Expected Case Against Deutsche Bank Disappeared In Trump Transition | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

David Enrich, New York Times finance editor and author of Dark Towers, talks with Rachel Maddow about an expected criminal case against Deutsche Bank in connection with a Russian money laundering scandal that mysteriously disappeared once Donald Trump came into office. Aired on 02/18/20.
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Expected Case Against Deutsche Bank Disappeared In Trump Transition | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Expected Case Against Deutsche Bank Disappeared In Trump Transition | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @Tate Craft Your nutty friends excuse for Trump corruption is that ‘the democrats did it first’ which is not true and if it was it is no excuse. Once you understand how they trick you it will be more difficult for them to trick you next time.
      The Trump apologist on your clip is no journalist, there is no analysis he is just repeating Fox talking points.

  1. When trump’s regime is over, a lot of people need to lose their jobs or be prosecuted for smothering these cases to the benefit of trump.
    There literally needs to be a commission to look into every aspect of trump’s presidency to figure out what he, his kids and his bagmen can be prosecuted for.

    1. For sharing, author – John Goldsworthy
      Trump-Russia Investigation 15 months 34 Indictments/Charges (Individuals) (and counting) 3 Indictments/Charges (Companies) 5 GUILTY pleas (and counting) 4 CONVICTIONS (and counting)
      Indicted: Roger Stone Convicted
      Indicted: Paul Manafort Convicted
      Indicted: Rick Gates
      Indicted: George Papadopoulos
      Indicted: Michael Flynn
      Indicted: Michael Cohen
      Indicted: Richard Pinedo
      Indicted: Alex van der Zwaan
      Indicted: Konstantin Kilimnik
      Indicted: 12 Russian GRU officers
      Indicted: Yevgeny Prigozhin
      Indicted: Mikhail Burchik
      Indicted: Aleksandra Krylova
      Indicted: Anna Bogacheva
      Indicted: Sergey Polozov
      Indicted: Maria Bovda
      Indicted: Dzheykhun Aslanov
      Indicted: Vadim Podkopaev
      Indicted: Irina Kaverzina
      Indicted: Gleb Vasilchenko
      Indicted: Internet Research Agency
      Indicted: Concord Management
      Guilty Plea: Michael Flynn
      Guilty Plea: Michael Cohen
      Guilty Plea: George Papadopolous
      Guilty Plea: Richard Pinedo
      Guilty Plea: Alex van der Zwaan
      Guilty Plea: Rick Gates
      Over 191 Criminal Charges (and counting):
      Conspiracy against the USA (2 counts)
      Conspiracy to launder money (2 counts)
      Bank fraud (8 counts)
      Bank fraud conspiracy (10 counts)
      Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts)
      Making false statements (6 counts)
      Failure to file reports of foreign bank accounts (14 counts)
      Unregistered agent of a foreign principal (2 counts)
      False FARA statements (2 counts)
      Subscribing to false tax returns (10 counts)
      Assisting in preparation of false tax documents (5 counts)
      Conspiracy to defraud the United States (13 counts)
      Conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud (2 counts)
      Aggravated identity theft (24 counts)

    1. @Dmitri Fukov I know who he was and I know the difference between a real Colonel and an honorary one. Do you? Ones real and one’s fake. Ring any bells?

    2. @Dmitri Fukov You consider bankrupt but businesses a success? Jesus you’ve lost this battle. Let it go. You should mentality unstable. It’s making feel like I’m debating with a disabled child.

    3. @Dmitri Fukov He’s never ran a successful business. Everything he’s done has failed. He only keeps the Sham going because of Like minded Ppl. That he has the GOODS ON! He’s been a Crook all his Privilege Life. Wasted his Fathers Money and got 2 big 4 the Banks to recoup the money he owes. He’s not a Billionaire but a Failure Millionaire, that Owes more then he has. That why he has to keep Stealing from us, U Foolish Cultists Following Sheep included!

    1. @Brilliant Hooligans Three years of reporting on President Trump have dropped both the ratings and testicles of this poor fellow. My sources report Maddow’s nuts are hanging so low they’re picking up studio floor dust bunnies.

  2. Rachel needs to be nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for her dogged determination to uncover and report the truth.

    1. Theo Fulk , oh Theo, you poor benighted sod !! You picked a couple of sweethearts who wouldn’t know the truth if they fell over it !!! If you think Glen Beck’s or Rudy Guiliani’s word is better than the straight truth that Rachel deals in then I think you must have had a tragic brain surgery that left you impaired.

    2. Naomi Ogle , you are just jealous that Rachel has a first class brain, is highly intelligent and tells the truth. Whereas you have succumbed to the mind disease that you caught from that criminal conman !!!!!

    3. Naomi Ogle is a liar and she has the type of lies that Trump has made popular. She trashes intelligent truthful reporting and sprays her stupid lies all over this thread !

  3. Deutsche Bank Executive Thomas Bowers With Ties To Trump Loans Was SUICIDED, just like Jeffery Epstein. Bowers “Suicide” was just 3 months after Epstein’s “Suicide”. Deutsche Bank also lent money to Jeffrey Epstein.

