Fact Checking Trump And Allies’ Push Of ‘Obamagate’ Claims | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Frank Figliuzzi and Ben Rhodes join Andrea Mitchell to fact check Donald Trump and his allies' charge that Barack Obama and Joe Biden conspired against Michael Flynn, despite a lack of hard evidence to support the claims. Aired on 5/15/2020.
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Fact Checking Trump And Allies' Push Of 'Obamagate' Claims | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


  1. Thank you for acknowledging that Trump is simply trying to distract US from his incredibly repulsive display of incompetence related to his mismanagement of the covid-19 crisis. He’s up to his same old tricks!

    1. @Ray S by media, does that include Fox, Twitter, New York, OAN ect.? I honestly have no idea, as an American, you can support Trump. I don’t understand why you would think that the conscious voters in this nation would will that a soulless, self serving, self absorbed, power seeking, individual (Donald J Trump) stay in the White House.

    2. Jennifer Jones – Yep.

      Please note- Just bc someone doesnt believe cnn, msnbc, yahoo, etc doesnt automatically mean they are a fox news fan. FN is also msm and report inaccurate info as well.

      Let me ask you this: Is it both my right as an American and my freedom of speech to support the candidate of my choice just like you do?

      Just bc you dont like him or bc you disagree doesn’t make it any less my freedom😀

    3. Jennifer Jones – Btw, that is vague description that can be placed on any politician. You do realize that right? 😂

    4. @Ray S can you stop already. The media doesn’t vilify Trump, Trump vilifies Trump with his actions. Ray, most Americans are intelligent enough to see for themselves what is going on in the world. Don’t play into Trump’s attempts to deflect attention from his failures as president. The thing about people calling him a natzi, that’s weird. I haven’t heard that one. It’s kind of fitting though now that I think about it, yeah, he is a little Hitleresque isn’t he…huh! Oh well. You know, it’s so weird how I’ve gotten a lot of his fans statements of calling people who don’t support trump traitors and natzis and things like that? Wow, that’s strange, why would they do that do you think? Doesn’t Trump support the ideology of a free nation and democracy…so weird! Have a good one Ray. Bye-bye!

    5. Jennifer Jones – If you cant see that the media is biased against Trump, his supporters and Republicans in general, I guess youll never see it.

      It must feel horrible knowing mush-mouthed Biden is your only saving grace😁

    1. @Some Person I think Donnie is jealous about Obama’s intellect and charisma. Because Chlorox Donnie himself is a low IQ rich trash and will never match Obama.

    2. @Speedbird Nine completely honest? I think Donald walked in on Ivanka with a black guy years ago, and ever since he is jealous of any black person she talks to…

    3. @Some Person this has been my favorite thread on YouTube in years, thank you for your service.🇺🇸

    4. @Ivanka speads for Quincy Jones and to you as well. Sadly as soon as I say that a troll will finally come along and announce they are lonely…

  2. Trump is afraid that Flynn and Stone won’t be able to do a long stretch in prison, and will decide to cut a deal instead and reveal all of Trump’s crimes. Stone could corroborate Rick Gates’ testimony that Trump did in fact collude with WikiLeaks..

    Flynn’s crimes and betrayal have been well reported and documented. In a now infamous video, Flynn is seen applauding and toasting Putin, Trump’s benefactor, and America’s adversary. The video shows that the Dec. 10, 2015 Moscow dinner Flynn attended was swarming with ex-russian spies, Putin’s cronies and oligarchs.

    In the video of a December 2015 dinner celebrating the 10th birthday of Putin’s propaganda  network RT at a  Moscow hotel, Putin and a host of Russian luminaries toasted the state-controlled news channel that U.S. intelligence calls a Kremlin mouthpiece. And next to Putin at the head table, in the seat of honor, was Michael Flynn, who would later become Trump’s national security adviser, was already advising Trump’s campaign when he was being paid $45,000 by Putin to speak at the gala.

    “It is not a coincidence that Flynn was placed next to Putin,” said Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador in Moscow “Flynn was considered a close Trump adviser. Why else would they want him there?”

    Sergey Ivanov, then Putin’s chief of staff, sat directly across the table from Flynn. A former KGB general who at one point ran KGB operations in Africa, he has also served as Russian defense minister and deputy prime minister. Ivanov had been under U.S. and European sanctions for a year and a half by the date of the dinner.

    Next to Ivanov was Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, but more importantly his de facto national security adviser, say U.S. officials. Flanking Putin on his right, two seats from Flynn, sat Alexey Gromov, Putin’s deputy chief of staff. U.S. intelligence considers Gromov to be Putin’s head propagandist. According to the January 6 Intelligence Community report on Russian interference in the U.S. election. He too was on U.S. and European sanctions the day of the dinner.

