Human rights groups fear the worst for the dissident journalist detained while traveling on a Ryanair flight after another Belarusian activist, Witold Ashurok, died in custody, suggesting abuse. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports. #CNN #News
Exclusive report on death of activist suggests abuse

Remember when we used to kill dictators?
@Kewlzter TC “Get off their butts?” I guess you aren’t aware of the many protests that have been happening in Belarus? Once a dictator is in power it’s almost impossible to get rid of them. Of course it’s our business. We are all part of the same world. If the US was in trouble, you wouldn’t want one of our allies to be aware and help? If you don’t think a dictatorship couldn’t happen here, events of the last 5 years should open your eyes to how vulnerable we are. Your logic is extremely narrow and sad. There is life outside of the US borders.
@Callsign Starbuck Viper Dragon So you’re an Imperialist.
Before 2020 we didn’t elect them either.
@M A more technologically advanced cultures should uplift less advanced ones, and yes, resources are a human and global thing, not a local or tribal one.
The human race needs resources, I don’t believe in one country or people getting to hoard a resource, even knowledge.
Don’t care if you don’t like that, but some humans are like toddlers and need mature people to handle their affairs for them, as they are incompetent
Why is the volume so low?
Lukashenko is no different from Assad. Take him out.
How are Lukashenko and Assad alike?
@Wolfgang Flywheel both are good friends with Obama.
Has Lukashenko ethnically cleansed Belarus? Has he used chemical weapons on his own people? No. So, while a vile tyrant, he’s still not as bad as Assad.
@Deborah Freedman You are aware that Assad using chemicals on his own population is debunked.
Besides nobody found evidence supporting Assad conducted the gassing. Sort of like the WMD that were never found in Iraq.
Cut the Russian pipelines coming out of Belarus.
Old Fake Joe won’t like that.
That would be an environmental catastrophe. Are there alternatives?
@Ars Longa crush them closed.
Jamtommy shut up fake tommy
dictatorships will do anything and can. vote blue in 22
why blue, what does voting blue get you exactly?
Blue are the dictators numb one.
Blue = Depression
This is what happens when you have a wannabe dictator who hates democracy/freedom in the WH for 4 years.
And the four years after that, if we all keep working on it.
And we’re only four months into our sentence.
Remember when violence never produced afterlives? Are you ready/allowed to mention that in the mainstream media? No? Why i$ that?

I like to follow CNN news
– “Fear Sells”

– “We are Propaganda” – CharLie Chester (cnn)
Where’s Charlie?? It’s not gonna go away!!
#ExposeCNN ProJect VeriTas owned you guys!

Lol project veritas
@My True Crime Library it’s hard to deny the evidence when producers from CNN are on film bragging about spreading propaganda.
@Dixon Uranus like every other station in existence?
@The Cheese Factor only CNN’s producer was filmed bragging bout deceiving the public with COVID-19 propaganda. There’s no way to spin this.
Lord Have Mercy on all those people that says they are Managers going around scamming people, I was scammed 6 times until I met Mrs Patricia Thornton she traded for me and returned my Profit without any Percentage, she has really been a good help to me in settling my debts.
Shut them down, end all civil and commercial avaition
Cancel all flights in and out of Belarus and Russia. Its time.
I totally agree. Enough is enough now with these criminal states. Trump’s favorite types of countries.
@vasily202 who is president and why do you keep invoking Trump?
No ban China and avoid China virus 2.0
The rest of the world: Could you stop using other countries leaders as puppets, Mr. Putin? You failed to get the Cheeto President re-elected and you’ve got a country full of people who hate you. Give it up and face the music before you start WW3 to stay in power.
There is such kind of a torture in russian and belarus prison – the prisoner is not allowed to sit and must stand for 20 hours a day – if seats he is beaten by the guards.
Russian state system is worse than nazi regime.
World War 3 should just happen already.
Oh my God the things people have to go through hate and anger is a powerful emotion but must we live our lives to kill one another