Expert on Texas shooter’s ‘hate ideology’ on social media

CNN Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst John Miller breaks down the ideology of the gunman who killed eight people and injured at least seven others at an Allen, Texas outlet mall. CNN's Josh Campbell also reports on what we know so far about seven of the eight victims. #CNN #News


  1. Rip to all the victims. I am traumatized, and I wasn’t even there. I can imagine all the victims and the people who had to witness this nightmare.

    1. @BOO me too,my anxiety is super bad more and more each day 💔💔I’m praying for us all

  2. People need to start voting like their lives depend on it because it literally does!

  3. Unrestricted gun law’s and loopholes in Texas and a Governor who stripped $211 million from mental health services. What could possibly go wrong.

    1. Everything but maggats can’t admit they’re wrong. It’s a personality disorder.

  4. If he has kicked out of the military for mental health issues, should he be able to buy a gun?

    1. One of the first things Trump did as president was to make it easier for people with mental health diagnoses to buy guns.

    2. Depending on his discharge status listed it could have precluded him from owning firearms.

  5. This is awful for everyone involved, but especially the little boy that lost both parents and little brother. That poor kid. 😔

    1. Among those hospitalized by the mass shooting is a woman whose daughter was killed during it. I can’t help but wonder if she could take him in if/when she recovers. It might be one of the only ways either of them can move forward from this.

  6. “A lot of conflicting information about him” is Abbottspeak for “we haven’t come up with a story yet that doesn’t implicate the gun manufacturers and the hate groups we support.”

    1. HAHA, you got that right David….I haven’t figured out a spin for this one…the last one was immigrants.

  7. As a Texan I’m heartbroken and feel helpless as my fellow Texans don’t vote to protect children.

  8. He was discharged from the army for mental health, had a toxic, hateful social media presence and he still got a guns from buying from private sellers. With so many high calibre guns in the civilian population you need more regulation on who can buy and sell those weapons

    1. ​​@ㆍ what specific law did he break? And why don’t you want to stop or punish people who break laws? 🤔

  9. It’s really sad that it’s getting to the point where a mass shooting is so commonplace that many people are watching this happen on the news then just go about their normal lives like nothing happened. We are being desensitized to horrendous acts of violence.

    1. Americans doing this to each other again and again.

      Time to begin watching peaceful movies, play peaceful games.

      Korea, Japan can do it. Why not America?

    2. It is SICKENING that these horrific crimes keep on happening!!!! It is so scary and shocking that these horrible, horrific, disgusting and disturbing crimes haven’t been stopped !!!’

  10. My sincerest condolences to the victims of this horrific tragedy. Speechless is an understatement. I am heartbroken for all, but the child who will wake up with zero family members left… how does one comprehend that? So sorry to the victims 🙏🙏

    1. It’s absolutely heart ❤️ breaking!!! The little boy isn’t going to understand what happened and I feel so sorry and hurt for him. It shouldn’t of ever happened IF people weren’t able to get fire arms !!! It makes me so angry 😡 and upset 😢 for that precious little boy who has to go through such a horrible situation!!!

    2. Thoughts and prayers don’t cut it. Call your member of congress and Senator TODAY. Vote for gun safety.

  11. This is so awful to All the families involved but I can’t image how once that mum still in critical condition learns her two babies have been murdered . Heartbreaking

    1. Americans doing it abroad.

      Look at Afghanistan, Iraq and now b oomerang coming to Texas.
      Watch peaceful movies instead, think and care for the elderly. Americans, you can do it if you want of course

    2. this. it might be kinder of she doesn’t pull through. I can’t imagine the pain she will suffer 😔

    3. That breaks my heart ❤️ thinking 🤔 about what pain she will feel when she hears what has happened with her two girls. How devastating

  12. Congress needs to act. Somebody should sue the governor, he’s guilty as sin. Vote him out!

  13. Sadly this just another day in America. I’m numb and also know that NOTHING WILL EVER BE DONE!! Glad I’m old 😢

  14. If kids dying didn’t change anything, nothing will. I’m running out of prayers, condolences, and thoughts to give out and we are not even halfway to the year.

    1. That’s great considering prayer and thoughts do absolutely nothing !! Now maybe you can actually do something !!

  15. They can verify if your worthy enough to get a line of of credit in 60 seconds but can create a comprehensive background check on guns? Unreal

  16. As a person who grew up with guns and has been trained with them .. I would seriously question anyone’s need for an AR-15 as a civilian.

    They’re either scary as hell, a coward, or just a sh*tty shooter.

    We need them off the streets.

    Oh, and read the full history of the second ammendment – educate yourself.

    1. They’re fun and easy to shoot, very accurate for self defense/home defense. Easier for women to handle and shoot than some handguns. Sport shooting, and to fight a tyrannical government if and when the times comes where we may need to. When the second amendment was written there were absolutely 0 restrictions, “shall not be infringed” was a command, all gun laws are unconstitutional. The founding fathers knew there would be repeating (semi automatic and automatic guns) because they were already being made and WERE successfully made in the 1700’s. They knew it would continue to advance as it has. And please, do define an assault weapon because that simply doesn’t exist, a weapon is an object, a tool. Assault is an action, if I punch you in the mouth that is assault, does that mean I have assault fists?

    2. @Tyler Hendrickson lol right so many women are carrying around an AR15 like we’re in call of duty

    3. ​@Tyler Hendricksonchildren keep dying so you can have your assult weapons. and its battery if you hit someone, not assault

  17. When Tapper says , “We’ve been talking about it since Colombine” my stomach turned into knots 🪢. That scar is so personal for me.. I can remember it so vividly and to know the victims that did survive are still struggling to cope sickens me! Fck man! 🥹☹️🗣️

  18. ” If you purchase a gun through a private dealer you don’t have to do a background check ” . A loophole in the law in Texas . Way to go governor Abbott .
    He should attend the funerals of all the victims and face the families .

    1. If you sell your car to someone that then takes that car and kills a person, you should be held responsible for not doing a background check on them before you sell it to them….?

    2. Yup. The law in the US is basically “ if you want a gun the background check is optional”.

  19. All of this is terrible and every single family and victim surely is heartbroken. But hearing that the Korean American 6 year old boy is now the only survivor from his family whom 3 died… I can’t imagine the terror, confusion, and sorrow that he is going through. I hope he has loving and healthy relatives to care for him.

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