The CDC director warns of a likely devastating second wave of the virus in the winter, as Trump defends some states that are reopening. Aired on 04/22/2020.
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Experts Warn Of A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Without A Vaccine | Deadline | MSNBC
Why are gym’s even on the list!?! ….a place where you sweat, breath hard, spit, and even bleed on the equipment.
*I* wanna go to the gym.
Sweden and all its migrants still has no plague and never enforced ANY social distancing or closures, even going to church absolutely legal. The news LIES and it is pushing this EVENT 201 fake plague PSYOP.
@In Harmony With Earth ignorant comment
Sweden confirmed cases 20302 deaths 2562 California cases 46570 deaths 1888 Sweden ain’t doing so good
@In Harmony With Earth Run back to your herb garden you COWARD!!!! Your “prepper” fantasies make me sick when people are dying, and many more are going to die, because of empty headed MORONS like you!!!!
“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”- Former CIA Director William Casey
@Khaos Inoculation let’s not talk about the economy, because that is gone down the drain. But with the whole supply chains. It is literally Trumps job to make sure that the country is getting food. He is supposed to make deals with other countries to get food. Ofc we won’t have as much as normal, but it is his job to try and make sure that we do. And actually I know how they do that “a new device has logged into your account thing.” They check the IP address
. Now ofc Google keeps some of your info, but it is what it is. Considering you genuinely think Donald is doing a good job, you are the illiterate one. And who said I was liking my own comments?
Stupid people up there
@Robert Miller you commented up there too.
@God This is what would have been in Trumps place.
1. Democrats were trying to impeach Trump when information started about the virus.
2. Democrats called Trump racist for ignoring WHO claims and closing the traffic to China. *Joe later confessed was right move*
3. Democrats called for people to gather AFTER EU CDC recommended social distancing.
4. Democrats demand open borders during a global pandemic while the world builds walls.
5. Democrats tried sneaking in stupid nonsense in the relief packages, and acted like supporting US businesses doesn’t support a lot of jobs.
6. Democrats brought in tons of illegal immigrants while not being able to manage their homeless which included VETERANS, and is now blaming Trump for why people were living paycheck to paycheck.
7. Democrats released violent prisoners from prison during a pandemic and while trying to disarm Americans for them.
Dems are trying to investigate Trump RIGHT NOW instead of doing their job.
I’m not debating a religious defect on it.. Its all there.
@God I’m not people
I agree with Georgia. Maybe some people other than me after all know that this isn’t as bad as the lying mainstream media is making it out to be. I’m not even going to get into all of the corrupt agendas being played out with this lockdown. If you don’t want to go outside then don’t. Others do. Others need to.
Stupid deaths, stupid deaths, they’re funny because they’re true,
Stupid deaths, stupid deaths, hope next time it’s not you
the light at the end of the tunnel that Trump sees is the oncoming freight train of rinfection, not the end of the tunnel…
The light at the end of the tunnel is just that….the end of the tunnel vision that the MSM has given everybody with their fearporn. It turns out that the antibody study conducted over the past few days shows us that instead of a 3% mortality rate, covid19 actually has a mortality rate of 0.3%….just like the regular flu that we see every year. Let me repeat that…..COVID19 HAS A DEATH RATE OF THE COMMON FLU. There, now we can reopen the country and go back to buisiness as usual.
Watching the government deal with Covid 19 is like watching the ministry of magic deal with Voldemorts return.
@John Tomasik Wow.
To start with, we’re at less than influenza deaths – killing 60,000 elderly yearly – with a flu shot. Only about 10,000 more dead needed.
CDC 2018 US influenza: 9-45 MILLION TOTAL CASES…..140-810,000 hospitalizations, 12-61,000 deaths.
Notice that vast 9-45 million mild to no symptoms majority? Corona is like that.
Cases = cases. Cases does not mean “symptomatic requiring hospitalization” – that’s like 1% of all cases.
The vast majority, say 95% is mild to no symptoms. The next highest majority, say 4% is sick with fever, miserable for 4 days but not hospital-bad. The last tiny percent is hospital-bad, the elderly.
1% of the US is 3.3 million people.
1% of Italy is 600,000
1% of NY is 86,230 people
1% of China is like 30,000,000…. anyone even remotely within the ballpark of a single percent?
“could be 3x as deadly as the flu” does not mean “if I get this, then I’m 3x more likely to die than if I had the flu.”
That estimate comes from spread – reaching more 80 year olds – it has nothing to do with being deadly to the average person, including babies and little kids.
Your not intelligent enough for this conversation.
“1 single death is too many” – ya, and lets stop tornados as well – because thats what disease in nature, unavoidable. The future is female is looking great so far with emasculated males and women making super logical decisions. Destroy it all over the flu.
@God Yes. Go on. Because that medication is now being used world wide. So, you were saying…?
@galadine12 has fired people who disagree with him, wanted to force governors to open the country, nearly caused WWIII, stopped funding to the WHO… IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC, continues to blame litterally everyone but himself.
@God … you need to get your news from better sources.
@galadine12 oh and no, that medication has been proven to do more harm than good. And it is not being used as a cure.
“It’s much easier to Fool the people, Then to convince the people they have been Fooled”!
Magister it was literally a quote from Star Wars I wasn’t being serious
@damian its to easy to come up with that conclusion bro. You need to think deeper, we are not in the same reality we once were.
