Former Trump acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney discusses his reaction to Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony before the January 6 committee and his view of former Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.
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Ex-Trump official: Meadows would be least credible January 6 witness

Remembering that this whole mess is because one narcissist couldn’t accept that he lost and a bunch of cynical politicians realized they could use his psychopathy for their own cynical purposes.
@CaneFu you can admit you were wrong about Biden… it’s okay
You still believe Trump won after so many Republicans said he didn’t. You’re just as crazy as 45 is
He said he didn’t have the evidence so how are you still convinced 45 won when no evidence shows it. What is the evidence that 45 won?
So annoying
Never forget that all of these people in Trump’s circle helped him. Testifying does not remove that.
go back and read your comment
“Who is Trump. Haven’t heard of him. He was low level. Serviced our copy machines.” – Mick Mulvaney
No need to ask that now…CNN and MSNBC say the man’s name more than his wife.
@Allen Talley Which makes perfect sense, since she sits in her separate bedroom waiting for hamberders and steak with ketchup to finish the job.
@Loyd Ingle

@Allen Talley And she only says ‘NO’.
Mick is the personification of projection.
That guy is full of it.
Mulvaney was, and always will be a lackey. Nothing above that.
He studied under Putin.
He should just go away, what a waste of an interview.
Maybe for you and all that ‘like’ this comment, but what he says makes sense. Sorry , like Trump, you can’t handle the truth.
This guy wants to speak now?? He was there when other shadiness was happening. This guy could be saying stuff now but sure kept his mouth shut while ishhh was going on. Nobody should care what he says, I never liked him. Like I said, waste of an interview.
@Alison Lambert What truth? The way he threw Cheney under the bus because she put the Constitution ahead of a political agenda unlike him?
This guy just drips BS. He lied for Trump for so long he doesn’t even know how not to.
I don’t know why they even have him on. He reeks.
He got into the game as a lying member of the Teabag Party, now he is turning on his “friends”. No loyalty to his country…just to himself.
He is a despicable character.
Get used to it!
Mulveney wouldn’t know what was BS and what wasn’t. 4 yrs of Trump and he couldn’t tell the difference till the end. Slow leaner?
Exactly. He has to listen to testimony because his own eyes and ears apparently were non functioning.
Liz Cheney is a conservative’s conservative if you look at her record. Holding the former president accountable for his actions is not a bias. It’s just the right thing to do. She is no liberal. She is no RINO. She is a conservative. There is no showboating going on. Mick is just having trouble getting the stink off. He doesn’t get to rewrite his role in all of this.
Just about everyone testifying is a conservative republican and directly from Trumps inner circle. So when they call them “RINO” or accuse them of being never Trumpers or deep state commies etc. it is straight up bullshit. Liz Cheney is not someone I would ever vote for due to her record and policies but I have to admit she is showing courage and principles. And that is very important qualities for our leaders to have regardless of party. The least we can expect and so few republicans have been showing it. A real shame for the country and world.
I don’t even know where to start with your ridiculous comment here, it’s just sad really…
@Robert Van Natta You talk too much.

You do that to avoid facing the reality.
Higher calling?
She’s at the top and about to lose it because she struck out at the King and missed.
This isn’t a good look for her.
But at least you’ll always defend her with long pedantic and verbose comments on YouTube.
I’ll bet that helps her sleep better at night as she destroys her dad’s legacy.
Pick a side, Mick! History is watching.
mclovin trying to walk both sides of the street .he is just another enabler on a rehab tour
Good thing he knows when he’s seeing “showboating”, since it perfectly describes his performance re: the committee heads
Mulvaney’s “credibility” is “0” – which makes it especially rich that he has the nerve to disparage Liz Cheney. She has more courage and character in her pinkie toenail, than he has ever possessed in his entire, miserable life. He’s out here trying to launder his “reputation” after selling his soul…sorry, but it just doesn’t work like that. Your forked tongue will always give you away, Mick.
I agree with every word you said.
She also has more balls than Mick. And I’m saying that as someone who does Not like Liz Cheney.
Mulvaney is managing to tie himself into knots as he’s trying to free himself from any blame.
VN I love you

The production of the hearings weren’t meant to engage politicians but apathetic Americans who need to know what happened on J6
Perhaps, and I don’t disagree, however a bunch of repugnacans have changed their tune a bit. Many even saying it’s over, melt the orange statues down to repurpose for our next insane, worst possibly imagined idol
Hopefully it does both.
Mick Mulvaney, one of the least believable Trump loyalists, has the audacity to throw shade at Liz Chaney, though her statements have been aligned with the facts being revealed. And where were you Mick, while Trump was running amok? You act like this is all some new revelation to you. Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black when the pot is way more black than the kettle. Unreal.
Mulvaney claimed that “everyone does it.” While excusing rump’s withholding funds to Ukraine so he could get a favor for the purpose of benefitting himself politically. He’s useless and does not deserve a voice in this.
Oh look, it’s Mulvaney on his rehabilitation tour. Lackey then, lackey now. He can’t shine Liz Cheney or Bennie Thompson’s shoes. He was all in right to the very end but let’s give him a platform now.
It’s truly amazing that Trump still has support after all this.
Why do you give Mulvaney time on the air? He’s such a Trumper and told us to get over it when Trump tried to hold money from Ukraine for political dirt on Biden. His opinion is mute and he has no credibility.
It helps to hear the other side. Even if it’s to verify that they are spouting more of the same BS.
@28th St. Air I certainly created a meme out of his putting a political agenda over the Constitution.
It’s sad that someone who lacks integrity like Mulvaney is allowed to repair his reputation by being asked to appear as a mainstream “talking head”. I didn’t wait for his comments, and I never will.
Honest great comment. Mulvaney is still granting cover. Casey interview people that have something to really give the American people
And he’s has been hired as a political analyst on CBS News
Waited and he didn’t hesitate in putting political agenda over the Constitution.
@edward edblackmon2005 I almost downvoted that vote because I hate that fact SOOOO Much!
He sat thru the dumpster fire of the Trump presidency and now wants to present himself as some stalwart for truth.
He did Not just sit through the Trump dumpster fire!
He actively added to it!
Give the man his credit!
These people amaze me. “The hearings aren’t over yet, it’s too early to make a call on it” how can they still pretend this sh*t didn’t happen and that they are not all responsible. Seriously
It’s what I call the “wiggle dance”.
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And encouraged.