Richard Haass, Michael Beschloss and Eugene Robinson discuss the White House's disjointed approach to handling the coronavirus in the U.S. amid rising infection rates as well as how U.S. manufacturing is ramping up ventilator and mask production. Aired on 3/24/2020.
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Experts Debate Lack Of Coordinated U.S. Response To Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
COVID-19 shined a very, very bright light on Trump’s incompetence.
Hehe Darkness always comes and falls with light, then there will only be Darkness!

Godless Best now,
Projectheureka LLC
Bingo Clovid-19 is an enemy that will not argue with him.
No incompetence at all if you listen to his daily briefing. The word “incredible” is repeated dozens of times!
you are blaming a virus that we don’t know much about on a political leader?
@Robert Smith yet the racists and old people will still vote him in
“I take no responsibility at all” Donald J Trump March 13, 2020
That line really landed poorly with me as well. It was him being 100% honest.
@Richard English No. Many comments are from real people with realistic concerns.
@ Richard English good try, but no. These comments are from real people who are not blinded by or buying into the entertainment value of trump and judge him based off his words, actions and deeds.
@Richard English Your mother is a FAKE ACCOUNT!
The only thing to remember about trump is that “everything he touches dies”!
@Kitchen master Little man what will it take to keep you “over and out”? We have tried for over three years with dopey trump, but his sycophantic republicans keep him there and you must be one of that arese-licking spineless crowd!
@pat comerford pls chill, and have a nice day!
@Kitchen master So your final comment is patronising and sarcastic, just like dopey trump’s response when he heard that Sen. Romney was self-isolating! You and dopey trump are cut from the same cloth – maybe I will pray for you both!
@pat comerford I’m on your side, but really not with either party because they have flaws sometimes. Should always vote for whom will be for the good i.e. health and welfare of the all, referring to all 330 million Americans, not for profit, big businsses
Here we all are in the middle of a WORLDWIDE HEALTH CRISIS and we have a NARCISSIST in the White House!!!!!
@Beth Lind wow, feel better to get that off your chest?
@Noel Blake wrong.. GOP is trying to make sure they can help the 1% with as little oversight as possible. They’re less concerned with helping as much as the general public as they should be..
@Joseph Araujo yeah that’s exactly why the Dems all fed their interests also I really don’t care if the one percent get more money it’s probably a good thing
An incompetent narcissist!
@Billyshead133 No disrespect here, but nature is the only one we can blame. In fact, China did what we should have done then we wouldn’t be in this mess now. Although they did not prevent it from leaving China, they flattened out the curve. We’re on a rocket path straight up because we are so fragmented. If what you say is true then we should blame America for the 1918 flu pandemic for it started in Kansas. So maybe now you can see how a misinformed mind can soak up the lies and bigotry that the ego needs to survive.
I’ve never been one for predictions… but somewhere in the near future there will be a day when this country will be in utter chaos. Uncontrollable utter chaos. And it will be because of this Administration. Not just Trump, but his enablers. And they will not take responsibility nor will they try to quell the situation effectively. It just feels like we are heading that way.
The states and the President are on a collision course.
I know I feel we have experiencing that! But now we know what kind of personalities we’re dealing with. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve got small minded relatives.
@House of the Rising Sun I know you’re right, but the evening news shows tidbits of what really is happening. I actually use it as back ground noice while I do housework. When something worth watching comes on. I’ve been riding the devastated train long before he got elected. I learned a lot about this man from people that have dealt w him. Believe me they would not lie because of the real treatment they themselves have experienced. I can’t wait when Michael Cohen writes his book when he gets out. If trump were to win(bite my tongue) impeachment is on again. The new Senate without Moscow Mitch will actually have a fair trial. The reason for IMPEACHMENT you say? I’d say you can pick from 1—100.
@Helen Leclaire I disagree totally. To each his own perception of reality, or unreality.
@House of the Rising Sun face it that’s where we have ended up. No thanks to anyone whom we know.
Welcome to the Age of the New Republican Organized Crime Syndicate
Robert Reich has just posted a clear take on all of this:
except a crime is based on violating a written law.
This administrations leadership is CRIMINALLY lacking to say the least.
@Joey Rev
You want *t-paper?
Check out drumpie’s heels as he/it waddles around.
*It’s been USED, however.
@David Webb
Indeed if true. I am (as stated before) not an Obama apologist. There seems to be a systemic failure amongst pandemic planners (if we can even call them that given this travesty) and the inability of politicians of all ilks to understand fundamental concepts such as exponential growth curves and the ability of finite resources of ICUs to cope- without early and effective lockdowns. Such lockdowns could be significantly improved with immedate appropriate PPE use from/for vulnerable sectors. But again this seems not to have been s priority from health systems throughout the world that were more interested in the glamorous side of medicine rather than protecting the bottom line.
@jeffrey luciana
Americans LOVE trump’s inevitable RE-IMPEACHMENT.
True, and hopefully enough people will REALIZE IT.
@Dave Greene President Trump has forever been exonerated!!!!
I can not believe that it’s still some people that support trump.
@Derek Heskell Derek I think they are lying to boost his ego thinking maybe he will concentrate on the task at hand. Instead of fighting the media on low approval rate. If only they knew it doesn’t matter.
Sierra Tango ypu are kidding right???

