Ty Cobb, who was former President Donald Trump's attorney in the White House, believes that Trump won't be able to argue "willful blindness" to defend his actions on January 6 and that Congress has enough evidence to disqualify him from ever holding office. #CNN #News
Ex-Trump White House lawyer says Congress should disqualify Trump

Not only Trump. Several of his close allies in the seditious conspiracy were in congress. They too should be barred from office. They should all be jailed, along with the lawyers and influencers involved. Also, those given pardons by Trump on related charges should have those rescinded, and do the time.
@MDM That is blue drats crap.
The Congressman involved in 1/6 (MTG, Boerbert, Cruz, Hawley, etc.) also need to be disqualified. We have been way to slow in this!
@Kelly Goines 6 FNG YEARS
“It’s no longer a question of if the Former American President is a Traitor, but rather if Republican voters are still Americans.”
@H well that’s why the trial should be in Washington DC where the crime was committed.
@Cassidy Johnson there is no account for stupidity… Can you say cognitive dissonance? I bet you can you probably just don’t understand it.
No truer words have ever been spoken.
There was a time when I would have vote for a Republican based on the issues but today there is not one Republican left I would vote for. They all are living in a different reality.
“I just want 11,780 votes, and Big Mac, Large Fries, Milk Shakes., and Diet Coke”
@Star Shine What is the disgusting thing republican’s represent? Your story is a little ehh not sure
Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. This is the same defense Alex Jones is trying to use. “I believed I was right” is no defense!
@Brian James Correct.
Just because you believe its true doesn’t make it so.
You have to prove what crime took place.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Maybe they have enough?
@Richard Patik
I Don’t think he is lying…
I Really think he believes everything he says…
Or, it was just my opinion so no one in their right mind would believe it to be fact. Key words right mind.
It does not matter if prosecuting Trump is good or not, if he committed a crime he should be prosecuted.
@Anne Walden

we he is coming back whether you like it or not
Reminder: The day we no longer hear Trump’s name or hear his voice or see Trump Jr., Eric or Ivanka, will be the happiest days of our life
@doris affissio “The House investigating” is like watching idiocracy. Once you remove reason and logic, it just becomes low-quality theater.
@Arthur Foyt You seem to know all about reason and logic.
@Arthur Foyt Oh I forgot, thank you for making America great again. Reason and logic, hmmm.
@Terrell McLendon , name the crime please?
….the name of the WICKED will ROT…
When your previous defense attorney has nothing but bad things to say about you, you are a horrible person.
@Joe Davis Why thank you MR. Davis or you a long lost brothers. Don’t be mad. I no when you don’t agree with liberals. They have a hissy fit but it’s america so i respect your opinion have a good day
@The Owl
AAAAAAMEN JOE!……….and this trump guy is a classic hot mess.
@ecoasis1 MAGA 2024
Any other person would have been charged by now. To ignore this man and not hold him accountable- well u can see where that has gotten us thus far. He will become more emboldened dangerous and an even greater threat to democracy.
“I just want 11,780 votes, and Big Mac, Large Fries, Milk Shakes., and Diet Coke”
@The Owl

But if they move too quickly and don’t have all their eyes dotted and teeth crossed they run the risk of Donald Trump getting off.
@Program Files™ yes run away , from from the state’s , go and live with Puttin .
@Grogu like MEXICO paying 2building a wall
I couldn’t get a job picking up trash if I had the amount of legal baggage and jeopardy trump’s got.
International disgrace this dude is a possible president.
Epstein still holds sway…
The pressure on state election officials also implicates people like Lindsey Graham. I wish they’d get on with it and deal with everyone who took part.
@Lisa Blizzard seriously. You believe that? OK.
@lkayh believe what? Chat all mixed up.
Perhaps we need a requirement that any person running for a state or federal position be required to pass a test of their knowledge of the Constitution. Maybe the same test required of immigrants trying to obtain citizenship. Why should we expect less of the officials supposedly representing us?
@Thomas Best no. No i didn’t..
@Jon Munch did you say that looking in the mirror?
@Elaine Burnett end of quote repeat the line ..
When your lawyers lawyers need lawyers and other lawyers you’ve had in the past turn against you… Yeah you’re guilty.
Your logic is flawed
@just because keep trying
CNN asked Biden if he prefers boxers or briefs.
Joe (whispered) “ Depends.”
Congress, take heed: 14th Amendment, Article 3 disqualifiesTrump from ever holding office
Why not act alone, to get the whole lot?
And some Congress members as well!
He loves living in a gated community… let’s give him one!!!
Completely guarded!! Free orange jumpsuit!!!
More Are Going Away
Last fight https://youtu.be/A3Xk9-Znf40
He did always want a wall. Let’s give him 3 walls and a American made steel door.
In this country we keep hearing that nobody is above the law. It’s time to PROVE that.
@John Watt That’s a stupid question. Trump did EXACTLY what he said he would do, which is appoint a Special Council to take the witch down. That Special Council is John Durham.
They were all complicit to the end, hold them all accountable, shameful indeed!!!!
OK president DONALD Trump EMRICEN prizident and WORLD OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
Last fight https://youtu.be/A3Xk9-Znf40
After what happened on January 6th, Trump should have been disqualified on January 7th.
Last fight https://youtu.be/A3Xk9-Znf40
David J, we’re where we are in 2022 because he shouldn’t have been allowed to run for president in 2016. Lindsey Graham’s words will live in infamy:”if we nominate Donald Trump for President,we will be destroyed. And we will deserve it.”
@Hope and Peace

“How many crimes do you need?” For the rest of us regular folks, only one is sufficient, but when you are a big piece of filth wealthy billionaire with lots of mob style connections, there is no limit to how many crimes you can commit and not only run around free, but also run for office. SICKENING. What happened to our country?
@Bruin Gold Thanks for lying to me
@Silver Forest You’re right & we’re still waiting
I understand wheelsof justice turn slow but this is like molasses going up hill in the winter 
@steven boltz Hi Steven So far there are 6 crimes he can be charged with & a possibly 2 more crimes, if the DOJ can move it along…
Exactly right. DOJ must charge Trump asap. Everyday that he spits out his crazy speak leads are nation to a darker and darker place where there is no hope for freedom.