Capacity limits in all remaining indoor settings will also be lifted. Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti weighs in.
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How many times can you be wrong and still be considered an expert?
@Max Weinbach What’s wrong with it? IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THAT WAY FROM THE START.
Maybe you’re cool with two years of bogus restrictions enacted by the hypochondriacs in charge of public health, but many others are not. Wake up.
@Primmakin Sofis that’s not the “it”. “It” is his message towards the forward policy, and NOT the policy of the past.
@Max Weinbach Why should anyone listen to any public “health” expert who will not admit past policy was disastrously wrong and should never be considered again?
@Primmakin Sofis did anyone ask him about the past policy? Or, are you making an assumption?
@Primmakin Sofis Want to clarify? lol.
Don’t want to ASSUME that you are unable to have open and objective conversation by making the conclusions that you do.
Maybe that’s why you’re so upset at the situation?
Lmao its like all these “Experts” suddenly got a dose of common sense
@Max Weinbach Yes, they are. They are under the College of Physician.
or maybe…… we are finally getting a handle on this virus and we can start trying to make our way back to a sense of normalcy……
@Christian Escad Lapasen that’s not what I meant. Allow me the clarify – an expert organization dealing with covid and related policies. Doctors aren’t the only expert on the subject. There is no citizen panel as far as I know. Hope that’s clearer.
Lmao It’s like all these “Experts” suddenly said what they’ve always been saying. If you want normal back, take your medicine…thank goodness enough Canadians with Common Sense took their medicine.
@Anita E wait, I thought the icu’s were still being overwhelmed last week from all the unvaxx!

End the Mandates Now
They are, that’s what this post is about.
NO. lol
wah wah WAHHHH stop it now! I WANT it NOWWW! *high pitch scream* *stomp my feet*
@V-ee Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Donald trump Baddddddddd!! Yea we remember
Wow, nice to hear from a sensible doctor!
Comedy GOLD
They are changing their tune because judgement day is coming.
Where was he months/years ago?
He is absolutely right about ending the passport sooner!!!! Useless, meaningless measure.
It’s punitive
I wasnt expecting this response from this doctor, I am surpriced. Hopefully he doesnt get senored. Thanks Mr Nice Doctor.
@Anita E How dare the pandemic end weeks after a trucker protest started eh….
@Chadwick Ruth It’s based off epidemiological statistics, not a very small sample of truckers. Lol.
if doctors didn’t start this pandemic we wouldn’t be in this mess
@Chadwick Ruth it has nothing to do with truckers. If you work in healthcare you would know the unions have been informing employees that things were going to be reviewed in March. Why do you think the uk dropped everything? Because the rest of the world is going to anyways.
@Chadwick Ruth no kidding. It has been going in that direction from the beginning. You implying the govt did this for the truckers?

Here is a reasonable professional smart enough to take a balanced approach.
latest clinical research looks like natural infection provides longer protection and comparable resistance to the vaccines. Omicron is endemic – wear masks if you want but all mandates should be dropped immediately
Too bad natural immunity wasn’t going to make anyone money so was never part of the discussion…
@Cynthia Chenard 100 % agree
Its all been a show folks LIGHTS CAMERA ACTON, its all been a show, HAPPINESS comes withIN you love you all, TAke care
They didn’t actually end anything, it’s an illusion
Don’t be fooled Folks.This will not end anytime soon.
I hope this isn’t a temporary reopening just so they reimplement these restrictions in a few months
Depends if there is a spring wave as there was last year. At the current moment, according to the active case count, the winter wave rate of reduction is slowing. Where will it bottom out? That remains to be determined.
Here are the peaks and troughs of active cases in Ontario last year:
Winter peak: Jan. 11, 2021
Subsequent trough: Feb. 24, 2021
Spring peak: April 20, 2021
Subsequent trough: July 21, 2021
The 2022 winter peak was on Jan. 10th. The subsequent trough has yet to be determined.
With so many uneducated covidiots around, you’re still hoping??
You know it will be…
You already know they are going to stage a new pandemic
Finally a doctor with common sense!
You understand that after you put a fire out, it may be safe to return to a building that was previously on fire, right?
Once we knew what covid was, there never should have been a blanket mandates
Health Agency of Canada Dec. 31th:
2020 = 15,787 deaths out of 588,939 cases (2.68% overall case fatality rate)
2021 = 14,532 deaths out of 1,636,132 cases (.89% overall case fatality rate)
30,254 (total deaths) / 2, 450,000 Recoveries = 98.9856% Recovery Rate
Hospitalisations: 93,375 (4.1%)
I wasnt expecting this response from this doctor, I am surpriced. Hopefully he doesnt get senored. Thanks Mr Nice Doctor.
I wasnt expecting this response from this doctor, I am surpriced. Hopefully he doesnt get senored. Thanks Mr Nice Doctor.