Ex-US cyber chief reacts to Russian oligarch’s post about election interference

Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Kremlin-linked oligarch known as "Vladimir Putin's chef," appears to admit to Russian interference in US elections in a Telegram post, saying that Russia has interfered, is interfering and will continue to interfere in the US democratic process. Former senior Homeland Security official Christopher Krebs joins CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss. #CNN #News

Ex-US cyber chief reacts to Russian oligarch's post about election interference


    1. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

    1. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

    1. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

    2. Wake up,Americans. Don’t be gullible. Do your homework before you vote. Terrorist countries want to ruin our democracy. Denounce them
      with a vengeance.

  1. Bobb is the fool who signed an affidavit saying that all the documents at Mar a Lardo had been returned. She at least had enough sense to add on that affadavit that she was relying on what others told her.

    1. @Matthew Von Miller *NO NEW DRILLING*
      Brandon, the day before midterms when the entire east coast has a critically low supply of diesel. Are you sure he’s not shilling *FOR MAGA* candidates to win? Good luck getting your greenlife groceries and mocha latte 🤣
      or gasoline to petrol stations 😕
      or humanitarian medical supplies 😞
      or passage of more globalist gibbs 🤑

    2. @Matthew Von Miller *BIG BANKS BACK BIDEN HARRIS* CNBC 7/25/19.
      Interesting how you support Wall St billionaires who are in it for the DNC kickbacks.
      The gruesome twosome from Commifornia don’t stand a chance VonShiller

    3. Letter to Titus 2: 1-8 / 11-14.
      Preach what is consistent with sound science:
      that old people should be sober, stable, prudent people, characterized by sound faith, love and patience.
      Similarly, elderly women should be as modest as possible outwardly, avoid gossip and slander, not be drunk with wine, and teach others to do good.
      Let them teach young women how to love their husbands, children,
      how they are to be wise, clean, economical, good, subject to their husbands – that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
      Also admonish young men to be moderate;
      in everything, set an example of good deeds by your own conduct, show righteousness and seriousness in teaching,
      a sound, impeccable speech, so that the opponent would yield with shame, unable to say anything bad about us.
      For the grace of God has appeared that brings salvation to all people
      and instructs us to renounce the wickedness and desires of the world, to live in this world with wisdom and justice,
      waiting for the blessed hope and the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to be revealed,
      who gave himself up for us to redeem us from all unrighteousness and cleanse a people chosen for his own, eager to do good works.
      Psalms 37 (36), 3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29.
      Trust in the Lord and do what is right
      and you will live on earth and live in safety.
      Rejoice in the Lord,
      and He will fulfill the desires of your heart.

      The Lord knows the days of honesty,
      and their heritage will endure forever.
      The Lord strengthens man’s steps,
      on a road that is nice to him.

      Turn away from evil and do good,
      so that you can survive forever.
      The righteous will inherit the earth
      and they will live there forever.
      Gospel according to St. Luke 17: 7-10.
      Jesus said: “Who among you, having a servant who plows or grazes, will say to him when he returns from the field,” Come now, and sit down to table? ”
      Wouldn’t she rather say to him, “Prepare a supper for me, gird yourself and serve me until I eat and drink, and then you eat and drink”?
      Is he grateful to the servant for having done what he was told to do?
      So also you, when you have done all that you have been commanded, say, “We are useless servants; we have done what we should do ”».
      Excerpt from the liturgical translation of the Millennium Bible, © Pallottinum Publishing House

      St. Augustine (354 – 430)
      Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church

      Sermons to the Gospel of John, 14.5
      Humble service
      Before the coming of the Lord Jesus, people were boasting of themselves. He came as a man so that the glory of man would decrease and the glory of God increased. Because he came without sin and found us all sinners. If He came to forgive sins it is because God is merciful: man should acknowledge it. Because human humility is gratitude, and God’s greatness is His mercy.
      If he has come to forgive a man’s sins, let man, then, realize his littleness and that God acts with mercy. “He must increase and I must decrease” (Jn 3:30). It means that He needs to give and I need to receive. He must receive glory and I must acknowledge it. Let man understand where he belongs, let him acknowledge God, and hear what the apostle Paul says to a proud and conceited man who exults: “What have you that you would not receive? And if you did, why do you boast as if you didn’t? ” (1 Cor 4: 7) Let the man who called his own what does not belong to him; understand that he has received this and humble himself, because it is good for him to be glorified in him. Let him humble himself so that God may grow in him.

  2. You give the Russians way too much Credit. It is the Chinese you need to worry about…….Not…., Russia, Russia, Russia…

  3. Vote counting is not immediate in the US… In fact by law Pennsylvania will not start to count mail in ballots until 1 day after the election. So they won’t even start counting those until 10pm on Wednesday at the earliest. And that was a law introduced by Republicans. Arizona which is sparsely populated traditionally takes over a week to announce results.

    Moreover some of the people claiming the results must be produced quickly, within 24 hours, are the same Republicans that actaully voted for mail in ballots to have to wait 24 hours before being counted. It was their law… so if there are any delays at least they know who to blame!