    After Putin got up to make his speech, his place at Flynn’s side was taken by Margarita Simonyan, RT’s editor-in-chief. A personal friend of Putin, she worked in one of his presidential campaigns before being chosen by Gromov to head RT. U.S. intelligence assessment of RT paints Simonyan as the lead person, along with Gromov, engaging in information warfare against U.S. policies. She is described as closely tied to, controlled by the Kremlin.

    Beyond the head table, Russia’s oligarchs filled many of the seats. Like Viktor Vekselberg, whose billions are in oil and aluminum and who is a business partner of Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and the owner of the world’s largest collection of Faberge eggs.

    Flynn had already been a frequent guest on RT in the months prior to the dinner. When Putin finished his speech that night, Flynn was among the first to leap to his feet and offer a standing ovation.

    Like Trump, Flynn proudly betrayed his country, and they both did it for nothing more than greed.

    1. Good point! The truth will come out eventually and history will remember! Save our democracy vote Trump out 2020! Wake up America! 🇺🇸

  3. The great crime that was comitted was that a black guy was in the White House and did a pretty good job of it, and a whole bunch of old white men lost their collective SH#.

    1. Nicole Brown I have often thought about that. It doesn’t make any sense. I think it’s changing, at least in some places. We live in New England and it isn’t an issue at all.

    2. Dee Doo No. That isn’t why We don’t like Trump. He puts little children in cages,fights with our allies, admires Putin and the other totalitarian regimes, lies constantly, Doesn’t fund WHO, hassles the CDC, doesn’t listen to the experts, etc. November can’t come soon enough. The today I heard that weasel Jared suggest that we postpone the election. I don’t think so.

    3. @Wado Waleli …. Once upon a time, America was respected throughout the world. Most of the relationships with International Organizations and Countries are now destroyed. America has lost its world standing and prestige because of one (1) individual.

    4. @Dee Williams That’s the way it appears to me, too, Dee. What amazes me is how those around Trump, even those he appointed, could allow something like this to happen. It also seems to show that if there is, indeed, anything like a “deep state” (other than the deep state of Trump’s psychosis), then surely Trump is knowingly a part of it as an active facilitator or unknowingly a part of it as a puppet. I hope one day we can find out without him destroying our country first. Take care.

  4. You can’t say it’s a conspiracy, when they asked who was found to be talking to Russia. That would be a normal request. AAAANNNNNDDDDD Flynn plead guilty x 2. You can’t complain, just because you got caught.

    1. So what if he was talking to Russia?? Sounds like a dirty set up. Unmasking is for higher ups to see not the Wall Street journal you idiots.

    2. @Paul you´re so freaking dumb, the USA will self implode with all the BS you trump cult believe!

    3. Alex Walker Mr orange moron who can’t even wear a mask 😷 says hey 👋 look overthere 👉🏼 Obama,Flynn yadda yadda! and only the idiots turn…. careful now, don’t end up at Lysol rehab!

  5. Consuming jealousy, low selfesteem, inferiority complex, these things can make an empty brainless, useless shell of a being, do shameful, hurtful, selfish inhumane acts against others!
    -e. g. -rumpty-dumpty-trumpty!!

    1. @Christopher Bevins
      Actually, yes, I have dealt with people like rump, and lived to warn about it!

    1. They knew Flynn was paid by the Russian to be an unregistered agent to Russia. This Russian agent advised the current President and was the National Security Advisor, calls the Russians and acted like he was still a Russian agent or trying to gain favor so he could be their paid agent once out of government. The only reason they cover this is to point out this is how Trump is spending his time instead of finding out and addressing issues with the virus response, the virus is a losing issue for him so he does not care about it.

    2. @myko freder And so what? There’s nothing wrong with giving speeches for money is there? Volga-Dnepr Airlines, Kaspersky and RT are private entities NOT the Russian state. So your claim of being a “Russian agent” is false.

  6. He pleaded guilty twice…if your innocent why would you plead guilty….just another trumpster lie against obama….when does his hatred stop…..

    1. Stephen, They threatened his mother they totally screwed him there is written proof he was set up!

    2. @Printagic Online … PrintaMoron has, in all his various incarnations, many times, been picked up trying to tell all the other blank stare librrhoid zombies another excuse to maintain their delusions. To assuage the pesky Cognitive Dissonance Derangement. It’s one of the many reasons the remainder of the population w/ IQs above 80 continue to buy popcorn. Business is booming!!
      This movie’s only getting started. Bring your seatbelts to the cinema, boys ‘n girls. 😂🤣😂🤣😝

    3. Stephen f, that’s because they threatened to go after his son! In other words, “plead guilty, or we’ll go after your son”. And he was also drowning in legal fees. You should be asking why aren’t the original 302 isnt being released.

  7. Clearly a diversionary tactic at a time when resources and effort should be placed on this country’s health during this pandemic. But Trump is bothered and needs to lash out at anyone he can and we all are aware of his favorite target of his ire and that is of the ever popular more highly RATED president Obama. Just the fact Obama’s ratings will always surpass Trumps makes Trump crazy. So crazy, Trump would do anything to discredit the prior president even if it means ignoring the priority of the nations health. Sick mind and the electoral college voted for it.

