he was referring to democrats now that I am witnessed their total ignorance and destruction against or towards America. They are the enemy of America Why send our troops overseas to fight a war when the enemy are in our backyards. You few good democrats that are left know exactly what I am talking about.

    1. @t1tacal This just goes to show how stupid and ignorant you trump supports are. Before you open your mouth to show how ignorant you truly are, why don’t you check your facts first. Don’t say stupid things that you know nothing about just because you are a Obama hater. By the way, what has your fool trump done? He can’t say he brought up the economy because Obama and Biden did that when they were in office and trump was just riding in on their coat tails. Don’t be a hater!!

  2. He is literally insane.. He’s lost it completely! He wants to create as much chaos as possible and set things on fire before he loses, cause he know he’ll lose!

    1. Nick – Saw several reports on the fires in both California and Oregon. There are reports that people were seen going around in helicopters and on the ground starting these fires. One city by Medford, Oregon, was 1/2 burnt down! That truly got me thinking and researching and sure enough most of Oregon is Democratic! And, Trump hates Governor Newsom, whom has sued Trump 17 times on behalf of the states laws. With everything this psycho has done this far wouldn’t be surprised!

    1. @Carmen Flores The person you are describing is someone with Kruger Donner Effect. Fits to a T. Take 1 minute and google “Kruger Donner
      Effect “and you’ll know what we’re dealing with and how hopeless and possibly dangerous such a person is.

    2. @Karen Gordon i sure did…thank you…. suppose …..using hes base as he dreams of a republican take over…,,,,,,,,,,,better wake up …..vote balance out those odds…or we in trouble…big trouble…ask Yawhew for peace for all and wisdom to chose wisely….and that’s all i havs fo say…peace

  3. Why is it even legal for a president who’s been impeached to be able to run for office again? He, should at the very least, have to sit one out.

  4. “go try to steal that car…if the security system is a good as they say it is, you won’t be able to steal it.”
    “But isn’t the attempt to steal it still a cri…?”
    “JUST DO IT!!”

    1. @Mike M Steeling…. like, steel beams or something? It figures someone who doesn’t know how to write in English is gullible enough to believe media. No shocker.

  5. Trump sounds like he’s speaking as the leader of another country.” If their system is as good as THEY say they are, then you shouldnt be able to vote, right”
    What “They” is he talking about? He is the president of the United Stated yet talks like he has no idea how our voting process works because he’s not on the inside. The hell is going on.

    1. Remember that Trump is so damned clueless about American history that he had no clue as to what happened at Pearl Harbor. He is just as clueless about the American Constitution and the entirety of the American federal government.
      All he knows about government was gleaned from the way his father bribed and slithered his way into the New York real estate market.

    1. @Cony Budding The hydroxychloroquine has bamaged your drain. I hear Pillow Guy is dealing Oleander now. But thorazine will fix you up right. Dont take a Yuge dose but yuge dose of Oleander is fine. Go ahead, take it, whaddaya got to lose ? 😁

    2. @rod speaks Oh you so hurt my feelings. I do care so much what you think on every topic Roddy.
      Being youre such an original thinker and all. I was stunned by your post. Sure never thought you”d care much how any little woman thinks and all. Thanks so much Roddy, guess you knew I needed your opinion to validate me. Always the gentleman.

  6. As we know, Trump projects his crimes onto others, so he is admitting that the only way he can win is to do very bad things.

    1. He knows he’s on the way out and wants to do as much damage as he can. Like a child that takes his ball home because no one wants to play the game

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