Several sailors were injured in an explosion aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard at the US Naval Base in San Diego, according to the San Diego Fire Department. #CNN #News
Explosion aboard US Navy ship leaves several injured

Several sailors were injured in an explosion aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard at the US Naval Base in San Diego, according to the San Diego Fire Department. #CNN #News
@Michael Finnigan oh, please
@Stephen Jagiello They treaded to stop iranian ships in the oceans who is sailing to Venezuela for help. Help in kind of food and gasoline. This war ships was ment to sailing to attack iranian tankers. So who can have done this?
@Elijah Todd-Walden
I never said BLM why would you even say that?
@Ali Movasati
MSNBC and CNN will scream Russia no doubt.
As a Marine, I deployed aboard the same Wasp -class amphibious assault ship, the USS Iwo Jima. It’s essentially a transport ship for Marines. There should be no ammunition or ordinance on the ship while it’s in port and under maintenance.
I was stationed onboard the USS Essex LHD-2 from 95 to 01. We had a fire up near the flight deck that did quite a bit of damage. There was an acetylene tank that started leaking out gas. When it went off it was like a flamethrower. It melted the lights in the overhead. We were in port when that happened. Nobody got hurt though.
Bugaloo bois hitting navy…they were caught before the attempted army ambush.
wyte thieves, return money to iraq.
@Julia Anderson It was the taliban clearly, those pesky hijackers are now pirating boats due to their immense expertise on jungle gym type training grounds, rendering their experience superior to those sea faring scallywags. XD
@TheMemo isGay anyone who thinks that is #delusional.
Just glad they weren’t underway. Things could’ve been worse.
That’s a very good point.
Maybe, but underway they would’ve had full ships company and probably would’ve been in a better posture to combat the casualty. In port sailors are more lax and not really thinking about damage control as much, unfortunately. Just hoping no one died and thinking god there wasn’t ordinance onboard
@Soniphex That’s was the Japanese choose Sunday for the Pearl Harbor attack.
I didn’t have burning Navy ships on my 2020 bingo card until December. What else could happen this year that sucks?
All these comments and nobody mentioned “the zombie apocalypse”? Well that and/or Aliens
DON’T ask that question!
Last time I did (almost 30yrs ago), a volcano went off behind me.
Strange that volcanoes feature in so many of these replies…
@TequilaOrWhiskey IKR!? He is going to have a helleva time fixing this mess , just like the last couple democrats had to.
@h.l. aristoslies OMG. Was the baby and aunt do good. Nancy Grace was right at 50
H. I aristoslies. Biden could get elected, so that sucks
11 Sailors with minor injuries. All crew safe and accounted for.
@Ryan Kennedy Speak for yourself
@Daniel Cortes You mean Dead!!!
@Michael De La Rosa Sorry, those Terrorist are Rotting in Hell!!!

Thank You Beijing!!!

My dad has a buddy from ocs which was supposed to go on that ship tomorrow which is a good thing that it happened before he got on there but hopefully everybody is ok
that’s why he set fire to it!
My cousins buddy was too
Looks like some kind of oil/fuel continues to generate heavy smoke
Confirmed: It was a kamikaze that finally found its target.
Yes “Black lives matter” used barrels of their hate for law & order
@johnyGrizzle only very ignorant person would say that
Trump and his supporters will blame McCain.
@The Blade
*Not McCain, Obama!*
If they had completed their maintenance cycle all of the shipping containers on deck would have been removed. I am guessing it’s some form of welding accident at midship hanger deck. Midship hanger deck would be normally where they would keep craft like helicopters or the Osprey. During maintenance cycle all of the aircraft Would have been sent over to North Island so likely few if any aircraft would be on board.
@Heather Hent444 You are most welcome. It was and is, my honor and privilege.
@derek starkjr Zero. The work is being done at home port.
@Allan Fifield Ha! At 22 years old, it’s just starting to hit its stride. The average life span of US Navy vessels is 35-36 years.
@Heather Hent444 Military service men are NOT #thinkSkinned #snowflakes
@Henry Cole Stage Thank you for your comment that was very insightful. I always thought the intensive cleaning was just a discipline measure.
My husband was on that ship working lucky he’s okay
I’m glad he’s ok.

Pete Pan WTF?
Casanova Alessandra I’ll play
Lucky Man – Emerson Lake & Palmer
for you
My husband was on that ship working lucky he’s okay
Prayers for our injured sailors.
@Dustin Thomas
@Dustin Thomas
@Dustin Thomas here is him cutting funds for veterans
TrumpTards reject scientific data and evidence in favor of conspiracy theories.
@Jason C. I support trump, but I’m not a conspiracy theorist. Not even trump is making a conspiracy about this virus. That is because he knows it came from wuhan, china.
I served on that vessel in the mid 90’s. Coronado Bay California. United States Marine Corps.
@Gerald Johnson Ras Jahson Maybe the sailors call it that. But us San Diegans call it ‘San Diego Bay’. But as the son (and brother) of Veterans. I truly want to thank you for your service Sir. You stay safe during these crazy times.
Oorah brother. Planning to join the marines when I get older
@Gerren Glenn Thank you. You too.
@Gerald Johnson Ras Jahson No thanks needed man! Funny thing to! My Army vet brother is named Gerald. That’s what made me comment on your post
Thought it was commissioned in 1999?
Now we “Know” YARDBIRDS & FireWatch gundecking, General Quarters General Quarters
That’s my old ship. Worked on the fight deck. Would hate to be on duty today.
Interested to see what happened since it was in the yards…
@citizenxgen I know exactly this guy is lying.
Topside nonskid rats pull up
That’s my old ship. Worked on the fight deck. Would hate to be on duty today.
I pray that our brave sailors and marines are safe.

@P C you’re hilarious. Nerd.
@P C sailors arent brave?
Not with Trump as commander in Chief.
prayer doesnt work.
That will be a hell of a test for the rapid response and duty fire teams aboard.
…and they failed.
Woops that was gasoline I SAID WATER!!!! LMAO
Sounds like someone was in the navy…
First of all I’m not stationed on that ship, but I am so glad not to be on that duty section on a Sunday.

You don’t need to yell.
Any other year this would’ve had me glued. Prayers for all the men and women serving. 2020 is just bizarre.
reminds me of the trump administration trying to have a campaign
“Hay you sunk my battle ship” 2020 worst year known to man.