    1. But, his son was able to gain records from his home office. I wonder what will happen when Trump is done with office. This is why he so desperate to be reelected and talks of being President forever. When he is done, I hope that the Courts are free of this tamperng!

    2. @Annie Warbux Things are going to get much worse with a Complicit GOP and the Wimpy Dems! Sad, but True, I hate to admit.

    1. @Tate Craft – Carrying water for the most corrupt, most avaricious, most dishonest, fascist administration in the USA must get SO tiring – your arms must just be exhausted. The FAKE president is a CROOK – always has been – not to mention an entirely loathsome human being. You know how to pick ’em…

  4. Deutsche Bank and Trump’s finances…answering the question of what kind of progeny would arise if the Bermuda Triangle married the Twilight Zone.

    Keep following the money Rachel!

  5. Here’s your, “worst case scenario,” that many of us predicted, right from the start: A, “Soft,” Coup. The Putin Model, in which you keep the populace docile by going through the motions of, “Democracy,” allowing people to, ”vote,” in, “elections,” which are nothing more than data-gathering exercises, identifying the next targets for the administration, from state level to individuals. After this coming, RIGGED, “election,” the last of the main pretences will be done away with, and we’ll look back on this time as being way better than what we have by then.
    Do the math, America? Trump loses his protected presidential status = countless indictments, resulting in him and his whole family going to jail. Which then = them, “ratting out,” everyone complicit in countless offences, resulting in EVERYONE, from Bill Barr to Devin Nunes, going to jail too. Which THEN = the disbandment of what remains of the GOP, in historic disgrace, with every single person connected to them getting their own chapter in the history books under, “Treason,” or, “Fraud,” or, “Pedophile,” or, “Blackmail,” or, “Money Laundering,” or ANY combination of those and many more crimes.
    Now, consider: It’s actually rather easy to RIG the elections, with Putin waiting in the wings, and them all being on the INSIDE this time around. Combine THAT with the fact that they did it last time, and then got an inconclusive investigation, because they simply obstructed it from ever even, “Investigating,” them at all. Add to that, that they have just SHOWN YOU that they RIGGED Trump’s Impeachment, “trial,” which would have found him, “not guilty,” even if they HAD allowed witnesses and evidence, given that Trump’s accomplices were sitting on the JURY!
    They can’t afford NOT to RIG the elections; have done it before; have PROVED to you that there is NOTHING they won’t do; and they are continually ASSISTING our ENEMIES whilst BETRAYING our allies! Unless you get REAL, America, you will never get your Democratic system back! And the first step is having the courage to ADMIT it! Your Republic has ALREADY FALLEN!
    The Ukrainians showed you that you CAN WIN, WITHOUT WEAPONS, by filling the streets and halting the country, forcing your TYRANT to flee back to Moscow. I admit, that’s scary, and I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t want to take that risk. But, what you ALL CAN DO, is STOP pretending that the Dem’s elections, for who gets to lead the, “opposition,” even MATTERS in a DICTATORSHIP? DO THAT, at the very least? Lift the curtain, and show the Wizard for what he REALLY IS: a two bit hood, in thrall to Putin. And your country MIGHT have a chance? Keep PRETENDING that your Republic still stands, and you are HELPING to keep the population docile, buying the Monarchy the time it needs to consolidate. It’s Revolution or DIE, America. There is NO legal, lawful or Constitutional process that can save you from a Dictatorship! They OWN all those processes. WAKE UP, or remain in the nightmare forever . . . And, it will only get worse and worse . . . SMH

    1. Gary Thompson … so you think I am a russian troll? And this thread is about a peaceful protest, as worked so well in Ukraine, no violence advocated here. I am from a democratic country, looking at the situation in the US , and seeing so many parallels with the rise of European fascism in the mid 20th century.

    2. 👏👏👏👏 100% agree, We need to do something becuase if he is given another term. The Devil will Reign. I am an American Citizen we have to join together all division aside, we must Uniter under one As freedom Fighters, Truth Fighters. Accepting the Truth is alot easier than accepting this Dictator. We all felt it in our Gut he can be our end.

  6. So Deutsche Bank is restraining its impulse not to go dancing in the street over their sheer luck of having Trump as president.

    1. Possible, but the whole set of shifty actions involving foreign oligarch money sound more like DB is a “dead man banking”… Sooner or later a scandal will break their neck and cause a hostile takeover when the stocks are punished for this kind of stunt.

    1. @Shelley Ross
      *I am a BeLiever in JESUS & Trump is the Chosen One!!!!*
      *Trump is Letting White Christians out of Prison!!!*

    1. Well the Supreme court should be making a ruling on that one soon. I’m waiting to see how Barr gets involved in that one. There is no way Trump can let any of his financials out especially his Taxes.

    2. @Printagic Online I agree, that’s why I keep bringing it up because I want American people to understand we need to keep the conversation going on his taxes cuz the media has cooled down on that subject

    1. *FiLthy TrumpScum: 11-Pardons to FinanciaL CriminaLs,*
      *such as: Mike Milken(GoogLe him TrumpScum)!!!!*
      *I won’t QUIT my Faith in GOD, cuz Only GOD, WiLL*
      *BurnTrumpScum for ALL ETERNITY!!!*

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