Katie Harbath, former public policy director at Facebook, says the Oversight Board wants to give Facebook six months to review its decision on Trump to see "how the political climate continues to evolve." #CNN #News #Business
Facebook’s former public policy director weighs in on Oversight Board’s Trump decision

I like this.
Because Facebook would go out of business if they put him back on. Do you realize the mass exodus off that site if they let that conman criminal back on? Talk about a massive boycott !
@Augie Rockero My friend thou has no idea what is going on. Such nastiness in your moral superiority of ignorance. You might want to step outside of yourself and see what is really going on in the world.
@Marshall D Teach Excuse me! Yeah there is a little question based on their legal standing and violating law. Buy hey msm sort of glossed over that when all this started. Facebook stepped into constitutional issues and Big
Tech is now the moral authority because they just spit in our face and the Bill of Rights.
@Pay Attention What’s really going on? You mean MAGATS losing the Presidency, House, Senate, their own party, donations, investors, Hollywood productions in their states, and social media access?….. You mean MAGATS being indicted, cancelled, and boycotted while they cry about red meat, Mr Potatohead, and that ever elusive Hunter Biden laptop?
@TheDiamond2009, I appreciate all your comments. You are like a breath of fresh air in here. Thank you!
@Tracy Murray, Maxine Waters is one very angry, hateful woman who provokes violence. CNN is known for their propaganda.
I wish everyone a great afternoon! Remember to rejoice always. A cheerful heart is good medicine!!!
https://youtu.be/SkWBIc-4COs .,,
A cheerful heart would be nice.
Seeing that the toddler-in-chief has been denied a platform today goes a long way to achieving that effect.
If the people doing the redacting were called on to answer for his or her decisions and they responded in full, I would have more confidence in the person. We’re talking about public figures right? Yeah, that sounds appropriate.
https://youtu.be/SkWBIc-4COs ,,.
Thank God!
https://youtu.be/SkWBIc-4COs ..
Facebook (and other social media) need a Three Strike Policy:
– Lying once (in order to obtain an unfair advantage over an opponent, causing violence, injury, etc.) : suspension, offender is informed about the three strike policy and must actively consent to this policy, in order to have the account unsuspended
– Lying twice: 2 week suspension and deletion of all posts that contain lies (including all retweets)
– Lying three times: Permanent suspension, deletion of all post (unless of historical interest)
I don’t think “lying” should be reason enough for suspension. People lie all the time. It’s his incitement of violence and hateful rhetoric that got him banned.
https://youtu.be/SkWBIc-4COs ,,
@Reason Yep, therefore I added:
in order to obtain an unfair advantage over an opponent (competitor), causing violence, injury etc.
Lying all in itself, if there are no or minimal consequences to others, happens all the time.
But lying, that leads to severe negative consequences to others or society should be banned eventually. At the very least it should not be rewarded, meaning one has to work very hard to prohibit the spreading of such lies. Where exactly to draw the line is of course difficult. And how one escalates violations (1-2-3, or 10-20-30) is debatable and depends on where exactly one wishes to draw the line.
So my three strike proposal was – very obviously – formulated as a first start. You might also have missed the subtle irony here. There was a three strike policy in the war vs drugs. Didn’t really make the situation better…
So much for the MSM:
@Reason Ummmm please quote me the Inciteful rhetoric and hateful words because I am really confused!
The decision process was probably like…
Fb-we do want to be inclusive
Also Fb- we don’t really want a civil war
And I saw your other post about FB on another thread, talking about why you abandoned it. Don’t get angry with me, we just disagree, that’s all. We can discuss it civilly if we choose to, we don’t need to follow the crowd and just sling insults at each other.
@TheDiamond2009 No, we don’t. Thanks for reminding me.
Phil, I’ve been there too! Around six months ago on FB. I don’t post at all, but felt compelled to comment on some guy who was posting the same old, tired bull, day in, day out – just man-child stuff with rows of emojis from a 50-something man. I shouldn’t have been drawn in. My friends found it hilarious, but I started to get angry and had to just get out.
With Limbaugh now fertilizer…..and Trump, Giuliani, Gaetz, Barr, and many more eventually heading to prison….2021 will be known as The Year of Reckoning.
I hope they never let him on Facebook or Instagram EVER AGAIN!
Don’t forget twitter.
Or Twitter!!
@Cronenberg Morty good question.
@Emm Yo oops I almost forgot his biggest platform, Twitter. His silence has been golden!
With Limbaugh now fertilizer…..and Trump, Giuliani, Gaetz, Barr, and many more eventually heading to prison….2021 will be known as The Year of Reckoning.
Dude is not capable of making an honest statement and lives to threaten and belittle those around him…he has nothing to offer anyone except misery for the sake of his own glorification
@B. T. so is that a yes or a no ? Tell me grampa
@Da-Vorzon project much…. wallow in your fear
@DynaCatlovesme You talking about Joe Biden?
@Phillip Pux Lucas Hateful
With Limbaugh now fertilizer…..and Trump, Giuliani, Gaetz, Barr, and many more eventually heading to prison….2021 will be known as The Year of Reckoning.
I like how she deflected the question of her responsibility of not taking Trumps post down while she was in charge during the campaign lol
One person lying isn’t the issue. It’s coordinated inauthentic behavior and Facebook, Google and Microsoft are VERY aware of it.
but trump’s criminal actions were coordinated authentic behavior
I’ve given myself a much needed 3 month ban from Facebook
@Asher D Right back at ya!
@Phil Groves you both should have stayed,on FB. THIS is a comment section.
With Limbaugh now fertilizer…..and Trump, Giuliani, Gaetz, Barr, and many more eventually heading to prison….2021 will be known as The Year of Reckoning.
5 years and counting.
Never used it
A nation Balkanized by MSM and unable to even talk to one another thanks to social media. What could go wrong?
I talk to other people all the time, face to face. Maybe leave the house once in awhile?
@Doctor Thirteen
OBVIOUSLY I was referring to civic political debate. But not so obvious for you I see. Bless your heart!
@infinitytoinfinitysquaredbitch Let me guess Trump supporter?
@Doctor Thirteen
I don’t have to guess, Troll.
I have no problem with the platform it’s always been good to me but they’ve stepped in a situation where he could go either way

I hope they never let him on Facebook or Instagram EVER AGAIN!
Has it really been that long already? Dang! It’s been so quiet & peaceful without him.
Facebook needs to explain the metaphorical rules of the road for appropriate social media behavior on their platform. Maybe a position needs to be created like an ombudsman — popularly elected by the users — to make these kinds of decisions…
I wish everyone a great afternoon! From India
please pray for India