‘Eye-popping spending’ in Georgia Senate runoff

Even with control of the Senate already secured, the stakes are high as Democrats seek to secure a majority outright instead of the power-sharing agreement currently in place. That has led to candidates and allied outside groups waging a fierce battle for the final seat, spending millions of dollars, launching personal attacks and leaning into divisive debates as the December 6 runoff approaches. #CNN #News


  1. I’m just looking forward to never hearing Herschel Walker ever speak again. It’s like a stream of consciousness coming out of a 4 year old.

    1. James O’Brien * Any four year old is smarter than Herschel Walker. Walker is an embarrassment to black men, and all men regardless of color, talking about vampires and bats in his campaign speech. What the hell is he talking about vampires and bats for? Nobody understands and I bet he doesn’t even know he just rambles on like a little girl.

    2. @Jerry McClure you voted for Brandon and his catastrophes and you’re claiming someone else is embarrassing? Derrrrp

  2. I thought it was crazy people voted for Trump, just like its crazy people seem to cast votes for this Walker guy….

    1. @Thomas John leave America alone because it is not your country. You will get yourself into something that you don’t want. I know what you are a paid troll.

    2. Anyone that was having second thoughts about Walker would surely be convinced not to vote for him after seeing his support team, Ted Cruz and Lindsay Grahame. This trio of election deniers, pot stirrers who have no integrity or credibility themselves. Anyone who even took a few minutes to fact check these guys would clearly vote for Warnock.

    3. @Bob Johnson integrity. Lololol. Credibility. Lololol. Does not matter who wins. Especially Warlock. He will bend over to the establishment like all of them do. There will still be 37 million people without healthcare. There will still be 2.5 million kids in poverty. There will still be 500,000 homeless. And they will still fund tens of billions to Ukraine (all dems did).
      No difference.

    4. @michael menard
      He is slow, and I know he played football. But why would you want someone like that representing your State ?

    5. @Armed Liberal
      I didn’t say he couldn’t. Fettermans brain can get better with practice. Walkers brain wouldn’t, it’s getting worse. He doesn’t even know what State he represent, I honestly can’t figure out: how this is the best they got, and why people thinks it’s a good idea to put him in the Senate by voting for him. It’s completely

    1. @Seymour Butts I can definitely prove a few points. First, you don’t understand how google works lol. Two, you’re not capable of answering a question. Let’s try the easy one … what exactly is the reference to voter suppression about?

    2. @Jorgen dahl let’s see, I’m in a conversation providing facts and engaging. You enter with nothing but “you’re looking for attention”. Put your thinking cap on professor numbnutz … who would you claim is the one seeking attention ? Don’t rush into an answer, let it simmer Einstein.

    3. @Seymour Butts the Bot that goes by we the people is just that a bot. It talks in circles, makes up bs, never answers with anything other than alt right propaganda. Just point and laugh at it. It is a waste of your time trying to reason with it. You are playing chess with a pigeon. It just shits all over the board

  3. That sort of spending is obscene. So many places that need an influx of cash: education, health, infrastructure, etc.

  4. $47 million combined….. wow! Just imagine how much help that money would be to education or lower income services…. ridiculous!

    1. @Romance with the Past I agree, though corrupt politicians are everywhere and they will figure something out to screw others over.

  5. In the UK it is ILLEGAL for more than 30,000 dollars to be spent on a campaign.
    Hard to understand why such laws do not exist in the US.

    1. Just think of what all the money that Democrats waste on campaigning could do if the money was spent on preventing food insecurity instead. There would be no Democrats and nobody would be hungry. Such a waste.

    2. @John Ward you shouldn’t have made this statement. It is not even relevant, that is apart from being offensive. Being “anonymous” is not an excuse.

    1. He is backed by Globalist/WEF. They are behind the green deal, The New World Order The reduction of food products. The replacement of animal protein with bugs. Because it’s better for environment. But millions world will die. He will be one of the WEF tentacles. Like the soft on crime DA’s the have installed.

  6. Georgians r courageous and proud ppl pls continue to protect and care for each other GO Georgians God bless all Go Blue

  7. Just imagine for one moment if Herschel Walker wins the senate seat. He’s the new Senator for Georgia and he’s at the Capital. There’s a bill being presented on making abortions legal for rape and incest victims. A Senator from another state just finishes his speech where he talks about the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped by her uncle, impregnated, but wasn’t allowed to get an abortion in the state she lives. The outcry over this in the public eye has been big, people from everywhere are sick by the notion that a 10-year-old would have to carry a rapist child anywhere in the US. Even many in the Senate at that moment are outraged by this notion. Now it’s time for Herschel Walker to describe how Georgian’s feel about the bill. Herschel gets up to the podium and immediately starts telling the story about the bull in one pasture and the cows in the other, and how it wants at them. Nothing more is said by Herschel walker on the bill. He raises his arms at the end of the story, waiting for members to cheer him on. Meanwhile, many of the Republican Senators are left sitting with their mouths open from the analogy between a bull and a 10-year-old rape victim. And that’s what you’ll get Georgia if you elect Herschel Walker.

    1. Bull a mothers health always come first. Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest. What the majority of people are against late term abortions. By 20 weeks the fetus feels pain. Recent Harvard poll shows 72 percent of Americans, including 75 percent of women, oppose abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Democrats bill for nine month abortion for any reason including depression is inhuman.

    1. Wife beater that hates cops and runs a corrupt church! Congratulations! Sleep well knowing he supports racist Margret Sanger who said “we don’t want the negros to find out that we are out to depopulate them!”

    2. Warnock is backed by WEF/George Soros same as Fetterman. And this week the WEF came out with China goverment is a great role model. Get it your backing the communist choice.

    3. I agree….. fetterman/walker 2024. Because who needs a fully functional person represent them? Seems to be the trend with our government

  8. If they are spending this much money, you know they expect to get it all back, with interest, if they win.

    1. Voting for Warnock is a vote for WEF/Globalists. The soft on crime guys. They have spent MILLION”S putting soft on crime DA’s in office. All part of their NEW WORLD ORDER.

  9. Get out and vote for Rev. Raphael Warnock! 💙💙💙
    Vote for democracy, decency, humanity, truth and true Service for Georgian people!
    Show the hugest turnout ever seen in Georga!

  10. Good luck Rev. Raphael!
    You are right! Voting is like a prayer, a statement about what we want our country to be like in the future – and sacred privilege that many people have given their lives for – as we see in Ukraine at the moment.
    I hope Stacey Abrams is doing well after her valiant effort in the recent election for Governor of Georgia!
    Best wishes to both of you –
    Genevieve Forde
    Planet Earth

    1. You are backing the man WEF/George Soros are backing.And they are Globalist/Communists. You know the guys with the plan for NEW WORLD ORDER. And in this globalist dream they say “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy”. They are the creators of the green deal. And why inflation is up.Why they are pushing for reduction in producing food. Get rid of animal product and introduce bugs as the main protein source. All the animals fart is bad for the environment. Biden speech about NWO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z5VtVARMag

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