I cant believe it myself, if I said how I truly felt about Chump they would lock me up! But I’m only thinking what most people are these days I’m sure! Lol

@Carlos Rodriguez However, our ship is sinking because of his administration ~
@Free Radt That’s what I meant.
This is what happens when a totally unqualified person is installed by Russia as a leader.
Trump has been totally ineffective as a leader from day one.
wasn’t russia, it was the US citizen that elected him cause he was better at insulting everyone with a different opinion and made a lo of false promises. thats on you guys.
I think we were afflicted by The Corporate Rich Freeloaders with one of their own to sucker us out of our money.
@Kevin Del Cid He said he would make the rich pay. He said we would all have better and cheaper health care. He said he was out to help the middle class and American workers and then raised the debt through the roof to give himself massive tax cuts. He knew in DECEMBER about this corona virus and did nothing.
@sam93931 The RepubliCONS have made election fraud (which is a federal crime) their go to method of gaining power. They and their right wing corporate masters know you only need to scam in a few swing states using and abusing the awful and horrible Electoral College system.
@Kevin Del Cid
You know exactly what I’m talking about.
If you don’t,get away from fox news(aka Trump State TV)and do some research.
Don’t be lazy.
Remember in the movie Jaws when the Mayor ordered the beaches to open?
That’s exactly where we are.
@lexa harpell He said the “least useful people” should die.
Yep, that’s what he said.
That’s republicon thinking.
@allybean Stephen King and Spielberg couldn’t produce a greater horror story.
@robert rainford really stupid thinking, older people may be the most likely to die but younger people are getting this well and it is leaving damage to their bodies for the ones that recover.–terrifying-lung-failure-from-covid19-even-in-his-young-patients
You are old……like me
@ROBIONE So is Trump.
But then he is a psychopath.
There is no curve flattening happening in the U.S
trump is putting a rocket under the curve with his back to business as usual.
trump can’t even flatten his curves
Barr looks like he made too many wrong decisions in life

USA “we want to close the border with Canada”
Canada “thank goodness.”
Our Prime Minister wanted the border closed. Trump just agreed. Stupid moron. There will be 200, 000 cases in the States by the weekend.
Don’t let us stop you
@Ben Jones sneak across the border

@Cookie Cutter

Yup, 2,000 cases in Canada vs. 58,000 in USA.
A reality tv star that Inherited his money and then claim bankruptcy like six times and never has claimed responsibility of anything in his life
I hope his constituents can understand that he’s incapable of functioning intelligently
When their loved ones die it may sink in
Hopefully, Pelosi will get the Wuhan coronavirus.
Tump is only worried about his golf courses and his other businesses. He is quite likely worried he might go bankrupt if the virus persists too long.
Gary Kasten bankrupt, again? Oh, so sad. Maybe Stormy Daniels can recommend a friend to console him.
If this is how he run his business’s no wonder he went bankrupt six times.
i dont want to see anyone fail
.but he needs to..if he lucks out and reopens the full economy early and there is no viral reprisal..the idiots will swoon
Don’t say I did not warn “trump will bankrupt America.” I did since he wormed his way into the Presidency!
…and burned through the 1/2 billion daddy propped him up with……Trump is the synonym for moron.
A “Wartime President” would lay out a national plan instead of passing it off to Pence and the governors so that they can be used as scapegoats when this thing goes south.
Seems to me those governor’s are the goats. Why don’t they have emergency preparedness. Why do they always cry to the federal government.
This War President tells his soldiers to get their own ammunition.
Still, hands down: There is nobody who can do a better job at the helm of the nation rightnow than Donald Trump. NOBODY !!!
@Javi – Wan I bet you didn’t even say that with a straight face
@Sasha Villegas …But watch Lt Gen Honore who help at Katrina, I think he nailed it.
@DUMBMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT!! Trump 2016 : ” we won with the poorly educated “. Trump supporters : I dun no wut dat means but make amerikkka grate agen 2020 11!1
Trump needs to stop holding his rally on TV acting like he’s doing briefings. The press has to stop giving him a platform to put lives in danger.
YES – remove him from the podium as a starter – then remove him from the Presidency
Well said. The media should focus on those leaders who are actually leading. Historically a major crisis tends to expose fake leaders like Trump for what they really are.