Expert: Kim Jong Un photo shows something big about to happen

North Korean state media released pictures of Kim Jong Un riding a white horse up a mountain in what is considered a politically significant act. CNN's Brooke Baldwin discusses the possible ramifications. #CNN #News

Expert: Kim Jong Un photo shows something big about to happen



  1. Trump will fake a picture of himself on a horse too before long. Meanwhile he is known to be practising on Mike Pence. Those bonespurs must really dig in.

    1. that title is clearly a toss up between: Sarah Jessica Parker aka Seabiscuit
      Alex Ocasio Cortez aka Secretariat

    1. I don’t know… I’m going to have to see the horse driving a racecar around a flaming crater before I believe the horse survived ….

    1. CipherBytes, you just bitter, you lost election. Just like Killary. She goes around like cry baby for years now, talking nonsense, looking for excuses. Can’t level with it. Too bad, you all little communists here, going to lose 2020 again. Get ready for it.HaHaHa!

    2. I’m surprised Trump hasn’t yet claimed he’s skied down Mount Everest in the nude with a carnation up his nose, but that’s an old story most of the trolls on here wouldn’t understand.

    3. Gary Sinnott, Tragedy is that stupid, completely ignorant people will get radical , filthy , lying democrats, aka “communists” promising everything free for everybody elected. That’s what happened in many countries before. It caused over 100 million deaths world wide. Yet, stupid people will never learn from history!

    1. I can understand how people in America would assume that that is the case. As a korean-american raising a Korean family I can tell you that the stories and what we’ve been told and what has been portrayed over in North Korea is not entirely the truth. Just like in China and in Korea their government will only tell you what they want you to hear and they are able to limit what people here as far as truth goes. But that also goes for here in America we are only fed what we are meant to believe we are meant to believe certain things that help the cause. The people in North Korea are not all unhappy. The people of North Korea love their leader and they believe what they believe whether we over here on the other side of the world think it’s on right or unjust. Nobody has the right to tell a group of people how they can believe in who they can believe in and if they fully believe that their leader is God in some way shape or form that is their personal belief but do not let all the stories of people starving and being beaten on constant daily basis be your truth because it is not how it is in North Korea

    2. @Crystal Giddens first let me say Trump is a disgrace and a disease to this country second let me say I fully support the African-American community and most all that they do however African Americans being fat is not the president’s fault that’s just comical. I don’t see how a group of people dealing with racism just decide to get fat and it somehow racism’s fault let’s not go there. My children are Korean and they’ve dealt with racism from other children as well as other adults believe it or not. I don’t think racism has any link to someone’s eating habits or lack of self-control eating.

    1. @American Pride i understand using Google’s copy and paste tool can get a lil arousing while hopped up on alkyl nitrites.

    2. @Erich Eichmann KoreanEdit

      A huge white horse appears in Korean mythology in the story of the kingdom of Silla. When the people gathered to pray for a king, the horse emerged from a bolt of lightning, bowing to a shining egg. After the horse flew back to heaven, the egg opened and the boy Park Hyeokgeose emerged. When he grew up, he united six warring states.


      The city of Pangantucan has as its symbol a white stallion who saved an ancient tribe from massacre by uprooting a bamboo and thus warning them of the enemy’s approach.


      The city of Hanoi honours a white horse as its patron saint with a temple dedicated to this revered spirit, the White Horse or Bach Ma Temple ( “bach” means white and “ma” is horse). The 11th-century king, Lý Công Uẩn (also known as King Lý Thái Tổ) had a vision of a white horse representing a river spirit which showed him where to build his citadel.[29]

      Native AmericanEdit

      In Blackfoot mythology, the snow deity Aisoyimstan is a white-coloured man in white clothing who rides a white horse.

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