CNN political director David Chalian takes a look at how Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed victory in the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire, according to a CNN projection.
#Sanders #NewHampshire #CNN #News
CNN political director David Chalian takes a look at how Sen. Bernie Sanders claimed victory in the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire, according to a CNN projection.
#Sanders #NewHampshire #CNN #News
Stop downplaying the actual winner.
This isn’t journalism.
@Marty Mcfly You are wrong. It is NOT our job to take care of other people by stealing. It is wrong. You use the word helpless to trigger an emotional response and support your own opinion, but it is still wrong.
I am not morally wrong to oppose stealing from one and giving to another. That would be YOU who is morally wrong. If you want to give your money to help people you THINK are helpless then go for it, but you cannot justify taxing people’s lives away to support the life of a taker. I know it makes you feel bad, but that is life. Oh well.
If the poor want to do better then let them work for it. Our national motto should be Work or starve.
@ThE DuCk Wow! You’re pretty bitter about sanders huh? Everyone knows the Last primaries were rigged against him(according to former CNN contributor Donna braizile). I have a feeling you’re HRC in disguise.
@FirstRyan Murray well she didn’t shoot you or run over you with a car unlike a the supporters of a certain president I’ve heard of.
Unless its a winner take all primary, then there is no such thing as a winner of the primary.
CNN: The Fox news of corporate democrats.
@Rudy Penza Bernie supporters are the same folks who dress up in all black and assault people they disagree with
CNN is pro war, pro big business, pro big pharma. Pretty right wing stuff.
He won because…
He got the most votes.
Mystery solved.
Haha simple
Are you sure it wasn’t “calculus” lol
OMG the bias! They’re so transparent! Any chance to plug Klobuchar and Buttigieg.
CNN: ”I know Bernie won, but look at 2nd, and 3rd…… Please.”
@WrizzleDVM . Trump got 60mil of 320mil. Mostly over 50.
@WrizzleDVM . The enlisted vote went to johnson
@WrizzleDVM . The veterans support Bernie
#bernie2020 CNN “Bernie plummets to a weak first”
@Dave S no he promised a good life for working people and he delivered I dont want free anything
@David Rodgers . Yang promised free money, he lost. We want wages and education for better jobs.
@David Smith . Trump is gonna embarrass himself just like you’re doin…
@David Smith . He delivered nothing. Wages are still frozen vs inflation but living costs are up. Your idiot president is blasting trillion dollar deficits to boost the stock market through weapons manufacturers. It’s socialism, wizkid.
Who cuts social programs And runs trillion dollar deficits!? Lol. A kid playing simcity, or a moron, 6 time bankruptcy queen.
CHUMPS FOR TRUMP 2020. don’t be one
The narrative isn’t gonna be “Bernie sanders won New Hampshire”, rather “Pete buttigieg was close behind”.
Bernie didn’t really win, he cheated
@Democrat for free sex changes and open borders The only ones cheating were the ones trying to cheat Bernie out of winning. And Bernie won despite that.
Democrat for free sex changes and open borders ur dumb
The democrat establishment, the DNC, the Super-delegates will NEVER allow Bernie to become the democrat nominee. You poor simple minded gullible democrat voters are laughable.
CNN: it seems like Bernie won the Gold,
but let’s talk and focus on the person who got the bronze medals
You mean yhis Bernie who NEVER worked in his life, who believes in free give aways like College tution, free healthcare, even to illegals, open borders, he will hace absolutely no chance to beat Donald J. Trump. All you guys are just dumb a……holes, brainwashed idiots.
The democrat establishment, the DNC, the Super-delegates will NEVER allow Bernie to become the democrat nominee. You poor simple minded gullible democrat voters are laughable.
Congrats to Bernie! CNN won’t say it. Won’t even give you a proper headline for your win
Why are we talking about the person who got 3rd?
Because CNN is Fox News for Liberals.
This news may be true but I can’t believe ANYTHING CNN says anymore.
“Talk less about policy and more about Trump”
What? No… hell no.. why eve… just… no
Who woulda thought Bernie win despite all your efforts?
…anyone familiar with his platform and his personal and political history.
Imagine if Bernie had even a fraction of the positive puff surrounding Pete and Amy, and more importantly without all the smears and negative treatment he’s gotten from MSM.
@Justin Gates clearly you are not .
Understand , bernie got 26% of the democratic vote .
For the challenged , that shows 74% of democrats are against him .
Warren who was leading coming in dropped like a rock , why ? Oh that’s right , she explained how the plans were to be paid for . The people spoke loudly . NO !
Warren’s plans are bernie plans wearing a dress .
Free everything doesn’t work anywhere in the world , never has . The masses are acutely aware and will never vote for a communist like Bernie who would need to tax the working people at near 70% .
How stupid can you be ? Do you really think business is going to stay in America with crushing taxation ? Answer , NO ! They will clearly move to friendlier environments , other countries as historical record shows .
Where in the hell do you think bernies massive government is going to get the taxes from when business leaves ? You know , just like Venezuela . Who’s platform was word for word Bernie Sanders .
Wake up and start to think objectivity , reasonably . Do elementary research into the comrade Bernie . I can tell you if you do , you’ll stop supporting this fool in one second
The democrat establishment, the DNC, the Super-delegates will NEVER allow Bernie to become the democrat nominee. You poor simple minded gullible democrat voters are laughable.
CNN tried so hard to spin a win into a lose……
C’mon people! Get excited about a candidate with no vision for the future!!!
@Richard Hammonds Caps Lock, far left.
If his support for Health Care for All is not a good reason, than your never had someone die, just because they could not afford the cure. Americans are dying, just because they refuse to leave nothing but debt, to there kids. Actually under our system, you would get a large unpayable debt, if you contracted the Coronavirus.
@George Petlowany He might need a reminder to take his pills, too.

No one can beat Bernie, he knows what he’s talking about..
CNN: “We’d like you to vote for the benchwarmers not the starting varsity.”
Richard M ………… Klobuchar is a 1950’s era dull ‘stability’ Republican . Repo-Lite Democratic designated loser for the corporate DNC .
CNN: „Look at Biden! He is able to breath without any machine“!!!
CNN will have to pay their fair share soon, Bernie 2020!
lmao “Yeah, Bernie has more votes, but!!! Do we need someone with LESS votes to beat Trump…??”
Come on, CNN.
Their point is that Bernie can get all Democrat votes, but Biden can get that and some Republican votes that Bernie wouldn’t see.
@Tony Tannoury they didnt say that. They barely mentioned biden at all.