Fact Checking President Trump: ‘Zero Evidence That Election Is Being Rigged’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC

After President Trump's address at the GOP convention, Chuck Todd fact checks his claims. Aired on 8/24/2020.
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Fact Checking President Trump: 'Zero Evidence That Election Is Being Rigged' | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Fact Checking President Trump: 'Zero Evidence That Election Is Being Rigged' | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. A Professional Con man who screwed his family out of wealth, created a charity group with fraud, created university to con people, Claims to be Billionaire and has not paid taxes, a president who is a wolf in sheep skin, lies every time he talks, everything he does for his pocket, hotels, resorts, gulf clubs, and has put his family in power to funnel money into his business!!. He has never been to church, yet he claims he stands for religious values.. He is the president, still he knows he is going to loose, so he claims there would lots of cheating in election under his watch as president.. He will make a great president for America… Con man, cheated his way up there, his sister, his niece know it, yet the public are bunch fools that just vote, but they do not understand or have a clue why they vote!!! Sheep are always led to butcher house by those who feed them… Get them fat boy.. Ready to slaughter.

  1. A few truths about Trump: he cannot control his mouth, he will fight with anyone yet fight for no one, and he is literally incapable of telling the truth.

    1. He pretty much wins every fight and election. Just ask Stormy, and Rosie, and Crooked Hillary, and Mueller, and Megan Kelly, and Cohen, and Amarosa, and Bolton, all LOSERS…

    2. He will fight we anyone as long as that draft dodging only has to use lies and use words as most loudmouth buffoon bullies have to have a daddy to hide behind or a bunker to hide in.

    3. Ask any NEW YORKER and they’ll tell you the same thing about Trump
      ,” He can’t keep his big fat Yap shut !! “

  2. “It’s rigged unless I win”? Get real, either it’s rigged or it’s not, and Trump is trying to rig it.

  3. I can’t believe there are people in this country who are actively supporting an autocrat and are fine with turning America into an autocracy. The Cult of Trump is poison.

    1. They do not believe Trump is actively working right now to take away their social security, medicaid and medicare. January 21, should he get reelected, he will start with decimating the First Ammendment, and very shortly after, he’ll get rid of the second amendment. Dictators do not want their citizens having guns. It is the advice Putin’s given him.

    2. Growing up in Italy I always wondered how Mussolini and Hitler got to power. Now I see first-hand. Brainwashing, terrifying.

    3. @Investigative Audit Sadly my friend many of us don’t need to read your report or listen to MSM crucify him or Conservative media glorify him. Just watching how Americans are turning on each other & how he speaks in terms of Blue & Red instead of referring to us all as Americans is enough to see this President is a divisive POS & is playing on EVERYONE’s fears. With a pandemic raging a real leader would have pulled us together. God knows I tried to give Trump a chance to unite US & prove everyone wrong but instead of fixing anything he whines about how everyone is sooo unfair to the poor poor helpless victim! Think about that for a second…. the most powerful person on the face of this earth whines that he’s a victim instead of rising above it & acting PRESIDENTIAL… I for one am not buying whatever snake oil he’s selling ANYMORE!

  4. Can’t watch this. Can’t stand his voice, can’t stand the LIES over and over AGAIN. ARRRRGGH America has become to Pathetic.

    1. 100% agree…I get a physical reaction when I hear him talk. Its visceral. Literally makes my skin crawl when I hear Trumps voice.

    2. @JR Nihiser – Watch Me Draw couldn’t agree more, have to mute when he is talking, just vote blue and get rid of him💙💙💙💙💙💙🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽

    1. @Mikael Holmgren Great. Can you please cite the page number or quote where Mueller supposedly concluded Trump/Team Trump intentionally conspired with Russia?

    2. He didn’t though. Imagine thinking a couple Russia facebook pages helped him out. Imagine thinking that private DNC emails being released is “meddling.” You literally are admitting that the truth about the DNC is damaging, the emails, thus the organization itself is damaging and bad HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    3. @Mikael Holmgren Can’t prove a negative. I am not aware of anywhere in the report that Mueller concludes Trump/Team Trump knowingly conspired with Russia to influence the election. So, since I can’t find it and you’re the one making the claim and you’ve read the report, why not just cite it or quote it?

  5. Fact checking Trump is easy: every claim he makes is a lie, everything he accuses others of he himself is doing.

    1. @Barbra Maes Sad but true. You can’t reason with delusional people and there is no antidote for stupid. Trump has the ability to bring this fact into sharp focus.

    1. @Barry Faulkner Uhm, no one has died from the flu in the past several months because flu season ended last April and won’t start again until this coming fall.

    2. @Jeweled Bird
      And besides how much money could you make by patronizing your own hotels and golf courses any Way?
      I’ll bet you anything that if Trump used other hotels, and had room service meals, drinks etc, the bill would run so much higher for the tax payers then it did using his own hotels

  6. “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices.”
    _George Orwell

  7. Honestly, I don’t care if election results show that he wins. He is a criminal and as such, must automatically be barred from assuming office.

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