1. President Trump is chosen by God to save our great nation🇺🇸, he is the man our boss our supreme leader, he is the hope of our nation, he is bring us together towards greatness, please support him, Thank you so much 👍🇺🇸

    2. So, we’re supposed to believe that in 2016, the DNC cheated in California:

      – Clinton was sure to win California. Trump expected to lose the general election.
      – Citizens don’t like to vote, but illegals will risk jail and deportation to do it?
      – Hispanics vote Republican at about the same rate as the general population.
      – It would require a MASSIVE fake ID manufacturing scam, yet NO fake IDs were found.
      – A fake ID scam would require a MASSIVE money laundering operation, for which no evidence was found.
      – Trump formed a voter fraud commission that found nothing.
      – Trump complains that this “fraud” robbed him of 3 million votes. Funny how that’s the same number of votes by which he lost the popular vote.

      Accusations of voting for dead people are EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS and futile. Individual voter fraud is virtually non-existent.

      – In 2016, Trump told his voters to vote twice, and that it was okay to cheat in HIS favor.
      – He says it’s okay to accept foreign government election help, and has solicited it from no fewer than 3 countries.
      – He paid for fake online polls in 2016.

      Now, here he goes again.

    1. @GreatWhiteBuckwheat More like… because the Dems have been spewing hate for years and people are sick of it.

    2. President Trump is chosen by God to save our great nation🇺🇸, he is the man our boss our supreme leader, he is the hope of our nation, he is bring us together towards greatness, please support him, Thank you so much 👍🇺🇸

    3. @Tylorian More like…. because the *_republicans_* have been spewing hate for years and people are sick of it.

  1. Who votes Mail in Ballot ?
    Trump, Bence, Barr, Ivanka, Jared, Conway, Macanon & everyone in both party @DC and the Military over 100 years.

    1. @Jock Young But there are certainly numerous cases of voter fraud via the mail in system but you don’t give a crap about that. Fraud is fraud no matter what voting system

    2. President Trump is chosen by God to save our great nation🇺🇸, he is the man our boss our supreme leader, he is the hope of our nation, he is bring us together towards greatness, please support him, Thank you so much 👍🇺🇸

  2. I think many Americans have already lost faith in the election system especially in red states with clear voter suppression tactics and gerrymandering!

    1. That includes my home state of Indiana. EVERYONE I voted for two years ago LOST IN A LANDSLIDE!!

    2. David Littler – NO !! Don’t lose faith, your vote is valuable, you will be fine, , you will be doing yourself and your country a good service particularly if you want this criminal president out.

    3. President Trump is chosen by God to save our great nation🇺🇸, he is the man our boss our supreme leader, he is the hope of our nation, he is bring us together towards greatness, please support him, Thank you so much 👍🇺🇸

    1. @43 44 46 a no we didnt forget Somebody told him about toilet flush plumes so he’s investing in “Depends for Big Boys.”

    2. CNN has done ZERO research on the matter. It’s so laughable. The issues of mail-in voting that could lead to fraud is so readily available on the internet, yet, they choose to do what they do best and LYNCH like a true democrat racist KKK creator

    3. @EternalFame ” on the internet ” , well , it MUST be true then . After all , according to the internet the earth is flat , the moon landing was a hoax and cats rule the world …

  3. Remember the Gore vs. Bush “hanging chads?” Nobody talks about the 10s of thousands of military “mail in votes,” that were mysteriously lost at sea as they sailed home on an aircraft carrier from the Middle East. But that’s not voter fraud.

    1. athena icaria – Going by the maple leaf, they’re probably Canadian, and has the luxury of not having to take this as seriously as it is to us.

    2. And Gore was a puppet for the Clinton’s and thank God Bush won because of right now acorn will be controlling everyone finances in order to help to fight the fake global warming process and by the way he’s the one who has said that he created the internet.

    3. @conference Justice Well, dat Iraq war did swallow a big chunk of the economy, a fair amount of young men n women lives.

