Russia is accusing Ukraine of planning to use a so-called "dirty bomb", an allegation dismissed by Kyiv and its Western allies as a false-flag operation that Moscow could use as a pretext to escalate the Kremlin's war against its neighbor. CNN's Clare Sebastian reports. #CNN #News
Expert calls Russia’s dirty bomb claims targeting Ukraine ‘planned in great detail’

Almost as absurd as those guys falling out of windows ‘accidentally’.
Or the guys committing suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head
The best way to drop a dirty bomb is to eat a taco bell
And I agree that breathing in the particles is definitely a hazard after dropping a dirty bomb.
Its raining oligarchs.
Yes, no way you would permanently make radioactive your own country. Thats absolutely absurd
I’ve dropped a few “dirty bombs” in my day.
@Eduardo Oliveira tRump will get plenty of peace in prison.
@Big Tex BioNuclear
Silent ones i bet.

Biological “Dirty Bomb” I’ll bet!!!
Losing Russian soldiers shoot Ukrainian pets for food as they run out of rations. But PETA, the ‘Network for Animals’ & ‘World Animal Protection’ are doing a major animal evacuation. Let’s not feed the Russians with Ukrainian pets!!! Please go to either of these animal charity websites to see how to help them get the animals out to safety
Russia is like a drunken bear. It can do a lot of damage, but ultimately it gets hunted down by villagers and made into a stew. There’s simply not enough good people in their country. Tricky

Joe Biden couldn’t say it better
less Ukraine and hero zelensky stop dictator putin and russia invasion we love ukriane and ukraine will win this war soon russia will pay fro their crimes.russia will destroyed soon free krimea.
Yes to Brian, Chris and Don
it is really hard to understand what the f they think, intelligence below zero
We’ve seen exactly the same stuff a year ago. Even the pictures are the same. I think it says more about CNN’s intelligence. They just drew it out of a drawer again.
Maybe planned in great detail but the execution was typically russian – sloppy to put it mildly. Im talking about a simple reverse image search revealing a picture of some smoke detectors from Slovenian nuclear waste storage.
Not true
Standard procedure regularly used by Russia. The day before Russian troops invaded Poland. A unit of troops from Eastern Russia for no logical reason was positioned about fifty miles away from the main force, but still close to the border. Stalin had some of his political troops open fire on the separated detachment. Inflicting several deaths and multiple injured. Then announced to the main force. Polish forces have attacked us and killed your comrades. We must avenge them. Russia have used this tactic of attack something then he did it many times since. Afghanistan. Syria. Multiple times during the Ukrainian offensive. Early on a supply depot that only the day before had its fuel storage tanks drained. All stores moved out. Even the guards told take the night off. The depot had multiple anti aircraft sites in the area. The depot was a good distance into Russian territory. Just as cameras are set up. Right on cue two unmarked helicopters appear out of nowhere. Attack the empty depot right in front of the cameras then disappear into the night. Never seen on any radar. Zero reports of anyone even hearing these obvious Russian Helicopters. The Russians are now even claiming that in cities they withdrawn from. Mass graves of executed civilians found the Ukrainians. Oh the Ukrainians planted the bodies!
As always, send brave heroes and innocent UKR victims anything they need to defeat and survive the Kremlin. Slava Ukraine!

