Exclusive Interview with Jamaican Teen Scammer | TVJ News – April 12 2022

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  1. when him say him jus start and have millions, its wrong in everyway but coming from cant buy food to be able to buy cars its a tricky thing to stop

    1. The only down fault is the lifestyle that comes with it. But the work is the same as any telecommunications activity

  2. It is a choice indeed. A hard choice to make but it’s still a choice and every choice comes with consequences. Lord have mercy on our children!

  3. His mother and aware and benefits from the proceeds, so she is complicit in his activities. Should anything happen to the youth I wonder if she will be the first one on the news balling out. It’s can be rough but what is the lifespan on these youths doing these activities?

  4. Mr professor why don’t you go to one of those supermarket and get a job there? Someone has to do it anyway

  5. This comment section show why crime is so high in Jamaica too many overgrown children.

    And Jamaica will forever be an underachieving nation.

  6. scamming is no different from drug dealing mess up people life same way.All that crap comes with hard time behind bars

  7. Not even the professor knows the answer. He can only give his expert opinion based on theories. Guess what theories are not cast in stone.

  8. Most of these Jamaican parents know exactly what their children are involved in and they endorse it so when dem pickney dead young why bawl???????

  9. Person’s in high authority have to in there minds that is who isn’t working or other wise less fortunate turn to lottery scamming, in 1998 when the scamming started it was done by almost every worker who was working at the first two call centers operation in Jamaica namely English Sports and Olimpia Sports and from there it took off in almost every community around western Jamaica

  10. Anthony you should be speaking to the parents also. Parents should ensure that these kids go to school.

  11. Okay just remember the poor man scamm an the big official fraud in Jamaica on the disc Colonial system remember Jamaica is a paradise so beautiful in the in the eyes of the oppressor but the mail or female that has a high school education is at risk so who is to be blamed

  12. This is sad, no parental guidance, no opportunity for their future, we are failing our kids. Is it worth it though. And for the people getting scammed, who can you blane but yourselves SMH.

  13. I’m telling you now that it’s politics that has led the country in the present direction it is in

    And laugh or smile if you may
    It’s gonna take a ARM AND A LEG to reverse this condition

  14. Are you familiar with Delano Tucker from Guys Hill High School? If that guy managed to acquire several CSEC subjects regardless of the dilapidated conditions he was living in then anyone with the ability to learn can do it. Crime is always a choice, no one should choose it.

  15. The greed and inequity in the island especially in government is causing the weak minded to turn to unjust gains. Survival is a basic need of all living thing and the greed and corruption in Jamaica is making it harder and harder for the average person to survive. So don’t put all the blame on the people, because the government is chief in the corruption and injustice in the country.

  16. Nobody in the family don’t have to be criminals, society cause this because I have a son that is trying hard and keep getting disappointment and I have to be trying hard to convince him and keep supporting him. Trust me it break him bad when he was turn away from the army.
    Most of the youths don’t have anyone to help them and then turn around can’t get a job.

  17. When you look on it this young man is no different from the politicians that are doing nothing much for this country s growth but reaping a huge salary and way over pension age and still working for a strong and healthy man in government organization have to leave and a buck shuffle to survive .

  18. As the stated that the mother is aware of this, what kind of mother would bring a child into the world and depend on him to take care of her and the family, and he still a child, the parents are the cause of most of these scamming making the kids feel guilty because of greed and lazy.

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