Fact-checking Donald Trump: ‘He Is Selling A Bag Of Goods That Is Not True’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC

MSNBC News Medical Contributor Dr. Vin Gupta fact-checks the president over claims about remdesivir and other anti-viral drugs. Aired on 7/21/2020.
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Fact-checking Donald Trump: 'He Is Selling A Bag Of Goods That Is Not True' | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. @Strong Man – You took it like a wimp. You went down at the drop of a hat – and you brought that red CACA hat with you.

    2. @Strong Man – Is that the same uncle that gave DNA injections when he was a teenager to make him a (ha ha ha ha) genius?

  1. Yeah campaign manager is rewriting his views. Just trying to BS between the lines. Same Sh@@! different day.

    1. I agree he is in fact Superman!! No president outside of Reagan has done better for our country than pre pandemic trump!! And trump is the only president that can lead us post pandemic!!

    2. @Peter Goh meaning what?? It was Biden and MSNBC who called trump xenophobic and fear mongering for restricting travel from China!! That alone saved perhaps 1 million lives!!!

  2. When you are a millionaire and in a private hospital then you will get Remdesivir, but not the average person with hospital personnel that had a 24h shift – every cure is available but only for the rich people – i am so glad to live in Germany with a working health system

  3. Made a better title for your video: “Fact-checking Donald Trump: ‘He Is Selling A Bag Of Lies’ ”
    Feel free to use it going forward. 👍

  4. A claim of “we are, now, seeing less of an increase” is like saying “after I let the fire burn down most of my home…..we are now seeing less parts if the remaining structure catching fire”

    1. I don’t know about that, from across the street here it looks like it got a lot more to burn.

    1. I never watched trumpets briefings
      Didn’t vote for him in 2016
      He was a comedian and became a president
      The same day he made that statement that he wears masks that night he went to a hotel and had a briefing with about a hundred people and there was no mask on his face so yes he’s lying and anybody that believes him is just as dumb as him

      His briefings a stupid and his ratings are low

      But you see there’s a hundred and forty-two thousand deaths as of July 21st 2020 which could have been saved back in February at least 40% of them but because Trump stupidity and it represents stupidity and you can’t fix stupid

      Maybe you should be more concerned about kids going to school and catching the virus and bring it home to the loved ones you never spoke about that

      But what he did speak about today’s briefing is how we wished to sell Maxwell best wishes
      But I’m sure you meant more than just wishes cuz they were very well attached to the hip

    1. @Chris Dee Thanks for not saying “nope’. You are kind of a stiff. Your time really doesn’t matter all that much or you wouldn’t be wasting it on You Tube. You’re full of crap.

    2. @Crystal Giddens Trump has turned his back on America and is selling us out to the Russians. I can promise you that Biden will be the nominee and the president elect come November because unlike Trump he has empathy and is a good man. He is attracting more and more conservatives each day because he is a moderate who loves this country and has a track record of bringing people together. His son served in the military which means when Putin puts bounties on American soldiers he will not call it a hoax like Trump has even after the Taliban confirmed it. For the first time in history the wealthy are paying a lower effective tax rate than the working class thanks to Trump. Biden is going to change that because when the working and middle classes are doing well everyone is doing well. Biden is not running for the highest office in the land to let someone else call the shots. He is the type of man that listens to the opinions of everyone and tries to arrive at a point in the middle. He is exactly what this country needs right now! There are too many extremists in this country and not enough moderates.


    1. Fauci has been wrong many times. In the beginning he said don’t wear masks but now we should wear masks. He decided that we shouldn’t have the China travel ban but look where that got us.

    2. @Awesome Timeless like you just said. In the beginning. That’s right. We didn’t know what we do now. Trump called it a hoax. Enough said

    3. @David Wilson Trump calling it a hoax is fake news. What he called a hoax was how the democrats politicalized the virus.

  6. This administration tells so many lies that they can’t keep them straight. Trump and Kayleigh really need to get on the same page. They have opposite stories time and time again. There is so much corruption, incompetence and lies that you can’t believe any of it. Total Fail

  7. Why can’t Trump be honest with the American people. Why does he have to be fact checked on everything? Because he twists facts and lies about everything.

    1. @Wyatt Earp that’s interesting since the only president who committed a quid pro quo with Putin and the Ukraine is Barak Obama!!!

    2. @Wyatt Earp next time you respond to me you better refer to me as Alfa male Mr Bullock!! punk!!

  8. the man cannot think and that is obvious. His brain is a mess with no capacity for logic or reason.

    1. He is trying to figure out a reason but it is hard when ideas are constantly going back and forth with this virus.

  9. It all needs to be fact checked.
    Lies at every chance.
    I just don’t understand why people still remain blind.

    1. @Tessmage Tessera the ones who taught me right from wrong believe in the one who goes against everything they use to believe.
      He played fears and gave false promises of hope.
      It’s like they are hypnotized.
      I believe his following have something wired in there brain that allows them to be.
      Just a theory no proof but I have looked into their eyes and don’t see life .
      Maybe I’m wrong but there is something wrong with them.

  10. We’ve gotten better because his dumb dumb non-plan has given the medical establishments soooo much practice. If it wasn’t for these hospital personnel we’d have a much higher count!

    1. @Noma We have been exhausted for 3 1/2 years. But with fatigue comes determination. To get out of the current situation that has us all tired. We gonna vote em out.

  11. Trump thinks we all are like hisself. I cannot understand how he can stand and brag about how smart he is! And yet he is the dumbest little man i,ve ever known.

    1. Dumbest little man..a 🤥 a narcissist, a pervert, a coward draft dodger, blames everybody, lazy and a corrupt man..what else we need?
      When is he going to work for a common cause for America?

    2. Didn’t you see Chris Wallace’s interview of him? He bragged that he passed a test for dementia, but he did admit that the last five questions were hard. – – – SMH
      The world is laughing at how stupid this man is!

  12. Ofcourse, he is just doing a show for his ratings. He knows exactly what help states and hospitals need but he won’t offer it. He still refuses to take responsibility as a leader. Shame!

  13. Instead of sending Federal doctors and nurses to the hospitals where they’re needed he sends Federal officers to the Streets 2 assault our civil rights

    1. I doubt they are federal agents. They are kidnapping people and putting them in unmarked Van s. Is this Nazi Germany now? Where are they taking them? These are protesters they are kidnapping.

  14. Are these guys doubting Trump’s medical qualifications !!?… Don’t they know he surprised some doctors by being able to identify a rhino recently !?…. Come on guys…cut him some slack….it’s not easy being President if you have the mind of a toddler..!

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