Brexit seemed to be firmly back on track Thursday after an initial exit poll suggested his Conservative Party was on course to secure a large majority — 86 seats — in the House of Commons.
The exit poll, conducted for the UK's main broadcasters, predicted the Conservatives would win 368 seats, well ahead of Labour's 191. The Scottish National Party is projected to win 55 seats, with the Liberal Democrats securing 13.
#CNNI #News
Exit poll suggests Boris Johnson will be next UK prime minister

On Aug. 19, 2016, Arron Banks had just scored a huge win. From relative obscurity, he had become the largest political donor in British history by pouring millions into Brexit. Now he had something else that bolstered his standing as he sat down with his new Russian friend, Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko: his team’s deepening ties to Trump’s insurgent presidential bid in the US. A major Brexit supporter, Steve Bannon, had just been installed as chief executive of Trump’s campaign. And Banks and his fellow Brexiteers had been invited to attend a fundraiser with Trump in Mississippi.
Less than a week after the meeting with the Russian envoy, Banks and firebrand Brexit politician Nigel Farage — by then a cult hero among some anti-establishment Trump supporters — were huddling privately with the Republican nominee in Jackson, Miss., where Farage wowed a foot-stomping crowd at a Trump rally.
Banks’s journey from a lavish meal with a Russian diplomat in London to the raucous heart of Trump country was part of an unusual intercontinental charm offensive by the wealthy British donor and his associates, who dubbed themselves the “Bad Boys of Brexit.” Their efforts to simultaneously cultivate ties to Russian officials and Trump’s campaign captured the interest of investigators in the UK and the US.
Both inquiries center on questions of Russia’s involvement in seismic political events that have shaken the world order, with the European Union losing a key member and U.S. voters electing a president critical of Washington’s traditional alliances. In Britain, revelations about Banks’s Russian contacts triggered scrutiny of whether the Russians sought to bolster the Brexit effort.
In the fall of 2015, during UKIP’s annual convention at the Doncaster racecourse several hours north of London, Wigmore, a Farage confidant, met a Russian diplomat named Alexander Udod, who then helped arrange a lunch for the UKIP leaders with the Russian ambassador, Yakovenko. (Udod was one of 23 suspected Russian intelligence officers ejected from Britain after the nerve agent attack against Sergei Skripal, a Russian double agent, and his adult daughter, in Salisbury in south England.)
Banks and Wigmore said they were interested not only in briefing the Russians on Brexit, but also in seeking possible Russian backers for their various offshore investments, including banana plantations in Belize..
Lmao fake news
The LIBS lost (landslide) because they went too far left, had an unpopular candidate and tried to undo the 2016 election result??!…
Sounds familiar?;)
Deplorable Centrist, Stating facts to issue making people isn’t crying.
I guess the labor party can spend fours years impeaching johnson😉
Oh dear…😂
It’s not “he will be”, it’s “he will continue to be”
its all a brexit vote and the same lies as before.
looks like a trump lies like a trump.
RogerUSA Gen Zers are seen as predominantly liberal Democrat, typical of the young in previous generations. But unlike earlier generations, self-identified Gen Z Republicans skew more closely to center or left than earlier generations of young Republicans, according to Pew.
My generation is not predominantly “conservative”
CNN will have to push socialism harder, people aren’t buying it.
The queen is coming to mortal kombat as DLC!
that’s right folks…
REPTILE is playable again!
@Elli Jelly the queen gives iguanas a bad name.
BoJo says and I quote him “F**k Business”. Somehow the stock market sees this as a good PM for the UK?
Hope somebody gives him a hairbrush before he gets in front of a camera…. the media is good at making people look stupid.
Now will he release the embarrassing results of that investigation?
Just Impeachment him for Russian collusion
The future: the United Kingdom of English Neighborhoods and India.
Scotland will now leave ( a no longer ) “United” Kingdom
@Flavius Stilicho they won’t survive buddy they need England and what’s wrong with caring about your own people. Stop being a fucking cuck
@Dan Fuchs ahahah fucking Bullshit mate, they said that when the referendum vote came in, just like the uSA said about Trump, the USA was doomed and their economy would go to hell, bullshit. The British people are better than that and the only reason the EU wants them is because of how good our economy is, wasters like you need to get a life and get over it. Are you German, if so look to what happened when Hitler thought we would falter!
@John Clague Did you just…. generalize the current German population’s perception to…. Hitler’s?
@John Clague I’m from USA and I can’t disagree with. Rock on.
@Ryan Tan u missed it dude
As unpopular as Johnson is, Labour’s Corbyn is even more loathed. Hopefully the opposition party goes through some serious restructuring as a result of this defeat.
Well, I sure hope they start blaming the Russians. Again.
Notice they are actually carrying around and counting Paper Ballots! Brexit would never pass with Electronic Voting.
Russia has nothing to do with it. It’s the mental health system that is to blame.
The phrase “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” really comes to mind with all of these allegations of Russian interference.
US election: Russians
Brazilian election: Russians
Australian election: Russians
UK election: Russians
Damn you Putin!!!!
@Rich Smith He’s everywhere, he’s everywhere!!!!!
CNN failed again.
Wonder how many libs are crying. Please someone make a YouTube video.
It would be useful before commenting to know what you are actually on about, Lib’s or the Liberal Democrats are the UK’s third party and were never in a position to win.
@Robert Draper libs as in leftists.
It’s like a football match for you isn’t it
I wonder if British libtard tears are as delectable as American ones?
CNN: Sun suggests day
the left just keep losing haha, this is gonna be the next us election just watch. Trump will annihilate the demorats next year lmfao
John Rod I don’t recall any democrats running that are against full term abortion.
@John Rod The next election is going to be terrible for you.
Spread the word. Viktor shokin the prosecutor fired gives sworn testimony to an Austrian court testifying that Biden interfered in the burisma investigations.
How long before Putin is blamed for stealing the UK election?
Up yours, CNN.
Also, TRUMP 2020!
This is what happens when lefties do not respect and fight against the will of the people
Islam and Sadiq “Part and Parcel” Khan’s time is coming to an end in the UK soon. Congratulations Brits. 🚫👳🏿♂️🚫
That’s a a Sikh Emoji bastard remove it.
Boris may be conservative, but he’s no islamaphobic bigot like you