The Derek Chauvin trial for George Floyd’s death included police testifying against police, which is rare, our legal expert notes. A panel of experts joins Tiffany Cross to analyze the Derek Chauvin trial and what it means for the evolution of the criminal justice system.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Expert on Derek Chauvin Trial: We’re Witnessing Blue Wall of Silence Crumbling For First Time
I think ALL these types of trials should be televised.
Sadly the Democrats have been using this type of racism since before they created the KKK!!! We tore down all the Racist Democrat Statutes now we need to tear down the Demoooonrats!!!!!!
@kclayA111 well that depends on which group of people you’re talking about
Policing while buzzed is drunk policing…belligerent aggressive abusive vodka voices….working outside the law….don’t know the law…All cops should be breathalyzed after every incident and also before they are able to start our taxpaying city cars. They are unlearned, uncurious , and mostly uneducated. If they were not cops they would be postal workers or a department manager of a big box store. They have an unaddressed culture of alcoholism. A buzzed postal worker with a gun and a license to murder and lie. They do not have continuing educating and drink vodka to sleep at night which takes their motivation away to educate themselves. They terrorize their families and the community because they have allowed themselves to become alcoholic monsters. I would not want to be touched / detained by an alcoholic with a badge and a license to murder and lie. There are some good cops out there , but they are swallowed up my the monsters they work with everyday. Take a look at the chief of polices in the different cities. They have the flat nose the extensive facial wrinkles from loving the take down and the heavy alcohol they choose to drink. People are now catching on that there is a huge problem of substance abuse. We, the citizens are lead in a ” new ” direction for a ” new” type of society. Now its time we make changes for a new type of police department that looks down on substance abuse of any kind. This is a serious problem the ends now!……
@DrJamal Jackson
lying TROLL!
@alphygirl 2013 you sound like you need to put the bottle down there sweetheart
Just want to point to a channel that breaks down police moments
Sadly the Democrats have been using this type of racism since before they created the KKK!!! We tore down all the Racist Democrat Statutes now we need to tear down the Demoooonrats!!!!!!
Policing while buzzed is drunk policing…belligerent aggressive abusive vodka voices….working outside the law….don’t know the law…All cops should be breathalyzed after every incident and also before they are able to start our taxpaying city cars. They are unlearned, uncurious , and mostly uneducated. If they were not cops they would be postal workers or a department manager of a big box store. They have an unaddressed culture of alcoholism. A buzzed postal worker with a gun and a license to murder and lie. They do not have continuing educating and drink vodka to sleep at night which takes their motivation away to educate themselves. They terrorize their families and the community because they have allowed themselves to become alcoholic monsters. I would not want to be touched / detained by an alcoholic with a badge and a license to murder and lie. There are some good cops out there , but they are swallowed up my the monsters they work with everyday. Take a look at the chief of polices in the different cities. They have the flat nose the extensive facial wrinkles from loving the take down and the heavy alcohol they choose to drink. People are now catching on that there is a huge problem of substance abuse. We, the citizens are lead in a ” new ” direction for a ” new” type of society. Now its time we make changes for a new type of police department that looks down on substance abuse of any kind. This is a serious problem the ends now!……
More training and psychological testing
Yeah, I’ll counter that with Police Activity.
@David R Colin “made the black kids angry”, or rather the group that protects the keeds.
Amazon workers are finding difficulty in unionizing whilst police unions are more powerful than elected officials. There is something wrong in the system.
The police unions are the most crooked organization in the world. More than any mafia or Mexican drug cartel. They need to pay the settlements not the taxpayer. They need to be made to disband
@jamestime exactly
100%defund donuts and corruptcops. dissolve the wicked police union.
@jamestime a commenter claims defense has a 12 lawyer team. why would an innocent officer need a 12 lawyer team?
@jamestime More police officers are killed in the line of duty than “unarmed citizens” in police custody. The propaganda media is gaslighting you.
@Rod sorry my friend you are mistaken. But you have your right to your opinion. I believe in the facts. Plus video doesn’t lie. People lie but video doesn’t . not when they are multiple views of the video from different sources
That is the correct Headline!
Who let him stay on the force with 20 complaints against him? They are guilty as Chauvin
@Mack Jr Bell I mean, inversely, the fact that these investigations occurred show that he was himself highly policed/scrutenized/evaluated, as opposed to let run wild.
