Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks says the company is working closely with Health Canada and despite claims by opposition politicians we aren't at the 'back of the line' for the vaccine.
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Crimes against humanity.
There are no vaccines, they are injection frauds treating mild symptoms of a disease with a 99.8% survival rate with genetic engineering technology and nanoparticles.
This is so exciting! And I know you’re all just as every bit excited as I am! Rejoice, Canada! Here come my syringes of love!
Did he sell of his stocks as well?
Haven’t cured the flu in 100 years but solve c19 in 6mths it’s a miracle
They cure the flu every year, it just mutates
Revelation 6:8

Wear Mask, Wash Hands, & Keep Your Distance of 6 feet
…A dangerous pestilence
Btw, Moderna was apart of Trump admin’s Operation Warp Speed. Regardless on where you sit on the political spectrum, credit must be given where it is due.
I pray we can’t catch anything from those stupid enough to take this poison..
will he vaccined his children with these eugenist therapy genic ?