CNN's Richard Quest explains why the airline industry, worldwide, will be recovering from the coronavirus pandemic for years to come.
#CNN #News
FAA issues emergency notice about Boeing 737

CNN's Richard Quest explains why the airline industry, worldwide, will be recovering from the coronavirus pandemic for years to come.
#CNN #News
America is
23 in education.
37 in healthcare.
52 in gender equality.
No high speed train.
Highest number of homeless people.
Highest number of incarcerated people.
78% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
Stock market is not economy of Americans, where 90% of money belongs to top 10% of population, it’s wallet of the rich!
Let’s talk like adults, instead of name calling!
I have left ample of proof on my playlist, if you would like to check.
Let’s make our country better together.
@Richard Chen sorry chump, my Samsung is made in Korea. My Sony TVs are made in Japan.
@Lebron James Is A Slave Owner I am sorry there is ppl so smart in the world even think the brand manufacturers are in the same place as the brand headquarters, even Apple products only said it was designed in Cali, but never told u the catch, that is a big yikes ppl.
Too little too late, these are things that should’ve been solved in the 1920s and 1930s. It is 2020 and we still fighting for equal rights. So what we need in 2021 moving forward is a meteorite strike. At least it will wipe everything out and hopefully a new and better generation and world will rise from the ashes that is this world
@Richard Chen you can fact check me, because I already did. My electronic devices are not manufactured in China. Sony has never manufactured in China, and Samsung stopped manufacturing in China 18 months ago.
52 on gender equality? Highly doubt that.
The EASIEST solution BY FAR to solve the US Covid nightmare is to invoke the 25th.
@Melissa Mays Yes bcuz I remember being soooooo much better off under Obama… SIKE!!!!!
@Anthony Varicelli damn I hope 2 see u here Nic. 4th.. doubt you’ll show tho.
@xiaoka You would have cried your self to sleep ni matter what he did bcuz that’s what you have been trained to do.
@popster 88 you’re the joke nobody’s even talking about another country….
@Coldshadow ok
Trumps election strategy is mostly based on giving his opponents nasty nicknames and attacking minorities.
The cult is based on hatred.
I question why CNN reports this instead of showing WH press briefing : here is some of the violence by the peaceful protesters in Portland!
CNN: air filter issues with planes
brian gardner
@brian gardner
most of the base are now dying from the hoax virus.
Making their mothers who they are married to widows.,
Time for Trump to get a new nickname as well.. We can go down the list starting with a waste of sperm..
The airlines are reckless and people need to be careful numbers keep going up BC of travel
It’s those stupid BLM marches. Those pawns will be yesterday’s garbage after the election. They’re out there shuckin and jivin.
@Lebron James Is A Slave Owner I cant understand why the people haven’t figured it out for themselves yet.
Tink Blizzy
. How are they wreckless?
Tink Blizzy
. I work for the airlines and am curious why you wrote they are reckless? You must have had a reason for saying that? .
And we all know Boeing will prefer to kill their passengers and crew rather than spend $$$ replacing valves or doing any kind of maintenance, so yeah. Great times ahead
. That’s not true. An SB will be initiated (Service Bulletin) for all 737 aircraft if that series and filter type. They will get fixed and periodically inspected.
This is such a stupid take. Any kind of machinery is going to need maintenance if it’s been sitting for along period of time.
I don’t trust them a bit! The clowns at Boeing won’t do their job AGAIN and will try to bribe the FAA. Very corrupt company, they should go down.
That’s not true. These aircraft will be inspected and if need be, change the defective parts.
@Mike Hall Sure…that’s why they found debris in the fuel tanks, they even found a ladder! Those junk planes will be inspected by the same people who gave Boeing a free pass in the first place…what a joke!
I’m sorry, but I don’t trust Boeing or the FAA anymore.
Boeing lied and deceived the regulators countless times. Some Boeing employees said that the FAA staff are “dogs watching TV”, it shows that the corporate culture at Boeing is rotten to the core. Same thing at the FAA, Dickinson admitted it during the last Senate committee hearing.
Boeing is ready to do anything to save money at the expense of our lives.
We will never forget the 346 victims of Boeing’s negligence. And we will not forgive. Boeing is a corrupt company run by soulless sociopaths. It must go down and be taken over by new management.
I’m glad they found this issue, before something tragic would happen. We are not going back to normality, once a vaccine is found ? Boy look what a couple can do.
This issue wouldn’t cause a crash. 737s can fly fine on one engine.
No, the main problem was never repaired.
The truth is, legs of the 737 are too short for the bigger engines added.
The engines block the leading edge of the wing causing nose up at low speeds. The software was built to cover that up but it was doomed to fail and Boeing knew it the whole time.
Corporations like Boeing are first in line for gov’t stimulus, the rest of us peasants pick up the leftovers.
Boeing did not actually take federal aid.
If the air filter fails the engine will switch off and and can’t be restarted again. WTF??????
it’s okay as long as you have enough trumptards onboard to offer thoughts and prayers. what could go wrong?
@Blade Runner
I think that you know more than me, myself and I, sorry to abuse of your time to answer me so brilliant, clever answer to my supposed solution of the birds trying to interfere with the airplanes !