@kingintyellow fair points. I guess I didn’t realize that these were complaints that were upheld so thank you for bringing that up. With all that I said earlier, I’d like to add that I do think he deserves jail for what happened on this particular case, but unfortunately I’m not sure they’ll be able to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt
@TheLuscious I hope you realize that unity will never be possible as long as people on both sides of the aisle continue to paint eachother with such broad brushes. “Cops are racist” “you racist republicans”. These are not the words of somebody who wants peace, but of somebody who’s wishing to start problems. Please try to keep an open mind when dealing with others. You never know why they think the way they do or how easily you can sway their opinion. Not everybody who thinks differently than you is a stubborn racist, but the moment you start calling them names you ensure that they will never agree with you as you’ve shown them how close minded you are
@LePlerome also it doesn’t matter that he only recvd discipline once. Why do you think their is record of every IA?
Every compliant is put in your permanent file because everything a law enforcement officer does (custody, probation, courts, parole) is really taken serious.
How many people with a grievance didn’t file a complaint? 20 complaints are *just the ones that were reported*
Absolutely right! Silence is not golden!
As an older white woman, I’m effected as well. Working for 32 years as a Emergency Radiographer
I’ve seen may share of violent deaths. Most were do to GSW, and next from a car accident, some die from cardiac arrest. And now George Floyd is in my memory as well. Thinking about you George. You are in a much better place,
@pc gamerz he does, sad.
@pc gamerz defense is allowed to show part of that 2019 arrest, & is heard saying same thing , can’t breathe, probly hi on same crap. Even tho wasn’t put in choke hold, cops figured he was pulling same thing this time.
@Charlene Baer As a black man I wanna say thank you for being human
I wouldn’t wish this on anyone
@Beyond Infinity thanks for your kind words. Many people are not faced with people dying in front of their eyes. It really has no answer.
Still in ER XRAY ….I was ask to do post mortum films. During positioning, one hand slip out of the covers, I noticed on his left hand was a wedding ban. Thinking to myself, he kissed his wife good by ,gave kids a hug. And told all he loved them. This really shocked me. This was in 1984. I still remember it like it was yesterday. You can’t forget these events. They are on your mind everyday. That is what separates the caring and other beings.
I just wanted to cry with Mr McMillon….
Give him a hug through the phone. 
I love this show. Tiffany has one of the most succinct and focused points of view in mainstream media.
And an incredibly annoying, grating voice, you might add.
Uh, because she is a modern day militant.
The Blue Wall is never going to crumble until hiring standards, vetting and training is vastly improved. Good luck with that
@trainwreck told ya Republikkklans sponsor tyrannical kkkcops murdering real Americans.
@trainwreck told ya Perhaps. But having the intelligence to understand what defunding the police actually meant instead if repeating Fox News talking points like a trained drone would be a great idea. You police fanboys have a weak troll game. Plus, you’re comment was just plain dumb, seeing that corrupt, racist and sexually frustrated incels have been flooding law enforcement from day one. So putting better use to the funds instead wasting them on unnecessary trinkets and corrupt police unions would be a massive improvement. Anything else? I’m with plenty of data, intelligence and quick snarky comebacks. Bring it.
@Coco Crisp Because free speech is free speech weather you agree with it or not. Why do democrats support segregationists?
@S B Man Why do Republikkklans support segregagationists, basically the Confederate flag racist traitors.
@Coco Crisp Way to avoid the question. Your clearly a racist bigot. It’s clear now.
I wonder what the murder is always jotting down on that notepad

I couldn’t make it through this without
Let’s not forget Elijah McClain, a gentle soul murdered by police bc of excessive, unnecessary force. His Killers should also be in court.
Amen!!!!! Elijah’s murder is the plainest example that you can die just because a cop thinks you smarted off to them. The wounded pride of a bully in a blue shirt should NOT be a legal reason to get away with attacks ranging from verbal abuse & degradation to assault all the way up to murder.
Poor buggers, they should not feel guilt, they 2 could of become victims if they went any further interfering in trying to save George may he RIP
Tiffany show is so good listed to the whole thing through in my car this morning
To those policemen that didn’t turn there head. If you haven’t heard it yet. THANK YOU FOR TELLING THE TRUTH.
Mr. McMillan was very kind and tried so hard to help Floyd by encouraging him. If only our world was full of more Mr. McMillans, and much fewer Mr. Chauvins what a better and more loving place it would be!
Tiffany is really good and fast thinking, well done, very clarifying and in touch with us audience. She said exactly what I was thinking the whole situation
The more the wall crumbles, the more respect you’ve gained, the safer everyone is.
The character Derek Chauvin is played by the ‘Cash Cab’ guy – Ben Ray Bailey in the popular multi-season show.