1. Woodpeckers and I didn’t know they even ate acorns. You learn something new every day. But 700lbs? THAT TAKES CARE OF THE WOODPECKERS THERE! 700 LBS IS SURREAL

    1. They robbed them of their retirement funds!! Those birds are gonna be so pissed! They worked so hard! 😝

  1. Acorns make excellent kindling when dry. That looks like YEARS of gathering. Poor birds need rehabitation 😥😢😭

  2. I expected to see 700lb of insect eggs and carcasses. Why remove the acorns? They serve as insulation in the wall that you forgot to fill with glass wool.

  3. Well, you are in trouble! The woodpeckers and squirrels are going to be furious when they discover you took off with their food! I hope you just shifted the acorns so they can access their food throughout the winter. There was a lot of time effort and energy put into their food “pantry.” Be sure they can access it.

  4. So how long does it take to woodpeckers to stash over 700 lb of acorns in a wall? I thought woodpeckers eat bugs? Quick edit- I was curious about the woodpeckers eating acorns. There is actually a bird called an acorn woodpecker! They’d stashed over 450,000 of acorns!

  5. Think about how many times the bird came and went to gather all these good stuffs for her babies and herself

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