NBC's Sahil Kapur breaks down and fact-checks claims made by President Trump and Joe Biden on their plans for health care during the final presidential debate. Aired on 10/23/2020.
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Fact-Checking Trump & Biden's Claims On Health Care During The Final Debate | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Fact-checking trump is like looking for seeds in horse $hit.
Biden Scandal Goes NUCLEAR, Ex-Partner Has Gone To The FBI With ALL Evidence Being Copied Over
@Ron K….did he watch TV with you?
@VladI ….and we meet again!
@Arnold Ziffle no, he hung out in the backyard with the dogs. He was a pack member
@Ron K very cool!
Will DonTcare protect preexisting people?
@Richard MacLean
Gramps what’s the handle of your other account?
Did you watch the debate? Or just MSDNC cherry picked clips? Pre-existing conditions have always and will always be covered.
@J it’s MSNBC, it’s no need to actually watch and research for yourself because they will clearly tell you how to feel and what to believe.
@J all of it…..and insurance did not always cover pre existing conditions
Of course. That’s why suburban house wives love him
Imagine not trusting the US Postal Service… What happened to America?
The post office: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds”
Trump: We’ll see about that, hold my beer!
Lets get serious for a second…no new wars under Trump, peace in the middle east, prosperity in the US, how can you not vote for him?
Trump has done more in 47 months: https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred-twenty-five-amazing-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/ Than old racist Joe Biden has done in 47 years. America is over career Politicians making promises (or not explaining what they will really do) then NOT keeping their promises or doing something completely different driven by radical Party agenda! I will VOTE TRUMP 2020 and Republicans across the board!
Biden Scandal Goes NUCLEAR, Ex-Partner Has Gone To The FBI With ALL Evidence Being Copied Over
@Facts not emotions you call this prosperity?? Also, trump is a wartime president. That idiotic TRADE WAR with China has decimated our economy.
Wat health care plan he’s been telling us for months an months he has a plan where is it show us tell us something more then lies
How do you know when he is not telling the truth? Yep, when he opens his mouth!
Wonder if Trump comprehends there are no cell phones
in prison? What is he going to do without Twitter or Fox News?

Back to the point.. Why is is Russia and China endorsing the Biden family? Who built the cages?
@J who lost 500 children?
Trump has done more in 47 months: https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred-twenty-five-amazing-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/ Than old racist Joe Biden has done in 47 years. America is over career Politicians making promises (or not explaining what they will really do) then NOT keeping their promises or doing something completely different driven by radical Party agenda! I will VOTE TRUMP 2020 and Republicans across the board!
Trump will get a loaner phone from Big Willie
Not red states. Not blue state. Just the United States
Sounds great. Don’t know why I’m saying this concerning this video 
Best part last night was when Slow Joe denied he would ban Fracking. He panders and lies to soooo many crowds he cant remember what he promises. Hes man with no core values or principles. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/23/politics/biden-fracking-fact-check/index.html
Best part was Chump comparing himself to Lincoln lol https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history
@Dave Schultz No the best part is when Trump didn’t even acknowledge that he lost 545 kids he kept in cages. How did he lose them? They’re in cages. He doesn’t care. And it showed!
Trumps healthcare plan: DontCare
Absolutely, that said he appears to be doing a test run during 2020. A quarter of a million dead Americans, a million families grieving for their nearest & dearest. He’s got a plan ??
He wants to get rid of the ACA before he announces his “plan”. What’s going to happen in the interim when there’s nothing for people who are going to need health care ?
The Plan = a big fat ZERO.
Biden Scandal Goes NUCLEAR, Ex-Partner Has Gone To The FBI With ALL Evidence Being Copied Over
@Bill Wilson Even if that was true, the cost of his presidency is yuge. Trump also accomplished some really tall buildings in Atlantic City. Impressed?
@goe1punk You Biden Scandal people are so desparate. Rudy on the mic (tuckering it in)
@Ashlynne Shain just a question. What has biden done for the US citizens that Trump didn’t do? Just wondering
Like his promise to release his taxes, his “soon” to be released health care plan is another promise that is not going to see the light of day. Give us a break!
Maybe they’re hiding out together. Trump’s tax returns and his health care plan.
During the last debate Trump said he had a plan ready! Now he says he “would like to come up with a better cheaper plan”. What happened to the one he said he had ready to go?
It’ll be ready in two weeks lol
Best part last night was when Slow Joe denied he would ban Fracking. He panders and lies to soooo many crowds he cant remember what he promises. Hes man with no core values or principles. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/23/politics/biden-fracking-fact-check/index.html
@Dave Schultz same with trump.
@dkm07305able ?????
@Dave Schultz kinda wish he would ban fracking. My oil stocks would double overnight!
Even Satan is embarrassed by how much CHUMP Lies!
@J Jesus already has Biden’s soul
@Sujin C. Huber well 4 years is all of can take of the current administration
@Sujin C. Huber unlike Trump who has done nothing except spending taxpayers money in to his bank account, no health care plan, no covid plan your on shakey ground maybe Trump should have practiced in his bunker
@Facts not emotions hahaha best joke ive heard to day, dont you mean Trumps running to pay his $400 Million loans off as Putin with have him knee caped if he defaults
@Bill Wilson Bill here’s the thing no one cares, Trumps cant get himself from under his no health care plan or his no covid plan and his criminal acts he done while in office America is the laughingstock of the would
If you believe trump. I’m 27 years old 115 pounds and a millionaire from selling bridges in the desert. Just ask my grandkids.

Stay Strong America.
I’m going to let this post slide because I see a grandmom when I read this. I’m still voting Trump becase I love his results…you should too
The new Trump board game, “Bankruptcy and Pestilence”!
@Walter Godsoe Nice. Lol
Hard to make a plan when you’re too busy distracting the people to make back room deals to help pay off substantial debt
As much as Trump likes to brag, if he had a healthcare plan, he would be talking about it non-stop at every opportunity.
So true. Thank you.
WOW…what truth
Trump has done more in 47 months: https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred-twenty-five-amazing-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/ Than old racist Joe Biden has done in 47 years. America is over career Politicians making promises (or not explaining what they will really do) then NOT keeping their promises or doing something completely different driven by radical Party agenda! I will VOTE TRUMP 2020 and Republicans across the board!
The G.O.P. has no health care plan, they just want to erase any trace of President Obama. It’s blatant racism.
Return your glasses, they make you see race in everything…
You are absolutely correct that’s the reason they want to get rid of it.
Why can every other western democracy give it’s citizens essentially free healthcare while the US retains employer based private healthcare. It’s all about the $$$$ made by private insurers and the millions they donate to politicians.
Exactly and both parties are complicit.
And they cashed in big time, when 30 million American’s just lost their jobs – months or years of premiums prepaid, and then BOOM, out of work, no health care. They LOVE covid.
Most of us everyday people were taught not to quit a job unless you have another one. For trump’s purposes he should not destroy a plan unless he has another one to put in its place immediately
Beautiful B.S….trump has no plan so he’ll take away healthcare and people just die!!!
Hello everyone
After 4 bloody years the orange clown
is still playing air accordion on health care.
@Bill Wilson lol…. Trump’s been doing dirty deals w Chinese communists…
@Peter Jeffery Dude has so many obvious tells I just wanna sit at same poker table with him.
Ahhhhh, just when is MAGA going to happen – 2nd term? 3rd term?
@Joseph Willis Bidens first 100 Days.
@Doug Lowe LOL I have said for years that Trump is the guy you invite to your Friday Night Poker Game when the rent is due on Monday. Can’t bluff, so easy to rattle, tells all over the place for any fool to see and of course he’s just not that bright.