    But Americans should count themselves lucky… or rather unlucky. Americans have a first past the post electoral system… which is pretty much not a democratic system. Here is why -:

    Imagine a fictional election with the following results.
    Candidate A : 25%
    Candidate B : 35%
    Candidate C : 40%

    Okay who wins this election?
    Well ‘Candidate C’ right? and yet 60% of the electorate did not vote for Candidate C…

    But that’s okay I hear you say… in the US there are only ever two candidates… well that may be… but also not very democratic because its one political party short of a one party state! Also not true since President Clinton won an election with less than 50% of the popular vote… becasue Ross Perot also ran. The result were :

    Clinton 43.0%
    Bush 37.5%
    Perot 18.9%

    So 57% of Americans did not vote for Clinton… yet he won.

    Now when I turn up in a voting booth here in Ireland I generally get more than 10 votes… and I list each candidate in order of my preference… I can vote for every single candidate if I like from 1 to 10… or however many are running. That also means it sometimes takes weeks for a result to emerge.

    1. Because Americans are told every day, from the cradle to the grave, that they are “the greatest country on earth” they aren’t going to be even thinking about reviewing their obsolete political system any time soon.

    2. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

    3. I wish there would be ranked choice here in US, and get rid of the electoral college votes! One person, one vote!

    4. Today is the day! The Democrat House of Cards fall in! Too many millions of people have been awakened from the Democrat Matrix. The gig is up! Pelosi is fired today!🇺🇸 🦅

  4. This is an old Russian story about Yevgeny Prigogine. They write on the Internet that Russians have a button in public services for participating in US elections)

    1. they interferred by endorsing trump and split US by this through toxic violence.. when did all your real intern problems started? with trump in politics. he won this already, you have the MAGA problem now. so youre right: this is old, but was succesfull. and the todays state is a direct outcome of that

    2. My favorite is seeing blue straps individual frozen reaching for the sky😆Well not frozen, just a little burnt

    3. If / When you have money, health or “natural” disaster problems or if / when you are somehow affected by traffic accidents, traffic jams at some point, somewhere, then think of me, share my posts and my pages!

      Be sure to read my comments under my first videos completely via laptop or PC!
      Be sure to read my contributions, posts, comments under my first videos thoroughly, maybe no longer visible via phone app because they intentionally set it that way! Use laptop or PC!

    4. Today is the day! The Democrat House of Cards fall in! Too many millions of people have been awakened from the Democrat Matrix. The gig is up! 🇺🇸 🦅

    5. What the Russian people have condoned in Russia under Putin inevitably lead to the war against Ukraine.
      For decades Russians have allowed Putin to cement his power to the point where now even Russian youths lives are now in danger. Very sad for a once great nation.

  5. Getting election ‘news’ through social media is a fool’s errand.
    Best to just avoid those founts of misinformation and clickbait altogether.

    1. Today is the day! The Democrat House of Cards fall in! Too many millions of people have been awakened from the Democrat Matrix. The gig is up! Pelosi is fired today!🇺🇸 🦅

  6. “Gentlemen we have interfered, are interfering and will interfere. Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way, as we know how to do”

    – Yevgeny Progozhin social media post 2022
    Charged in 2018 by US along with other Russian nationals with operating a covert social media campaign to forment discord and divide American public opinion ahead of 2016 election.

    1. The dictatorship would be weakened if President Biden brought back U.S. weapons left in Afghanistan to the Ukrainian government, but now tens of billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment are in the hands of the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban, President Biden will hand over weapons to Taliban terrorists, and U.S. government suicide drones have also been handed over to the Iranian government by Democrats

    2. That is not the problem at all, because the security agencies are aware o f this. The biggest problem is the Republican electorate does not care about this information. Russia is no longer an enemy, but the Democrats. Trump’s campaign is known to have received a lot of help from the Russians, yet he has gone out and said Putin and Russian are good people. And his electorate are happy with that statement. Just nuts.

  7. 3:18 “the fastest tends to be 8 to 9 days”. Maybe go up to Canada and find out how to run an election.

  8. 5:40-6:40 ~ The visitor basically said the blue tick on Twitter means we should trust everything you say and now since you pay for it it’s lost its value. THE F@#&! 🤣🤣 Blue ticks aren’t that deep my man. I’ve not and have never just trusted someone since the begin of Twitter because of their little sticker🤣🤣 Let’s be grown about this.

    1. @Bongani Madlala you don’t get hacked on a Youtube address unless you allow yourself to follow what you see in the video and go outside YT you going to be hacked you egg

  9. Russia and china and all dectatership regims around the world want USA democracy to fail if USA fails all democractic countries will fall down 👇 so I hope USA security response be ready for the challenge.. from Sudan Africa 🌍💞🇺🇲

  10. I hope Musk’s Twitter followers don’t take his advice and bote Republican. That would be a disaster.

  11. I’m not sure how a supposed lawyer (trumps) can expect a count to happen by the middle of the night.
    Great interview. Great guest.

    1. It’s all in their playbook. The GOP says that any votes that come in after election day are illegitimate. This is convenient for them as most mail in ballots are counted later and
      a lot are Democratic voters. This is nonsense so get the word out that it’s not over until it’s over

    2. Today is the day! The Democrat House of Cards fall in! Too many millions of people have been awakened from the Democrat Matrix. The gig is up! Pelosi is fired today! 🇺🇸 🦅

    1. It’s not who votes, but who counts them.
      Or who works in the centres. Clearly no one voted for a trashed economy, inflation, taxes, gas/oil problems etc…
      Except people that don’t have to pay bills..

  12. Acording to the law it is illegal to lie in a selling ad. Why is it not illegal to lie in a political ad. Why is it not illegal to lie in a political speech. This is perverting the the freedom od speach…..

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