The Ukrainians are Nazis
bless Ukraine and hero zelensky stop dictator putin and russia invasion we love ukriane and ukraine will win this war soon russia will pay fro their crimes.
Isn’t it odd that nothing Putin ever says turns out to be true.
@Alhambra Biker Vlad said to GFY
I think it is safe to say; Russia should make their own Youtube , because no one wants these Russian trolls here in the comment section. If you hate USA so much get off our website
OhI don’t know, he said years ago they were going to sort Ukraine if the UN didn’t stop them from bombing Donbas.
@Minty You think you are the federal gov and this is the old twitter? Silence opposition. wuss
@Randy Watson and Ukrainian soldiers said Russian ship Moskva GFY or ПНХ
Support ukraine!!!! Invest in democracy and new allies to safe guard our children’s future from Putin and co.
bless Ukraine and hero zelensky stop dictator putin and russia invasion we love ukriane and ukraine will win this war soon russia will pay fro their crimes.russia will destroyed soon free krimea.
Putin: We even know where it’s being manufactured and out great Russian Military is powerless to stop it!
It’s a repeat video from last year. Even the pictures are the same as Putin saying that sentence.
This is why in Poland, most of us are plenty aware of a false flag from russia. And this potential treat will only grow as ru looses.
Very true, Putin will come out with more and more outlandish lies in an attempt to continue to try and convince the world his illegal invasion is legitimate…and fail
is that the place where all the Polaks live?
Poland is itching for Russia to try something. Poland has one of the biggest and best trained and equipped militaries in Europe at this point. A far cry from the past several centuries. Russia don’t want that smoke, but you be damn sure Poland wants revenge for Katyn!!!!!
@Brian Streufert you sound like typical Polack . poland has 40.000 troops as of today Russia has 1.200000 troops and going up to 1.500000 mil in couple of polacks never learn do you. last time you also had a powerful friend like Hitler how did that turned out for you?now you got Americans as a friend in you think your such a power don’t be a Polack you don’t even have atomic weapons.only reason Americans have you as a friend that because like Ukraine they will feed you in to war machine they dont care anglo saxons wiping out slaves with their own hands and you being a polack want to jump in. good luck you gonna need it.
Russia had troops digging in a contaminated zone a little bit back that had me wondering on Russia getting supplies for dirty bombs. Don’t fully know so keeping all things in my mind.
Could be… in that case the radioactive signature could be traced back to Ukraine, not to any source in Russia.
@Katoshi Takagumi best weapons are the one’s not linked to you
Good observation.
@Persuasive Barrier thanks
@Persuasive Barrier just hope I don’t need a helmet next….

Always seems like Putin has watched a Hollywood movie on the night & then next day he’s using parts of the plot & script to give a speech about his intelligence & accusations
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Mr. Putin is a busy man so he probably never watches the whole movie and is yet to discover that the bad guys always lose.
@Katoshi Takagumi
He certainly does not, he hates woke.
Probably had a conversation with Steven Seagal prior.
If Putler says Ukraine are doing it he definitely is

Gold will rise so much Russia Ukraine war will be much more fierce because America spent $203 billion on nuclear weapons
Losing Russian soldiers shoot Ukrainian pets for food as they run out of rations. But PETA, the ‘Network for Animals’ & ‘World Animal Protection’ are doing a major animal evacuation. Let’s not feed the Russians with Ukrainian pets!!! Please go to either of these animal charity websites to see how to help them get the animals out to safety
@Beowulf ya under German occupation 70 80 years ago , not even close to an accurate analogy. Besides the president of Ukraine is Jewish numbskull.
And it was Poland and Czechoslovakia first also under German occupation . Do you always distort facts to try and justify your incorrect beliefs?
This is like the burglar calling the bandit a thief.
No it’s not. It’s like a bandit calling an innocent victim a burglar. Ukraine hadn’t done anything wrong. Russias invasion is all on them
Or the burglar calling the victim a thief
Gold will rise so much Russia Ukraine war will be much more fierce because America spent $203 billion on nuclear weapons
@Ceyhun Kaya neh..
@NoName – Kyiv has been shelling ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine for the last eight years – 14000 dead. NOT unprovoked as the lying media would have you believe.
The weird part is that Ukraine doesn’t need to stage this to have a reason to escalate. Russia has engaged in countless atrocities during this conflict. They’re terrorizing civilians almost every single day for chrissakes.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Thank you for helping to educate us as a lot of us are following this war snd concerned about Russia’s actions.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
You’ve seen exactly the same stuff a year ago. Even the photo’s used are the same….
You are following this war by watching cnn, lol.
more cnn employees commenting on their channel
*At **1:33** Pooty’s eyes more and more give away his lies. On top of that, his eyes seem to belong to a gnome looking at the world through his death mask.*
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
If Ukr have Dirty bombs, they can just use it on Ruz ‘s main major cities and industrie sectors or ports. Just using it in Major Cities would make become inhabitable for years and economic would be total destroy. ( would you still live in a radioactive/toxic place? ) Ukr have ability to sabotage deep in ruz territory. BUT IT WILL NEVER HAPPENED because Ukr doesn’t have any. It might happen in ruz control territories or some unimportant population places to frame ukr and west.