New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman discusses her report that the day before the January 6 riot, former Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff Marc Short warned the Secret Service that President Trump was going to turn on Pence, and that there could be a security risk to the vice president. CNN reached out to the Secret Service, which denied Haberman's reporting.
#CNN #News
‘Extraordinary’: NYT reporter says Pence aide gave warning before January 6

When is Garland going to do his job and indict Mark Meadows? Law should be applied to all not just the ones athat are lower in ranks in government.
Last fight
mark Meadows cleared of all charges lol

Well said
May have something to do with that meadows has cooperated, some, also he and scovino based on their positions to Trump, may have some executive privilege connections tied in somewhere.
He must be in really deep if he won’t turn over the documents. Trump’s hooves must be all over this.

His very small ham hands.
Last fight
He is taking the lesser of two evils. The coup attempt would put him in the brink for years.
Mike Pence refusing to get into Trump’s Secret Service’s “escape limo” was the best decision of his life.
@Jason Wright nah i would never go to one of your shrinks look what it did to you
proof being he still has one
@Carl Dahlen that all u got ” carl ” ?
@Jason Wright i could go on all night if you promise not to report me for hurting your feelings as the Truth usually triggers you guys
@Carl Dahlen ” u guys ” . which ” guys ” might that be , ” carl ” ?
Lock him up. Throw the book at him.
Last fight
If you want to do that to him, would you do the same to Nancy Pelosi for her crimes?
Can you imagine if Trump wins the GOP primary…. who would want to be his VP…
Was old pervy Joe done for you lately
There’s always the pillow guy. That’ll keep the guy Jimmy Kimmel uses in business for a lifetime.
my pillow guy, Dr. oz, steve bannon, herschel walker, mtg, ………………….mo brooks.
@Maribel Caudillo omg! Could you imagine if that actually happened?
He was mad about how the FBI knocked on his door? lmfao
He should be glad that they didn’t knock with a boot.
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How right was President John Adams !
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil
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Keep him locked up until he talks.
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It’s hard to know how to handle an entire Republican party that is a National Security threat, but the former president and his co-conspirators must be held accountable as a deterrent to future election subversion and crimes.
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The wheels spin slow in the justice system. Relieved to see it finally catching up with these crooks. One day Donald. One day.
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It’s bat crap crazy that trump an his cohorts haven’t faced charges
Charges for what? What specific charges are you talking about?
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There’s a certain segment of reality TV show hosts who literally think that playing federal government is a game. Shame.
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LOCK THEM ALL UP! Orange is the new black!

Trump 2024
The big news: Dork Donald has no comment. He’s not vocalizing support for Navaro. Certainly not providing legal cover for Navaro. Speaks volumes to Rump’s weak sauce argument of executive privilege. Navaro may or may not turn on Rump. Depends on severity of sentencing.
Navarro? Don’t know who he is, never saw him
Last fight
Trump 2024
Let’s go Brandon
@M Hall keep dreaming…or better yet, allucinating
Notice how he doesn’t stay locked up but gets out right away? That is the prerogative of the rich and powerful.
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Last fight
Let’s go Brandon
A man who represents himself has a fool for a client

in defending himself it can only help implicate trump and meadows even more, lol unless he’s going for an insanity plea.
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For Navarro the downside of testifying under oath is worse than the downside of defying the subpoena.
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He could just plead the 5th.
Like the saying goes, “No honor amongst thieves!”
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Last fight
Thank you CNN for speaking truth to power. Even against the one term president of the most powerful country in the world

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“The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.”
“La forma de corregir los errores es encender la luz de la verdad sobre ellos”.
-Ida B Wells (1862-1931, Planet Earth)
There are consequences for defying ‘Congress’ but no consequences for inciting an attack on the Capitol for Trump. If Trump ever faces accountability in his lifetime I’ll be extremely surprised although very relieved as well.