You ll received I much more credit from your Quote than my tried to solve solution, Attaboy, way to go friend !
@Roland not only would that create ridiculous amounts of drag, it would also add significant weight to the aircraft and completely stop the engine from working

Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.
@TANGLDWEB just think as your told and wave away dissenting thoughts… that’s a good line puller.
@popster 88
Troll Speak in Riddles.
Riddles as, WTH are you talking about
@JUMP23MΔN Wet the bed much ?
@Anton G
“Wet The Bed Much” ???
This video is about Aircraft.
This thread is about cognitive ability.
So all I can Decern from that response.
Is you’re looking for information on Bed Wetting.
Maybe you should search that. Because you’re in the wrong place.
…try Craigslist
Every morning, beginning a few minutes after 4am, I start hearing those massive planes that are usually for overseas travel start cruising into our International airport, and I think: “Here comes another shipment of COVID-19”.
Stephen St. Stephen don’t worry no country has more Covid 19 than the US. They can not bring anything in it’s the outbound flights which export the virus from the US.
Habi01 Yes I know. And it all came from someplace else.
The only problem is the Covid is being exported from America not imported. Weapons, war & now Covid are the only lines of export.
Stephen St. Stephen you are right initially it came from China but they could control it and America seems to be unable to do the same.
The most disturbing thing for me is that your government blames China for hiding data and downplaying the virus it does exactly the same things and even worse.
Habi01 Ding ding ding… Habi01 has won today’s episode of “I WANT THE LAST WORD!!! Biff, tell Habi01 what they won!” Well, Bob… Habi01 has just won a lifetime supply of Turtle Wax car wax, and the 2 week vacation to Guam!
Person,woman,man, camera, emergency

Five things Bill Clinton has paid for in the past?
@Lebron James Is A Slave Owner lol
Sounds like Airbus is going to be the sole major aircraft manufacturer soon
Ndriana I like Airbuses better anyway…..
Airbuses are better built and don’t self regulate like the FAA let’s Boeing do.
Embraer as well. They’ve been making planes for Europe, and have much better and cleaner technologies than Boeing.
Embrear and Bombardier still control a sizable chunk of the regional aircraft sales. Boeing is definitely losing ground to everyone else.
I will never fly on one of those BOWING aid planes
Nathaniel Anderson. What about Boeing?
They are pretty legit:/
I was studying as a private pilot some 10 years ago.
Believe it or not, these big planes
are almost always safer than the small ones..
not that either are all that dangerous
if you aren’t dodging laser blasts off Tatooine (/~ Iran)
Nathaniel Anderson
. Why? They have a good maintenance program.
@Mike Hall True.. way better than most countries really:/.
Worse air quality since smoking was banned.
Ever since they convinced the FAA that they could police and inspect their building and flying of aircraft…….downhill ever since!
I sure as hell wouldn’t trust a company that knew, denied, defended and death trap and still wasn’t held accountable.
Sounds like a Trump entity.
All planes will start to have corrosion issues when they sit idle for a while just like cars do.
Walter Bo
. Um. It’s OAN Walter. CNN fake news have been obsessed with Trump since before he came down the elevator. CNN is not real journalism, it’s a motion picture tabloid.
Democrat’s communism is Stalin’s communism : silly, unfounded and I guess the destruction of our Democratic Republic really doesn’t matter to you. For the future I would have taken Hillary Clinton’s world over this Putin lackey any day but it doesn’t matter you are right there. I’ll never see a real recovery estimate of 50 years at this point
More lies!
The truth is, legs of the 737 are too short for the bigger engines added.
The engines block the leading edge of the wing causing nose up at low speeds. The software was built to cover that up but it was doomed to fail and Boeing knew it the whole time.
They store them in dry and arid locations.
FAA needs to deal with airlines that are packing planes with passengers and refuse to leave the middle seat open.
@Pam Deshane
Pam Deshane
. Exactly.
. Snowflake
@Mike Hall
Troll lover.

If don’t like it simple don’t take a plane.
So change the damn filter… problem solved. Not news.
The truth is, legs of the 737 are too short for the bigger engines added.
The engines block the leading edge of the wing causing nose up at low speeds. The software was built to cover that up but it was doomed to fail and Boeing knew it the whole time.
There are service bulletins issued almost everyday on all types of aircrafts. I’ve been working in the aerospace industry for years, and it’s quite common. Not specific to Boeing
Exactly. It’s just ignorant media jumping into the narrative that Boeing is a terrible manufacturer. You notice at the start she doesnt even know that the NG and MAX are completely different aircraft
The truth is, legs of the 737 are too short for the bigger engines added.
The engines block the leading edge of the wing causing nose up at low speeds. The software was built to cover that up but it was doomed to fail and Boeing knew it the whole time.