1. โ€œThat must have been a bitter sweet moment for the president. She (Ivanka) finally screwed him.โ€

    – Stephen Colbert ๐Ÿ˜†

    1. @Cellar Door – ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ โ€œCostedโ€, Former Democrat talks like my son did when he was 3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

    2. @Joboygbp Edwards You again with the lame responses. ยกEl ignorante no sabe cuรกndo renunciar! (Look it up.) Just an observation ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  2. RIP Officer Sicknick ๐Ÿ˜‡. Thank you for your service! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
    Officer Sicknick died of two strokes from physical trauma, from the TERRORIST ATTACK on Capitol Hill ๐Ÿ˜ก

  3. You can’t appeal to people who have No Conscience. They knew. They didn’t care until it affected them. Now they’re all making their “apology tours”.

    1. @gizzy guzzi
      And we both know why you are “not buying” and trying to run away.
      Like I said. Transparent.
      But at least your ego is hurt. That’s how learning starts.

    2. @gizzy guzzi
      Did you delete your posts? Does that mean you actually learned something?
      There may be hope for you yet.

  4. Dear Sandra Garza, please accept our condolences for your loss, but more importantly, our thanks for Brian and his sacrifice on behalf of a grateful Nation.


    2. @E. G. Miss Garza voted for Joe Biden, Brian voted for Trump. This man lost his life because human beings forgot why they were here on this planet, and chose to become killers by their actions. I think the lesson learned was as harsh as any could be. What Brian gave our country was an opportunity to look at where we are and what we’ve become, do much better, and pursue educations and thoughtfulness before our lives fall apart through sheer laziness, jealousy and envy of others that obliterates all rational thought. Be well.

  5. Sadly, this woman may not realize that people like Jared and Ivanka could not care less about the ‘normies’.

    1. I concur with your sentiment 100%
      They would never be welcome or even members of dt Florida country club.

  6. Time for Americans everywhere to stand up for themselves and demand Justice from the US Government. There is right and wrong, and what happened was very wrong.

  7. People like ivanka & Jared donโ€™t care what happen to others as long as their world isnโ€™t changed. Money is their GOD๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ

  8. I don’t think it’s that Eastman “didn’t care” that it would cause violence in the streets, it’s that he KNEW IT WOULD and he was FINE WITH IT.

    1. @Chuck Rambo I didn’t realize we were talking about POTUS here. Did I miss something or are you off subject?

  9. Sandra Garza I truly wish there was no need for condolences . May you and the rest of us know peace and have all the causes of peace. Thank you for sharing with us all.

  10. This young lady, Sandra Garza gives me hope. Poise, Courage and Action while dealing with unimaginable grief. Officer Brian Sicknick demonstrated his character by the fights he engaged in his life and the people he chose to love. People like Brian and Sandra are the people that has and will always make America Great, not the thugs that attacked America’s Capital and kill people that protect our way of life. If you support attacking America’s Capital as the right thing to do, then you believe in lies and are filled with hate and judgement. Trump supporters if you want to live under thugest authortian government move. Plenty of countries will accept you.

    1. @Sylvia Rucker I can still see my response to you. Maybe they deleted it on your end. I canโ€™t really understand your jibberish. You might want to edit your comment. I do love my Country and the Jewish people. Iโ€™m also not a kid. Iโ€™m in my 60โ€™s.

  11. Mere mortal words could never properly express my utmost condolences to you, family and friends. Simply saying “Sorry” is not even close to to cutting the mustard in this horrible nightmare. (that the previous president laid awake night after night planning, plotting and scheming.) When everything is said and done, may justice be served with a light shined brightly upon the TRUTH. May you find some sort of closure, comfort and peace. Btw they’re both going to be in our future History Books. Yours is a HERO and the other is a martyr.

    1. He wasn’t all that young, or healthy.
      If he was maybe he wouldn’t have stroked out in his apartment

    2. @Chris Bammer You are despicable. Try, just try, to have some compassion for the people who were harmed that day and their families. These deaths are not a political football to be tossed around. Regardless of your political beliefs, you might have some empathy for those who fell. That’s just being a human being.

    3. @kate stevens You got any compassion for the unarmed woman who was shot and killed by Capitol police on Jan 6? How about the countless Americans – including police officers – who suffered during the BLM terrorism of 2020?

  12. From an American and the mum of a police officer: Bless your husband for his duty to Service. Bless you in your grief as a family. My heart cries with you.

    1. @raidermaxx23 gads what a stew. Nope i have no ties to those Countries other than friends. I am called mum because that is what my children chose to call me. And my Officer daughter makes me very proud; her integrity, her caring nature and her bothering to go to school to learn her trade (university, further investigative training). Where did you learn English if I may ask?

    2. @Bob Cobb nobody gets a pass for violence regardless of politics, ideology or social position.

    3. @Deborah Darling- ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
      This 68 year old Texan takes his hat off to you and your daughter maโ€™am! Thank youโ€ผ๏ธ

    4. @George B. Wolffsohn –
      โ€œโ€ฆnever the twain shall meet.โ€ Rudyard Kipling in his Barrack-Room Ballads. Truly applicable here!

  13. “Moral courage is not a question of standing up to people on the other side. That’s actually pretty easy to do. Real moral courage is standing up to your own side on behalf of people from the other side.” –Arthur Brooks

  14. That lady is 101% correct and has hit the nail right on the head. There were dozens of people who knew what was going on and said or did nothing, and now the top ranking cabinet lawyers and advisers are now being thanked and put on a pedestal for finally saying something, by the way, all of them are extremely cautious with their vocabulary and tone, deflecting all responsibility when they are truly seeking absolution because they probably can’t sleep in their beds at night. Despicable human beings.

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