Russia launched a missile attack into Ukraine, in what Kyiv has called one of Moscow's largest missile barrages since the war began in February. CNN's Jill Doughtery explains Putin's new wave of attacks. #CNN #News
Expert explains what Putin has been up to as Russia steps up attacks

I’m 64 years old and I’ve worked with a lot of experts in my life and many of them but not all I mean a small percentage got it right . The rest couldn’t grab there butt if they had instructions on there hands
Worked with a lot of experts, huh?
None of them grammar experts, that’s for sure.
@RPG123 Stick with Tucker – he is an expert on everything …
@dan dansen lol
@jjrockjaw There is no puppet master. Sure there are people who try to push their agenda. But it isn’t anywhere near as easy as you seem to think.
Knowledge is good, not bad
@MNGuardianFan I think you’re living in a fantasy world if you believe that
Oh yes, the all knowing experts telling us what to think. How would I even be able to get out of bed in the morning if not for the experts?
Here’s our expert to tell you what to think about Goldstein, I mean Putin!!
@staticsnow22good one
And same expert that pronounced it key-ev then remembered she’s supposed to say keev
@Ricky thot that was weird too. Here xpert read this.
@Ricky …but that doesn’t really bother me since Ukraine has some of the most bizarre city names on the planet.
The problems, the leaders never suffers. It’s always the innocent people that always do.
@stagg21 …however, your current family might not think too much of that idea.
tell hitler or mussolini…or gaddafi
@Brad Modd …tell them yourself.
Leaders definitely do suffer if they are toppled. If they get to continue their government, then they may suffer small consequences, but not big ones.
Maybe putin aint with the agenda
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
The only agenda Putin has is to massacre all Ukrainians and take their land. Viva Ukraine!!

Expert Jill Dougherty- CNN contributor. Are those her credentials? She an expert at contributing to CNN? Id prefer listing to someone who actually has a degree in something relevant…
Edit, ah but i found out, she has a degree in Slavic Languages and Literature, so certainly she knows all about military conflict and international diplomacy involving Russia.
There are 668 Guns & Ammunition Manufacturing businesses in the US as of 2022, an increase of 2.9% from 2021.
The military industry is the core of the existing manufacturing industry in the US. Most of the manufacturing industry revolves around the survival and development of military industry and its supplies. This part of the industry is estimated to account for more than 60 percent of the total US manufacturing industry.
Raytheon’s arms sales grew by nine percent to $42 billion, putting it behind only Lockheed Martin with $60 billion.
This needs to be on the news
Sources please
Kiev was never a beautiful city, Specially this time of the year. In the good days, everywhere you could smell the raw kerosine. Street lightings were very bleak. Besides one street at the center of the city, everything else looks run down and dreary.
This is what happens when psychopaths are in charge.
The WW2 ‘Battle of Britain’ was lost by Germany when their bombing campaign focus shifted from military targets to the British cities.
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
Putin has been bombing Ukrainian cities from day one ! Viva Ukraine

That’s some random music video did you give the right link?
“The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.”……

Kissenger wrote a book called does US need a foreign policy which was ignored…..
Clickbait title, virtually nothing about what Putin has been up to
Oh my god , mangling parked empty cars and pulverizing buildings that have been empty for months!! Omg! Christmas time great, why did Ukraine say no to a christmas truce!!! !?!?!!
The new year won’t be good to you Vlad

Surely if you have to cut to another presenter for technical reasons, you should allow the other presenter to finish their broadcast before switching back to the initial one?
if there’s likely to be more technical issues, it’s probably best to get the international remote correspondent while they can.
Don’t you think an unstable Kiev line gets the priority?
I have not supported our policy for Ukraine since 2014 beyond economic sanctions. I believe we should have pressured Russia to compensate Ukraine for Crimea annexation and honestly brokered a Minsk like agreement and moved on. Had Ukraine done that they would be a happy country today practicing Western style democracy and enjoying cheap Russian energy.
That’s all water under the bridge now and we are where we are. I do have confidence in our president that he will steer the situation right to the best possible outcome, first for the US and then for Ukraine. The US and the world can afford not all of Zelenski’s revanchist dreams becoming a reality but not a debilitating roller coaster ride.
I watch CNN to view the perspective from American thought Bubble.
You watch CNN for to make yourself feel good about the way things are handled.
we are not the same
We don’t really hear too much bad news about Kadyrov, His hands are tied to Putin, If Putin were out of the way
He would make a great leader to take Putin’s place as Leader of Russia. Kadyrov would make a humane and noble leader, of a democratic, free Russia.