    4. @Mobley House Video
      Yeah he only created the bogus” right to vote act”to digitize our voting system created by a bunch of right-wing hacks to cloud the water still further in his SECOND bogus election.
      And it took another six to eight years before we were able to actually be allowed to choose how we wanted to vote. And reincorporate the cards.
      This is Bush all over again but 80 times worse. The Saving Grace,however is that ‘Trump won’t have his daddy to run foul for him like the little Bush boy did!

    5. @conference Justice
      He didn’t say that and everyone knows it was a lie but the Republicans like to push b******* even when it’s proven false and here at 20 years later is your classic example!

  4. Looks like to me, mail in voting could go both ways. Democrats have to be afraid of republicans cheating with mail in votes.

    1. FACTS:

      – The overwhelming majority of protesters are not rioters. Very few rioters are ANTIFA. There are many conservative protesters.

      – Most liberals support the 2nd Amendment. DEMOCRATS rejected Beto O’Rourke because he wanted to confiscate guns.

      – Virtually NO liberals want open borders.

      – Virtually no liberals are communist. There are TWO Democratic Socialists in all Congress. Democrats chose Biden, a centrist, over Sanders, the Democratic Socialist.

      – A disease is NOT inherently a political issue. The majority of states with spikes in COVID 19 have Republican governors.

      – There is virtually no individual voter fraud. Most times it has happened, it was done by Republican voters.

      Vote based on FACTS, not feelings, lies, and rumors.

    2. @RuBaron715 All kkk democrat lynchers do is destroy their cities, kill an innocent man with his hands behind his back and put 30M Americans on welfare to keep the man down

    1. President Trump is chosen by God to save our great nation🇺🇸, he is the man our boss our supreme leader, he is the hope of our nation, he is bring us together towards greatness, please support him, Thank you so much 👍🇺🇸

    1. The President’s mailed in ballot is easily verifiable. However, a regular Joe Shmo’s is not.

    2. Amanda – Do you mean the Russians helping the Republicans, who refuse to do anything about it? That thing that Trump says is perfectly okay?

    3. Faustina Andrews – You must hate Trump, then. Name one lie told by this network. I can name 19000 told by Trump. Get it? You will ALWAYS be ridiculously absurd when you call the media liars in defense of that habitual liar. I’m just baffled that so many of you do it. It shows that YOU DO NOT CARE about anyone lying. You are tribal. You are obviously, hoplelessly biased, and YOU are the easily led sheep.

  5. The Fraud in Chief is at it again. God he’s so predictable, but we’re ready for you this time trump

  6. “Le Canada et le Mexique, si vous écoutez …”;
    “Canadá y México, si estás escuchando …”

  7. We’ve had “absentee voting” since the 1920’s! We don’t have mail fraud (Australia). And our voting is compulsory where everyone needs to vote.

    1. Yes, but there are different requirements on how it goes in the Mail. Absentee requires you to fill out, to sign, put in, seal and address the Envelope yourself but a Mail In is the Envelope, check the box, doesnt require a signature and clearly marked as to what it is when you mail it out.

    1. Then why even put Biden in…you know he committed quid pro quo to get Hunter his big job… and thats on record for everyone that wants to hear it..

      THE EXACT same claim you impeached Trump with an noone says a word

    2. Matt C stop spreading lies fool. Biden is great. Cant wait until he DESTROYS traitor trump in november!! VOTE Blue!!

    3. Matt C – Oh, no! NEPOTISM! None if that with Trump, is there? Trump, who had no government experience AT ALL before he was elected, has two top advisors, his daughter and son-in-law, who both had no prior experience.

      Know what else is out there for all to see? Trump’s people did EXACTLY what you accuse Biden of – They tried to stack the board of a Ukrainian energy company! Know what else? Literally dozens of allegations of corruption. People who live in glass houses…

    4. @Matt C You prove it, because fukin Trump can’t & Biden didn’t commit fraud, but Trump did and payed a mighty price…Twice

  8. Let’s get this clown show out and make the changes needed so every eligible American gets to vote with out hassle or suppression.

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