    1. He’s repulsive…campaigning and lying about how great his administration is while we STILL don’t have a clear plan on how to handle this crisis and save lives right NOW! He left US in the lurch with no way to right ourselves!

    2. I love the left hoping against all hope that the virus kills Spygate and the failure of Russiagate. It’s hilarious.

    3. Trump 2020 so much will be brought to light from this especially the pedophilia rings God bless

  8. “My authority is total” and “I take no responsibility at all” – quotes from a whiny sniveling manchild with NO LEADERSHIP skills.

    1. @Russian Bot Oh, and how smart, courteous and knowledgeable you are, is displayed for everybody to view. Simpleton.

  9. Just exactly how rediculous can a desperate trump get?anything to distract from the death count.

    1. David Guelette he isn’t worried about the death count. He is worried that he won’t get a chance to be president after the next elections, and Biden is his biggest threat at this time. Unfortunately for him he is a continual and constant liar and the public are looking at the lies and inaction about the covid19, and seeing him for what he is so all of his talk about Obamagate is falling on deaf ears. People also remember Judge Sullivan questioning why Flynn shouldn’t be charged with treason, when he had the whole unredacted story in front of him, so nobody looks favourably at Flynn. They see sneaky Barr doing trump’s dirty work to get a mate out of jail. Worrying about the death count would require a certain amount of compassion, something not seen in trump or the republican party.

    2. @cj p Yes. Trump is putting up a distraction.
      “Unmasking is not illegal” – Laura Ingraham, yesterday

    3. @Greg Bors unmasking proves they were spying on trump when they had zero evidence of russian collusion to begin with.
      Its sad that you have no idea how clueless you all all only watching one side of the media.

  10. Another deflection strategy by President Trump. Mr. President, take your Paranoid Personality Disorder meds and grow up.

    1. @AK MediaArts or with all the ” homework” done about Trump and his criminal ways, he’ll incriminate himself in every single interview.

    2. ​@Gabe Gabber I don’t have to guess to conclude that you lefties live in a bubble of lies and suppressed facts, which explains, in part, why you know so very little and invariably form absurd opinions. You might consider expanding the sources you rely upon, since the ones you have been consulting have clearly failed you, big time. Do you even know of Ben Rhodes’ horrible reputation for gross dishonesty, based, among other things, his incredible confessions regarding how the Obama administration manipulated all these leftist media outlets about the absurd Iran nuclear fraud ? Yet you clearly believe the pure propaganda spewed by very self-interested Obama sycophants and shameless, partisan liars from the leftist media.  You people are pitifully ignorant and intellectually dishonest to the extreme.

  11. Distraction tactics based on Trump’s enduring racism and his desperate attempts to rewrite the history of his own collusion with the Russians. Traitor.


    2. There was collusion. All you have to do is look at what Roger Stone did. All you have to do is look at how many times Jared Kushner had to redo his security clearance application. Etc etc etc …….

  12. He’s desperate for little diversion right now. The heat is getting close .. and the room getting hot anything can help..

    1. Dean Smith Dean he is stupid enough to do it has well, he has turned America into the biggest embarrassment, liability and laughing stock on the planet right now and people are supporting him blinded by greed and stupidity he’s the threat to world peace since Hitler stay safe from Stevie in Britain

    2. @Gary Vance Conspiracy isn’t fact and are you talking about how trump handled the impeachment, no wittinesses and close
      doors and pre made innocent finding. Or are you talking about all those sealed indictments the loony toon fans have been
      raving on about for three years. To bad indictments have to be named and only last 90 days to be served, so your real
      evidence was gathered by Obama before the election and not released to affect the election and he allowed the fbi to release
      Clintons emails to her detriment. Yeah Obamagate sounds real, if you are a conspiracy nut and believe in fairies.

    3. @Adam Brady I was thinking more of Obamas spying on the Trump Campaign. And insisting on being keep informed about everything the FBI was doing on the Russia collusion Operation. This conspiracy theory was confirmed by FBI Text Declassified. And released by Judicial Watch. Strazok to Page. This one is being ran from the top Obama wants informed on everything we do. A long with the paper trail of Obama paying Half for the salacious Dosser. Which was used to defraud the FISA court And gain warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. This is all backed up by text and paper trail.

    4. @Adam Brady I was thinking more of Obamas spying on the Trump Campaign. And insisting on being keep informed about everything the FBI was doing on the Russia collusion Operation. This conspiracy theory was confirmed by FBI Text Declassified. And released by Judicial Watch. Strazok to Page. This one is being ran from the top Obama wants informed on everything we do. A long with the paper trail of Obama paying Half for the salacious Dosser. Which was used to defraud the FISA court And gain warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign. This is all backed up by text and paper trail.

    1. That’s my sentiment exactly. Thousands of lies. Not believing anything comes out of his mouth now either lol.

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