@pmodrat I agree 100%
Why is anyone talking about a 2nd wave when we aren’t even through the first one yet? We still have over 700k active cases and we’re adding 25-30k new cases a day. I don’t get it.
@Avery Blackburn Trump is anti-science. And he don’t care who dies, as long as it don’t hurt his re-election.
@Casual Knight Better to loose their homes than to loss their lives.
The main purpose of the lockdown was to increase hospital capacity, but it seems like most people expect the virus to disappear
@M John okay then stay home don’t earn money to feed your family or have a roof at the end you only have yourself to blame because you’re to of a coward to work.
@Erik Cobra Kai never Dies we have faced greater threats you’re clearly don’t know what humanity then I don’t expect someone with leftwing education to know anything about history yes has killed a lot but so has many other viruses that we even got vaccines for all this is both the government mostly Democrats and their media puppets using this ti push their demonic views on to the people and I’m not saying not to take precautions but what Democrats want will only hurt the American people more in the end .
I think we are just getting started. Please use the best common sense all of you have including good logic we will need it.
i agree, so many people are going batshsit crazy. it’s like do yall not understand that we need to stay level headed in order to get through something like this? If anything it’s a social-political crisis just as much as a pandemic.
@Is That a Spider? amen
Yeah I do agree but we do have to worry about later on the 2and wave will be 5x more dangerous because we are walking into winter and it worsens I do agree with you but the 2nd is way more dangerous
@R6Main well we’re getting prepared for it. So it may not be as bad as we think, but who knows.
@Goose Yes, our medical system and our government are producing supplies and preparing for the future right now, but far too many of our citizens still have their heads up their rear and think that the government owes them a free ride through all of this! That isn’t going to happen, there is no way our country would survive continued bailouts of those who are refusing to do what they should have been doing since their first paycheck…anticipate the need and SAVE some money for their own future!
I’m sure there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Only downside: The end of the tunnel is somewhere in 2022 probably.
@Niels Pemberton do you think anyone else has? Things are about to change quite drastically over the next few months is what I’m saying. And hundreds of thousands, likely millions of people will die.
@Lakers what?
@Shin I have a rash around my genitals, it itches all the time!! I keep one hand down my britches for constantly scratching!
@Michael Harley sounds like a plan
Shin Yes this is a Plague
The Bible says stay home and close Your Door
We don’t have to live in a bubble
Just Stay Safe
I don’t even watch these videos for the most part, I just go straight to the comment sections to see how many nutcases are spewing as much misinformation as they are emojis.
@AfterYouKnowMe – You’ll have to reword the first sentence in your comment because it doesn’t make any sense as it is.
The bots are out in force.
Briza Ac there you go I added the “one” to someone for you. Can you processes it now?
What constitutes “misinformation”???
Love Supreme Information that’s wrong, or can be proven/disproven with a quick google search. Like what the word “Misinformation” means.
My grandma died to this and my whole family was devastated, we didn’t get to say good bye or anything! People think this isn’t a serious thing. IT IS what do you not understand DO YOU SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE DYING… I just don’t get people who starting to make it a joke
@Freeman So if I understood you proprely, you don’t believe that t here is a Pandemic and that is a Hoax.
@Claude Boily Seasonal Flu is Common – as is the ‘Corona Virus’. This situation has been blown out of all proportion to the reality. Clearly there is a reason for this. Take your choice – Economic, Political or other. Recall in 2009 governments were attempting to pass legislation to mandat compulsory vaccination – That vaccination proved deadly (accidentally and independentally discovere AFTER it had been cleared for distribution and AFTER the WHO had predicted the very Pandemic that it would have created had it been administered to unsuspecting recipients.
The motive is irrelevant – take a look at history to see the reality.
Keep in mind that there is NO reliable test for Covid-19 – Most positive ids are “Presumed Positive” The best test identifies antibodies that could be present from other causes. In other words the data we’re fed is b.s.
Honey Oat I’m sorry for your family loss
@Claude Boily I don’t watch any news, because you’re exactly right, the media is fake. Do some research, use some common sense. I am spreading truth, YOU and people like you are are the ones spreading misinformation, and have been for decades now. Too cowardly to face reality and stand up for OUR rights. Have fun in your mask, recycling your exhaled waste.
@projectJ30 Then you are a specialist in infectious desease then. Prove it.
The “light at the end of the tunnel” is an upcoming train.
2020 really bent us over and violated us.
@God Praise you.
Them fema camps were not being maintained well enough, so now we need to use them ya know….
@Grafight23 yes.
The sky is falling!!!
So many nominees to choose from in the comments for the Darwin Awards this year . . .
You’re my top pick for Darwinian elimination. #Sheeple #BioWarfare
“Experts” warm us lol
James Bowles warm us, is English your first language?
Desert Vox we have winner!
Cant wait for it to be over so i can say “told u so”
When you hear about a so called “expert” talk about Covid19. Do some research to find out where they rank among their peers in their field. Are they in the top 5 or are they #500. Just because they can go to school and pass some tests doesn’t mean they don’t have an agenda. Someone might be paying them to say what they’re saying. If you don’t believe that most people have a “price”, think again.
And someone might even pay to put them in the top ranking. A lot of specialists with very impressive careers are telling a very different story to the fearful, scaremongering coming from the Mainstream media 24/7. Seems that in reality we’re being sold a crock of lies.
I hope everyone is safe out there
are these the same ones who predicted Clinton would win ?
without a vaccine, a second outbrake is inevitable, in my opinion of course