Fact-checking Biden’s claim he personally reduced the federal deficit

CNN reporter Daniel Dale explains why experts are calling out President Biden's claim that he is personally responsible for reducing the federal deficit. #CNN #News


  1. I want to take a moment to thank everyone that voted for Joe Biden, I have to say we wouldn’t be able to make it without you guys 🤣🤣🤣

    1. @Seeker of Truth “Seeker of Truth” Ironic. Imagine saying that you welcome inflation for the “greater good”, that’s how detached from reality Democrat voters have become.

  2. I’m always disappointed whenever I see any individual take credit solely for the work of a collective. I’ wondering when an American President will begin training the people to understand that the President is not God, not King, not Great Leader, not Savior … the President is the President as defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. For example here, the truth would have been, “We have…” or “My cabinet and I have…” or “The people have….”. Any number of expressions that make clear and begin to teach that the President is absolutely never solely responsible for anything except sending people off to die in war and even then only after a collective body has deemed it necessary.

    1. Or pulling the out of Afghanistan only to send them back in to be sitting ducks. lol

    2. I take it the adult in the room as the Democrats like to call him, does talk like this while heading the White House.

  3. After CNN+ tanked, CNN has considered not being bias, for one report.
    *Slow Clap*

  4. Why is he staring at the camera tryna convince us when he’s referring to Brianna lmao 😂 ya’ll try too hard lmao no one believes u 🤣

    1. @Stacey Northrup
      Like the Abraham Accords?
      Or the record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics?

  5. Brandon certainly has reduced the buying power of working Americans. Let’s go Brandon! #FJB

  6. So if the deficit goes up it’s the President’s fault, but if it goes down he is not responsible. At least be consistent.

  7. He says he reduced it but even if true, he made it up by giving all that money to Ukraine

  8. thank god hes releasing barrels of oil to reduce the cost of fuel otherwise wed be paying a ton…oh wait

  9. Does that include NATO paying their “fair share”, and the rest of the countries that owe us money pay up? Who did that?

  10. Another bogus fact that we are going to hear about over and over again like the one where he claimed to have created 10 billion jobs.

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